[comp.windows.x] proposed comp.windows subgroups

emv@math.lsa.umich.edu (Edward Vielmetti) (04/02/90)

So far the roster of comp.windows.x subgroups that I count are:

	comp.windows.x.xannounce -- announcements from X consortium
	comp.windows.x.motif -- Motif widget set
	comp.windows.x.xview -- XView widget set
	comp.terminals.x -- X terminals

There has been discussion on these for a while, I suspect that these
names are good enough to work with.  

Give it about a week to bat these around, and I'll make an official
Call for Votes on 8 April 90.  That'll mean the groups would be
created early May if all goes well.  I'll put the vote for all of
these on one ballot to minimize the total influx of mail.


nazgul@alphalpha.com (Kee Hinckley) (04/08/90)

In article <1990Apr5.235733.29406@entropy.ms.washington.edu> vonn@entropy.ms.washington.edu (Vonn Marsch) writes:
>In article <258@samna.UUCP> jeff@samna.UUCP (Jeff Barber) writes:
>>comp.windows.x.xt		Xt-based toolkits (Motif, Xw, XUI, athena)

If there's going to be a .xt, then it should be subdivided into
each of those categories where there is sufficient interest.  I think
		      .xt.xt+ (if there's demand)

would each carry enough traffic.  I don't think that either Xw or XUI
is necessary, given that both companies appear to be switching to Motif
and I haven't seen a lot of traffic about either.  I would definitely
object to combining all of those into one.  I really like to be able to
concentrate on the toolkit which I am using and read the others at a
different pace and a different priority.  That's why I started the Motif
mailing list in the first place (which, incidentally, now has well over
100 members and is available in either digest or mailing list form).


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zinnato@NADC.NADC.NAVY.MIL (R. Zinnato) (04/09/90)

>I'd like to see something like:
>comp.windows.x		General X discussions
>comp.windows.x.porting	X11 R{3,4} Installing and porting discussions
>comp.windows.x.xt	Xt-based toolkits (Motif, Xw, XUI, athena)
>comp.windows.x.xview	Xview discussions
>This would still leave a lot of discussions in c.w.x, but I don't
>see any other categories are discussed enough to justify their own
>newsgroup.  Any other ideas?

Well, not really another idea, but just a reminder:  There are a lot of us
who do not have access to USENET and are having all of the articles that
are posted to comp.windows.x mailed to us via xpert.  Unless you have someone
willing to do the same kind of thing for each new group created, a lot of us
may get lost in the shuffle and will have no access to anything.  Right now,
I am on the xpert mailing list and I'm on Heather Rose's xview mailing list.
To me it seems most of the xview discussion has already moved off of xpert
to the xview list.  I just want to make sure I'm going to keep getting the
stuff I want to see, even if I do have to wade through a lot of stuff that
is of no interest to me.  Anybody else feel the same way?

ron zinnato
New address: zinnato@nadc.navy.mil

julie@cruc.UUCP (Julie Spiegler) (04/14/90)

In article <EMV.90Apr2020553@stag.math.lsa.umich.edu> emv@math.lsa.umich.edu (Edward Vielmetti) writes:
>So far the roster of comp.windows.x subgroups that I count are:
>	comp.windows.x.xannounce -- announcements from X consortium
>	comp.windows.x.motif -- Motif widget set
>	comp.windows.x.xview -- XView widget set
>	comp.terminals.x -- X terminals
>There has been discussion on these for a while, I suspect that these
>names are good enough to work with.  

Our news feed seems to be done right now, so there's probably been
some discussion (and the call for votes?) that I've missed.

Many people (including me) would like to see a subgroup dedicated
to porting issues (what does this compiler error mean, fix #793 is
available, etc.).  Will xannounce include this traffic?  If not,
please create an additional subgroup for administration/porting/source.

julie spiegler
{ucscc.ucsc.edu/com, uunet}!cruc!julie