[comp.windows.x] ATT Shared Xlib

siyt@cbnewsl.ATT.COM (p.jayne) (05/05/90)

Last month someone asked for sample specification and import files
to implement static shared libraries under SystemV.  I can send
copies of the spec and import files used to implement static shared
Xlib under SVR 3.2 to anyone who contacts me asking for them.
AT&T has had a static shared version of Xlib in X11R2 and X11R3 and
has a version working in X11R4 (yet unreleased).  Clients using them are
upward compatible, i.e.  R2 clients that used static shared Xlib in
that release will work with static shared in R4.
By the way, dynamic shared libraries (available in SVR4.0) are much
easier to deal with (no spec/import files, for one thing).
	Paul Jayne

guy@auspex.auspex.com (Guy Harris) (05/06/90)

>By the way, dynamic shared libraries (available in SVR4.0) are much
>easier to deal with (no spec/import files, for one thing).

Plus, the MIT distribution has support for SunOS 4.x shared libraries,
which should get you most of the way to support for S5R4 shared