[comp.windows.x] NeXTStep-like twm?

karl@cgdisis.cgd.ucar.edu (04/13/90)

Hello GUI hackers!

Speaking of XView vs Motif...

I was wondering...

Has anyone taken the time to write a .twmrc file that will make twm behave
sort of like NeXTStep? I have a NeXT at home, and I am getting used to the
interface. (I also like it, too.) Lately, I have found myself thinking of
ways that it might be done in twm. It seems as though the icon manager
geometry could be set to correspond roughly to the right hand side of the
root window, which is where the Dock is in NeXTStep. The icon manager's
decorations could be turned off, and icons selected (or created) for my 
favorite apps. Clicking once on the icon should launch the app. It would
be nice if the keys were also rebound to look like the NeXTStep accelerator

I know that there are other things that could be done as well. If you 
have already done much (or all) of this work, I would appreciate it if you
could send me the required sources. I'll summarize the "interesting"
			Karl Sierka
Karl Sierka sierka@ncar.ucar.edu 
1850 Table Mesa Drive, Boulder, CO 80301 (303)-497-1338	
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed are not those of my employer.