[comp.windows.x] Dumping color displays in postscript

comeau@SFMS-IC1.SKL.DND.CA (Phil Comeau) (06/01/90)

I'd like to dump the contents of a color display to a postscript file.
I've tried:
 	xwd -root -xy >junk.wd
 	xpr -device ps junk.ws >junk.ps
but the postscript file, when printed, comes out mostly black.
(BTW: I'm using 386/ix, X11R3, VGA).
Any suggestions?
Phil Comeau          Internet: comeau@crc.skl.dnd.ca
Software Kinetics
65 Iber Rd.
Stittsville, Ontario
Canada K2S 1E7
Phone: (613) 831-0888
Fax:   (613) 831-1836