[comp.windows.x] Postponed widget destruction with XtDestroyWidget

didier@bdblues.altair.fr (Didier Plateau) (05/29/90)

using Xt and Xm.

  Assume we want to cut the widget W0 with parent WP0 and paste it to
replace the 
  widget W1 with parent WP1.
  The algorithm consists in destroying W0, destroying W1, and building a
copy a W0
  hooked to WP1.

To destroy the W0 and W1 widgets, we use the Xt primitive
"XtDestroyWidget" which marks
the widgets as destroyed but postpone the effective destruction until
the next event.
Therefore, WP1 cannot receive a new child widget until the destruction
is effective.
To solve this problem, we are thinking of generating an application
event and perform
the copy when processing this event.

Does anybody know any cleaner solution to deal with this problem ? Any
advice will be welcomed ... 

  Thanks in advance,
       Didier Plateau,