[comp.windows.x] Xwd --> Idraw translator

colas@avahi.inria.fr (Colas Nahaboo) (05/02/90)

In article <ROSEN.90Apr30120950@cochlea.bu.edu> you write:
|> about other programs that can produce Idraw PostScript as output
|> (plot2ps is the only one I know of).

I have made a quick hack to convert 8-bit color X window dumps (made by xwd)
into idraw pictures, making pixels as idraw rectangles, and grouping together
all same color pixels. This serves three purposes:

- be able to choose finely under idraw which gray level will represent which

- to be able to "annotate" screen dumps with idraw text

- to be able to print window dumps on printers with limited memory. For some
  unknown reason, the postscript generated by xpr will not print on postscript
  printer with low memory. (this was needed for the gwm documentation).

I have not posted it yet, because it is not polished enough (works only with
8-bit deep dumps), but I can send it to anybody interested. (I will send it to
the interviews team as soon as I find time to finish it, which may not be very
soon :-))

Colas Nahaboo, Bull Research France -- Koala Project -- GWM X11 Window Manager
colas@avahi.inria.fr            Phone: (33), Fax: (33) 93 65 77 66
INRIA - Sophia Antipolis, 2004, rte des Lucioles, 06565 Valbonne Cedex, FRANCE