[comp.windows.x] audio servers

geek@mit-amt.MEDIA.MIT.EDU (Chris Schmandt) (03/13/90)

In article <4840@crltrx.crl.dec.com> jg@max.crl.dec.com (Jim Gettys) writes:
>Before being so unpleasently nuked last month, Olivetti Research in Palo Alto
>was building a server called "VOX" which addressed these needs.
>I believe this is the correct course of action, until proven otherwise.  And
>there is no proof that audio is best done as part of the X server, at least

As one of the people who worked on VOX (fortunately, at this point,
as a consultant rather than an employee) I must second Jim's point.
Personally I think even VEX may have gone too far, in terms of devices
"beyond the screen", but that's another matter.

VOX strongly resisted the temptation to put audio into the "window system",
although we felt there was LOTS to learn and borrow from with the X
model.  You don't want to clutter X with audio responsibilities; managing
audio is very different from managing more-or-less-static graphics.
Similarly, the audio equivalent of the window manager is likely to
be very different.

However, the original poster was commenting on the need for synchronization
across media.  This is the best argument for supporting multiple media
in a single server process.  With multiple processes, coordination may
become difficult, both because of operating system scheduling of the
processes, as well as a potential need for server-to-server communication
or double round trips to the synchronizing client.

On the other hand, I would argue that the operating system most of us
work on just won't support the fine grained sync necessary for, say,
coordinating stimuli for an experiment, so kludging things on top of the
X server is not the way to go.  For much of the synchronization that
application developers will require I suspect that processors are just
getting fast enough that cross-media skew due to scheduling is likely
to be minimal.  There are all sorts of other solutions, involving
scheduling events according to some external time base, using
either absolute or relative time.  But enough said for now.


rusty@garnet.berkeley.edu (rusty wright) (03/13/90)

I know this isn't very interesting, but has anybody done anything so
that you can just do things like you can on the Macintosh; i.e. change
the beep to play a short audio file?  For example, I'd like to be able
to use the xset command to be able to specify a file to play whenever
XBell() is used.  (Presumably the server would load the file into
memory to cut down on disk access when beeping.)  I guess so far this
would only be possible on the SPARCstation 1 and the Next machine.

	rusty c. wright
	rusty@violet.berkeley.edu ucbvax!violet!rusty

marbru@auto-trol.UUCP (Martin Brunecky) (03/14/90)

    Audio Extension, Display Postscript Extension, Image Extension, PEX 
    Extension .....
    I believe we are at the point to reevaluate what are the extensions 
    for. Otherwise, the whole idea of the network transparency
    will disappear in myriad of extensions, each available on one server
    but not the others, with some servers becoming more complex that any
    operating system.

    It is time to start thinking about generic client-server protocol,
    server-server protocols, and about dedicated servers. 

=*= Opinions presented here are solely of my own and not those of Auto-trol =*=
Martin Brunecky                   marbru@auto-trol.COM
(303) 252-2499                    {...}ncar!ico!auto-trol!marbru
Auto-trol Technology Corp. 12500 North Washington St., Denver, CO 80241-2404 

klee@wsl.dec.com (Ken Lee) (03/14/90)

In article <776@auto-trol.UUCP>, marbru@auto-trol.UUCP (Martin Brunecky)
>     Audio Extension, Display Postscript Extension, Image Extension, PEX 
>     Extension .....
>     I believe we are at the point to reevaluate what are the extensions 
>     for. Otherwise, the whole idea of the network transparency
>     will disappear in myriad of extensions, each available on one server
>     but not the others

You have a good point, in that too many extensions is probably not a
good idea.  I think, however, that no extensions is also not a good
idea.  Extensions provide powerful features that are generally
inefficient or impossible to implement in the client.  Of course,
servers that do not support the extensions will not be able to
interoperate with clients requiring them, but there are lots of other
reasons a client will not work with a given server.  Some servers won't
have access to enough memory or to the right networks.  Some won't be
fast enough or have large enough screens.  Others won't support the
necessary visuals.  That's life.  The workstation market is not a
commodity market.

Limiting extensions to those that provide really useful functionality
is probably a good idea.  Making the specifications to the extensions
open so that anyone can use them is another good idea.  I think all the
extensions mentioned above (except the audio extension, which I don't
think anyone is really working on now anyway) are useful ideas with open
specifications.  PostScript is a de facto standard.  PEX is an
implementation of an ANSI standard.  The image extension is still being
studied, but there's probably a goal to make it compatible with the
developing ANSI standard.  The author of the X11R4 image extension
proposal is also chair of the ANSI image processing standards
committee.  I think extensions do have a place in the X world.

Ken Lee
DEC Western Software Laboratory, Palo Alto, Calif.
Internet: klee@wsl.dec.com
uucp: uunet!decwrl!klee

marbru@auto-trol.UUCP (Martin Brunecky) (03/15/90)

In article <3015@bacchus.dec.com> klee@decwrl.dec.com writes:
>You have a good point, in that too many extensions is probably not a
>good idea.  I think, however, that no extensions is also not a good
>idea.  Extensions provide powerful features that are generally
>inefficient or impossible to implement in the client.  Of course,

  .... ( I did not want to say NO extensions )....

