[comp.windows.x] xview / twm incompatibility ??

tierney@ux1.lbl.gov (Brian Tierney) (04/14/90)

I've noticed a strange bug with twm and xview. I use the call:
    (void) xv_set(view_win->canvas, WIN_CMS_DATA, &cms_data);

    to set a dynamic colormap, and under twm, it segv's about 50%
    of the time. (under olwm it works file) 

    Has anyone else noticied this?  Any ideas on how to get around it??

| Brian Tierney, Computer Graphics Lab  | internet:   tierney@ux1.lbl.gov   |
| Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory          |    or       BLTierney@lbl.gov      |
|      "I am her hero, and she is my heroin": Rocky Ericson                  |