[comp.windows.x] tracking the location of windows

belk@pyr.gatech.EDU (Eddie) (05/04/90)

I encountered an interesting problem when moving windows in general. It 
seems that when a window is moved to a new location, the new location and
size information are not updated right away. Using The following example 
from O'Reilly's samples it is easy to see that when you click on the 
"PressMe" the first time, the dialog box pops up right in the middle of
the main window. But when you move the window and click on the "PressMe"
button again, the dialog box pops up in the middle of the old location of
the main window. Even if you keep moving the main window, the dialog box
will always shows up at the original location; but when you iconify the 
main window and deiconify it again, then the dialog box pops up this time
in the middle of the new location. 

What I want to do is to have the dialog box pops up in the current location
of the window without having to iconify-deiconify it. I basically tried 
everything I know but did not work. Is there any solution to this problem? 
Please post or mail to belk@gitpyr.gatech.edu.


----------------------------- Program follows ------------------------------

 * Copyright 1989 O'Reilly and Associates, Inc.
 * See ../Copyright for complete rights and liability information.

 *  xbox.c - simple button box

 *  So that we can use fprintf:
#include <stdio.h>

 * Standard Toolkit include files:
#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
#include <X11/StringDefs.h>

#include <X11/Shell.h>

 * Public include files for widgets used in this file.
#ifdef X11R3
#include <X11/Command.h>
#include <X11/Box.h>
#include <X11/Dialog.h>
#else /* R4 or later */
#include <X11/Xaw/Command.h>
#include <X11/Xaw/Box.h>
#include <X11/Xaw/Dialog.h>
#endif /* X11R3 */
 * The popup shell ID is global because both dialog and pshell
 * are needed in the dialogDone callback, and both can't be
 * passed in without creating a structure.
Widget pshell, pressme, quit;

 * dialog button
void PopupDialog(w, topLevel, call_data)
Widget w;
Widget topLevel;	/* client_data */
caddr_t call_data;
        Position x, y;
	Dimension width, height;
	Arg arg[2];
	int i;

 	 * get the coordinates of the middle of topLevel widget.
	i = 0;
	XtSetArg(arg[i], XtNwidth, &width);    i++;
	XtSetArg(arg[i], XtNheight, &height);  i++;
	XtGetValues(topLevel, arg, i);
	 * translate coordinates in application top-level window
	 * into coordinates from root window origin.
        XtTranslateCoords(topLevel,                /* Widget */
                (Position) width/2,        /* x */
                (Position) height/2,       /* y */
                &x, &y);          /* coords on root window */

	/* move popup shell to this position (it's not visible yet) */
	i = 0;
	XtSetArg(arg[i], XtNx, x);  i++;
	XtSetArg(arg[i], XtNy, y);  i++;
	XtSetValues(pshell, arg, i);

 * dialog done button
void DialogDone(w, dialog, call_data)
Widget w;
Widget dialog;	/* client_data */
caddr_t call_data;
	String string;


	XtSetSensitive(pressme, TRUE);

         * Changes to XawDialogGetValueString in R4
#ifdef X11R3
        string = XtDialogGetValueString(dialog);
#else /* R4 or later */
        string = XawDialogGetValueString(dialog);
#endif /* X11R3 */

        printf("User typed: %s\n", string);

 * quit button callback function
void Quit(w, client_data, call_data)
Widget w;
caddr_t client_data, call_data;

main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char **argv;
	Widget box, topLevel, dialog, dialogDone;

	topLevel = XtInitialize(
		argv[0], 	/* application name */
		"XDialog", 	/* application class name */
		NULL, 	/* application resources (not used) */
		0, 	/* application resource count */
		&argc, 	/* command line argument count */
		argv);	/* command-line string */

	box = XtCreateManagedWidget(
		"box", 	/* widget name */
		boxWidgetClass,	/* widget class */
		topLevel,	/* parent widget*/
		NULL,	/* argument list*/
		0	/* arglist size */

	quit = XtCreateManagedWidget(
		"quit",	/* widget name */
		commandWidgetClass,	/* widget class */
		box,	/* parent widget*/
		NULL,	/* argument list*/
		0	/* arglist size */

	pressme = XtCreateManagedWidget(
		"pressme",	/* widget name	 */
		commandWidgetClass,	/* widget class */
		box,	/* parent widget*/
		NULL,	/* argument list*/
		0	/* arglist size */

        pshell = XtCreatePopupShell(

        dialog = XtCreateManagedWidget(
                "dialog",               /* widget name   */
                dialogWidgetClass,              /* widget class */
                pshell,                         /* parent widget*/
                NULL,                    /* argument list*/
                0           /* arglist size */

        dialogDone = XtCreateManagedWidget(
                "dialogDone",           /* widget name   */
                commandWidgetClass,             /* widget class */
                dialog,                         /* parent widget*/
                NULL,               /* argument list*/
                0      /* arglist size */

	XtAddCallback(quit, XtNcallback, Quit, 0);

	XtAddCallback(dialogDone, XtNcallback, DialogDone, dialog);

	XtAddCallback(pressme, XtNcallback, PopupDialog, topLevel);
	XtAddCallback(pressme, XtNcallback, XtCallbackExclusive, pshell);


Georgia Insitute of Technology, Atlanta Georgia, 30332