>Limiting extensions to those that provide really useful functionality
>is probably a good idea.  Making the specifications to the extensions
>open so that anyone can use them is another good idea.  I think all the
>extensions mentioned above (except the audio extension, which I don't
>think anyone is really working on now anyway) are useful ideas with open
	O.K. The problem I see is that all those really usefull
	extensions will make the server HUGE. Example is the XNeWs
        server, where people not using NeWs pay the penalty of
	the server support for NeWs, even though they don't use it.

	Another problem is extension loading/adding to the server.
	Most users will depend on vendor provided servers, with very
	little or no way to bind-in additional extensions, even though
	such extensions could be provided by the third party.

	The "big" extensions add a whole class of functionality.
	PEX, DisplayPostscript, XImage. The whole new dimension.
	Therefore, I would rather like to see such "extensions" as 
	specialized servers, activated where needed, living in
	separate address space. Since many extensions demand really
        efficient access to the X server, sharing lots of X window
	semantics, they need an efficient, (shared memory based?),
	low level  server-to-server protocol. 

	On the other hand, there are extensions which are more "fixes"
	or minor enhancements to the core protocol. SHAPE is an
	excellent example. Such extensions deserve their place
	in the X server, and I don't object to it.

=*= Opinions presented here are solely of my own and not those of Auto-trol =*=
Martin Brunecky                   marbru@auto-trol.COM
(303) 252-2499                    {...}ncar!ico!auto-trol!marbru
Auto-trol Technology Corp. 12500 North Washington St., Denver, CO 80241-2404 

evans@testmax.ZK3.DEC.COM (Marc Evans Ultrix Q/A) (03/15/90)

In article <780@auto-trol.UUCP>, marbru@auto-trol.UUCP (Martin Brunecky)
> 	The "big" extensions add a whole class of functionality.
> 	PEX, DisplayPostscript, XImage. The whole new dimension.
> 	Therefore, I would rather like to see such "extensions" as 
> 	specialized servers, activated where needed, living in
> 	separate address space. Since many extensions demand really
>         efficient access to the X server, sharing lots of X window
> 	semantics, they need an efficient, (shared memory based?),
> 	low level  server-to-server protocol. 
What if the *big* extensions used a shared library mechanism (assuming that the
host OS supports the capability)? This would potentially eliminate most of the
concerns that I see you raising. An example of one implementation which
does this
is DECs' VMS X Server. It isn't often that I recommend looking at a VMS system,
but this is one thing that I think they have the right idea for.

I must admit that having a full threads implementation on top of MACH could be
real interresting, and would allow for some real flexability in the area of how
an extension is fastened into the X server. Is anybody out there trying to put
the server into the threaded and/or MACH environment?

- Marc
Marc Evans - WB1GRH - evans@decvax.DEC.COM  | Synergytics    (603)893-8481
     Unix/X-window Software Contractor      | 3 Koper Ln, Pelham, NH 03076

jg@max.crl.dec.com (Jim Gettys) (03/15/90)

You are missing the point.  Audio has nothing to do with allocating screen
resources.  Only minimal coordination is actually needed with X.
What is more, audio is a real time operation; it is very hard (read
essentially impossible) to make real time guarantees in X.

On grounds of keeping X from collapsing from over extension, therefore,
unless some stronger grounds than just "it is a convenient server lying
the burden of proof is on people to show why it can't be done as a seperate

Jim Gettys
Digital Equipment Corporation
Cambridge Research Laboratory

john@acorn.co.uk (John Bowler) (03/16/90)

In article <RUSTY.90Mar12155001@garnet.berkeley.edu> rusty@garnet.berkeley.edu (rusty wright) writes:
>I know this isn't very interesting, but has anybody done anything so
>that you can just do things like you can on the Macintosh; i.e. change
>the beep to play a short audio file?  For example, I'd like to be able
>to use the xset command to be able to specify a file to play whenever
>XBell() is used.

I am also interested in this - if anyone is currently investigating an
extension to allow sound samples to be downloaded to the server to replace
the default behaviour of the bell I would be interested in cooperating.
Acorn's hardware has the ability to deal output 8-bit logarithmic sound
samples; our native operating system uses this to allow the bell to be
reprogrammed in the way described and this sounds very popular :-).

>                  (Presumably the server would load the file into
>memory to cut down on disk access when beeping.)  I guess so far this
>would only be possible on the SPARCstation 1 and the Next machine.

Plus ARM based machines - unfortunately the current release of our Un*x
variant doesn't have the programmer's interfaces to drive the hardware.

