(Dan Kelley) (05/28/90)
Hi. I'm a relative newcomer to X, so my question may be dumb. I want to draw a gray rectangle on my monochrome X terminal. (Actually, I want to display a BW image, but this is a first step.) I've created pixmaps that do stippling that I like (although I'd rather X figure out how to stipple) but I cannot figure out how to set a GC to hand to XFillRectangle (). Could some kind soul give me a hint (perhaps a code fragment)? I'd *really* appreciate it. Sorry if this question is dumb. Neither my X book (Johnson + Reichard) nor lots of experimentation got me anywhere on this problem. -- Dan Kelley | Oceanography Dept, Dalhousie University | {uunet watmath}!dalcs!kelley Halifax, Nova Scotia, CANADA, B3H 4J1 | (902)494-1694