[comp.windows.x] Using an Xterminal

brunkhorst@MAYO.EDU (Geoffrey Brunkhorst) (05/06/90)

>   Does anyone have any idea as to how to set the DISPLAY parameter with 
> SET DISPLAY in order to get DECWindows to display on an X terminal?  I am 
> reaching the VAX through a VMS-Ultrix Connection bridge on another machine.
> I know the node name of the machine running the connection but I dont' know
> how to refer to the X terminal beyond it.  The terminal I am using is
>an NCD 16.

	If the VAX is running VMS 5.3
	AND UCX is at least version 1.2
	AND your Xterm hostname is set in the UCX (grumble) Host database
	AND your Xterminal security list allows connections from the
	    VAX's IP address

	Then the following non-prived DCL command will work


> We are trying it out and are interested in buying some, if we can be convinced
> that it will work.
> Any tips or hints along these lines will be appreciated.
Here is one (Kim, I promised this to Barry, so you (NCD) can check this out)

IF you want your NCD to look/act/feel like a VMS DECwindows system under
UCX, here is the captive login.com to execute to set it up.

For those not using NCD under VMS,  The following short installation will
allow your xterm (NCD and NCR for sure), if have or have faked the DECwindows
fonts) to come up with the DECwindows STARTLOGIN window.

1)	Add a privileged account to your system with no password,
	captive,no local access. Name it NDS_LOGIN

2)	put the following login.com file in its default directory.

3)	Tell all your NCD users to login into this account, upon
	successful power-on/bootstrap/download of their Xterms

$!	This is a captive command procedure which should be run as the 
$!	login command procedure for the account NDS_LOGIN.
$!	it merely initiates the DECwindows login dialogue on the
$!	host that initiates the login.
$!	Note: 	The account NDS_LOGIN is created by default WITHOUT a password
$!		Local Sites may either password protect the NDS_LOGIN account
$!		on a machine by machine basis, or augment this procedure
$!		to selectively allow actual DECwindow Sessions to be started
$!		ONLY by specific nodes.  This can be done by explicitly
$!		checking the value of SYS$REM_NODE.
$!Patch History
$!	21-mar-90	Geoffrey Brunkhorst, Mayo Foundation
$!			added code to allow UCX IP connections
$! begin patched code
$!	first determine if the TT: device is a remote IP host
$!	if so then extract the host name and use it to set the display
$       accpornam=f$getdvi("TT:","TT_ACCPORNAM")	
$	if f$extract(0,4,accpornam).eqs."Host"		
$	  then iphost = f$extract(6,f$locate(" Port:",accpornam)-6,accpornam)
$	       set display/cre/perm/trans=tcpip/node='IPHOST'
$	       WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "DECwindow Session Manager Login initiated on ''f$trnlnm("SYS$NODE")'"
$	       MCR DECW$STARTLOGIN	! Fire off the DECwindows Session Manager
$	       WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "		for NDS ''IPHOST'"
$!	what follows is the original DECnet transport code from NCD
$	       WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "DECwindow Session Manager Login initiated on ''f$trnlnm("SYS$NODE")'"
$	       MCR DECW$STARTLOGIN	! Fire off the DECwindows Session Manager
$	       WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "		for NDS ''f$trnlnm("SYS$REM_NODE")'"
$	  endif
$! end patched code
$	WAIT 00:00:02		! Allow user to read the above message
$	STOP/ID=0		! Logout silently