[comp.windows.x] motif 1.0.1 on Sun Sparcs

dms@AI.MIT.EDU (David M. Siegel) (04/08/90)

I have built motif 1.0.1 on Sun sparcs.  When I run any motif
programs, I get the following core dump:

ParseRepeat() at 0x801c8
ParseEventSeq() at 0x804a4
ParseTranslationTableProduction() at 0x80b54
_CompileTranslations() at 0x80ee8
XtDirectConvert() at 0x6d73c
XtParseTranslationTable() at 0x80f48
`BulletinB`ClassInitialize() at 0xe938
ClassInit() at 0x6ed4c
_XtCreate() at 0x6ef74
XtCreateWidget() at 0x6f290
XmCreateBulletinBoard() at 0x10660
UrmCreateWidgetInstance() at 0x5698
UrmCreateWidgetTree() at 0x5198
MrmFetchWidgetOverride() at 0x2f5c
MrmFetchWidget() at 0x2dd0
main() at 0x23e4

Is this a known problem?  Is there a fix available for it?


swick@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Ralph R. Swick) (04/09/90)

    I have built motif 1.0.1 on Sun sparcs.  When I run any motif
    programs, I get the following core dump:

    ParseRepeat() at 0x801c8
    ParseEventSeq() at 0x804a4
    ParseTranslationTableProduction() at 0x80b54
    _CompileTranslations() at 0x80ee8

This looks suspiciously like a Sun optimizer problem we hacked
around in R4.  Try re-building Motif/Xt without optimization and
see what happens.

he@idt.unit.no (Haavard Eidnes) (04/12/90)

In article <9004091651.AA23169@lyre.MIT.EDU>, swick@ATHENA.MIT.EDU
(Ralph R. Swick) writes:
|>    ParseRepeat() at 0x801c8
|>    ParseEventSeq() at 0x804a4
|>    ParseTranslationTableProduction() at 0x80b54
|>    _CompileTranslations() at 0x80ee8
|>This looks suspiciously like a Sun optimizer problem we hacked
|>around in R4.  Try re-building Motif/Xt without optimization and
|>see what happens.
Specifically: compile lib/Xt/TMParse.c without optimization.

- Haavard