I do *not* think the server is a suitable place for general sound output - any
program which does this will end up spending a large proportion of its time
synchronising the output unless the kernel facilities provided are very
sophisticated (large buffers, plus timing information, plus advice to the
program about buffer status).  In our interface the programmer just gives the
kernel a sample and waits for it to finish - not much use if you want to
draw wide intersecting lines with bevel joins at the same time :-)

John Bowler (jbowler@acorn.co.uk)

nazgul@alphalpha.com (Kee Hinckley) (03/19/90)

In article <780@auto-trol.UUCP> marbru@auto-trol.COM (Martin Brunecky) writes:
>	O.K. The problem I see is that all those really usefull
>	extensions will make the server HUGE. Example is the XNeWs
>	Another problem is extension loading/adding to the server.
>	Most users will depend on vendor provided servers, with very
>	little or no way to bind-in additional extensions, even though
>	such extensions could be provided by the third party.

Aren't all of these problems solved by simply having a server that
dynamically loads in extensions when they are requested?

| Alphalpha Software, Inc. | Voice/Fax: 617/646-7703 |   Home: 617/641-3805   |
| 148 Scituate St.         | Smart fax, dial number. |                        |
| Arlington, MA 02174      | Dumb fax, dial number,  |   BBS:  617/641-3722   |
| nazgul@alphalpha.com     | wait for ring, press 3. |   300/1200/2400 baud   |

black@yoyodyne..westford.ccur.com (Samuel (Opus) Black) (03/20/90)

In article <4872@crltrx.crl.dec.com> jg@max.crl.dec.com (Jim Gettys) writes:

>What is more, audio is a real time operation; it is very hard (read
>essentially impossible) to make real time guarantees in X.

Gee, that's what they said about UNIX a few years ago.  I'm currently working
on RealTimeX, and we'll see what happens...

		- sam

Once you remove the absurdity from human existence, there isn't much left.
		    /  _______/__	...!{decvax,uunet}!masscomp!black
		   /__/______/  /	black@westford.ccur.com
	  Concurrent /_________/
	Computer Corporation

hvr@kimba.Sun.COM (Heather Rose) (03/20/90)

In article <4872@crltrx.crl.dec.com> jg@max.crl.dec.com (Jim Gettys) writes:
>You are missing the point.  Audio has nothing to do with allocating screen
>resources.  Only minimal coordination is actually needed with X.
>What is more, audio is a real time operation; it is very hard (read
>essentially impossible) to make real time guarantees in X.

FYI:  someone at Sun did do an audio extension on SparcStation1.  They were
showing it at the SUG, and giving away the sources.  And the points
Jim makes about "real time" are very real.  The audio was often delayed
and spotty thus making it a neat demo but not a realistic application.

Heather Rose
Window Systems Group                      internet:  hrose@sun.com
Sun Microsystems, Inc.                        uucp:  ...!sun!hrose

don@CS.UMD.EDU (Don Hopkins) (03/21/90)

   Date: 18 Mar 90 19:13:29 GMT
   From: snorkelwacker!spdcc!tauxersvilli!alphalpha!nazgul@bloom-beacon.mit.edu  (Kee Hinckley)

   In article <780@auto-trol.UUCP> marbru@auto-trol.COM (Martin Brunecky) writes:
   >	O.K. The problem I see is that all those really usefull
   >	extensions will make the server HUGE. Example is the XNeWs
   >	Another problem is extension loading/adding to the server.
   >	Most users will depend on vendor provided servers, with very
   >	little or no way to bind-in additional extensions, even though
   >	such extensions could be provided by the third party.

   Aren't all of these problems solved by simply having a server that
   dynamically loads in extensions when they are requested?


Date: Thu, 4 Jan 90 14:35:13 -0500
To: NeWS-makers@brillig.umd.edu
Subject: Re: bogus arguments, whether pro or con
From: rws@expo.lcs.mit.edu (Bob Scheifler)

    Do I understand that NCR has a meta-extension for loading
    and unloading server extensions dynamically?

It has a mechanism, yes.  I don't know the implementation details.

    Is it in the form of a
    standard X extension that I could link into, say, an X11/NeWS server?

There is no notion of a "standard X extension", in terms of implementation
binaries or standardized internal interfaces, at least not right now.

    Or does it require server modification, and/or operating system

I would say most interesting X extensions (3D, video, overlays,
double-buffering, nonrectangular windows, input devices, shared memory) have
required some amount of server modification and/or hardware/OS support.

bpendlet@bambam.UUCP (Bob Pendleton) (04/07/90)

From article <2045@acorn.co.uk>, by john@acorn.co.uk (John Bowler):
> In article <667@bambam.UUCP> bpendlet@bambam.UUCP (Bob Pendleton) writes:

> My argument (which may have got lost when the xpert<->comp.windows.x link broke
> :-() is that it is only appropriate to provide a sound extension in X to meet
> the needs of the X user interfaces.  

That is what I thought I was arguing for. Something more powerful than
bell, but far short of performance quality. 

> (Haven't you ever been faced with
> a situation where *something* just beeped, but you have no way of knowing which
> of the many applications on the screen?)

I sure have! What a pain. 

Sorry for the slow responce, our news connection has been down for awhile.

			Bob P.
              Bob Pendleton, speaking only for myself.
UUCP Address:  decwrl!esunix!bpendlet or utah-cs!esunix!bpendlet

                      X: Tools, not rules.