[comp.windows.x] dialog widget default string

converse@EXPO.LCS.MIT.EDU (Donna Converse) (05/30/90)

> I very simply want a dialog widget in which I can set the default string
> (resource value) to what I please.  Each time one pops up the dialog widget,
> the previously inputted value appears. 
>  ... [edited] ...
> Does anyone know how to set this resource?

The Athena Dialog widget's user input area, or "string", is implemented by
an AsciiText widget whose name is "value".   You can use XtNameToWidget
to get the widget ID of the child of the dialog whose name is "value".
Then, use XtSetValues to set the string resource of that widget.  If
you want the input area to appear blank, set the string resource to
the empty string "" before popping up the dialog box.

Donna Converse

thelen@SRC.HONEYWELL.COM (Karen Thelen) (05/30/90)

I am really qute embarassed to acknowledge my "C" error rather than an Athena
error.  I have my application working now but appreciate the people who
responded to my plea.


Karen Thelen