[comp.windows.x] X11R4 and DECwindows and fonts

billkatt@mondo.engin.umich.edu (billkatt) (04/09/90)

I have just updated my DECStation 3100 to X11R4 by compiling the sources
(patch level 9).  The new R4 server I installed can't use the snf fonts
in /usr/lib/X11/fonts/decwin/screen75 (and probably also
/usr/lib/X11/fonts/decwin/screen100, since I have no way to test that.).  I'd
like to keep those fonts so my DEC stuff looks right (dxcalc, dxnotepad, etc.),
but I'd also like to keep my R4 server.  Does anybody know where I can get
bdf versions of the DECwindows fonts?  I would also appreciate a conversion
program from the R3 snf fonts, though I doubt that is available.

Steve Bollinger                                                    ____/|
909 Church St. Apt C                                               \ o.O|
Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104                                                =(_)=
(313)-662-4073 -home (313)-763-3070 -work                             U     
billkatt@caen.engin.umich.edu                               -ACK ACK ACK ACK!