jsivier@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu (Jonathon Sivier ) (05/02/90)
Does anyone have any idea as to how to set the DISPLAY parameter with SET DISPLAY in order to get DECWindows to display on an X terminal? I am reaching the VAX through a VMS-Ultrix Connection bridge on another machine. I know the node name of the machine running the connection but I dont' know how to refer to the X terminal beyond it. The terminal I am using is an NCD 16. We are trying it out and are interested in buying some, if we can be convinced that it will work. Any tips or hints along these lines will be appreciated. Jonathan Sivier jsivier@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu
root@didsgn.uucp (didsgn) (05/06/90)
jsivier@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu (Jonathon Sivier ) writes: > Does anyone have any idea as to how to set the DISPLAY parameter with > SET DISPLAY in order to get DECWindows to display on an X terminal? I am > reaching the VAX through a VMS-Ultrix Connection bridge on another machine. > I know the node name of the machine running the connection but I dont' know > how to refer to the X terminal beyond it. The terminal I am using is >an NCD 16. First things first, you should not buy a NCD 16 but rather buy the a GIPSI LetX that my company happens to manufacture and sell :-) :-) Now the solution to your problem is: SET DISPLAY/CREATE/TRANSPORT=xxxxx/NODE=[terminal name on your network] xxxxxx = DECNET or TCPIP or TCPWARE (very good stuff from Process Software) [terminal name on your network] = if (xxxxx == tcpip/tcpware ) The hostname of your terminal in the /etc/hosts file or its internet address such as: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx else I don't know the syntax on decnet endif For more information see DEC brochure # AA-MG18B-TE page 9-5 et al... Regards, Jean-Luc Chatelain Peripheral Design Inc. A member of the Digital Design Group (404)-263-0067 ...gatech!rebel!didsgn!jlc or jlc@didsgn.UUCP