[comp.windows.x] Lost mail for you

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Thu May 31 15:16:02 1990 remote from convex
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Date: Thu, 31 May 90 08:23:32 -0400
From: Roger Hoover <convex!ibm.com!RHOOVER>
Subject: Xsun problem on SPARCstation1 with color accelerator

I've compiled X11R4 with patches 1-11 on a sparcstation1 with
the default sun.cf settings.  Xsun works fine on a monochrome
display, but with the color accelerator the left inch or so of
my display is now mapped to the right side, so that windows are
split between the two sides of the display.  The top .5 inch or
so is off the top of the screen.

The compilation was done with cc.  Is there anything special
that needs to be done to create a server that works for both
monochrome and color displays?

roger hoover

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Thu May 31 15:17:06 1990 remote from convex
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Date: 30 May 90 19:33:05 GMT
From: convex!bloom-beacon.mit.edu!jag%hpcuhc%hpda  (Janice Gee)
Organization: Hewlett Packard, Cupertino
Subject: Re: ?? X windows and C++ ?? X Interface Builders ??
Message-Id: <300001@hpcuhc.HP.COM>
References: <1990May15.011443.5787@ncsuvx.ncsu.edu>
Sender: convex!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-request
To: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu

/ hpcuhc:comp.windows.x / janzen@brazil.mpr.ca (Martin Janzen) /  9:32 am  May 22, 1990 /
In article <1990May20.170455.3824@alphalpha.com>, nazgul@alphalpha.com (Kee

[stuff about X-windows development using C++ deleted...]

> >	How about any Interactive Design Tools (User interface Builders)
> >	Any one out there have any experiences with them?
> I've used one a few times, and looked at others.  My main reaction
> is that the first generation of IDTs are basically graphical means of
> setting resources.  To really be useful they need to do direct manipulation,
> add grids, alignment, and other desktop-publishing/draw-style functions.
> When an IDT makes those those things easier I think I might starting using
> one regularly.  They also need to be more WYSIWYG about setting things
> like label strings, mnemonics, accellerators and the like.
> 						-kee

Kee, have you looked at UIMX, from Visual Edge Software Ltd.?  I've tried a
beta version of this thing, and it offers all the stuff you mention above.
They're selling the beta version now, with the production release expected
this summer.  It's still got some bugs, as you might expect, but it beats the
heck out of doing things manually!  Visual Edge is at 3870 Cote Vertu,
Montreal, Quebec H4R 1V4.  Their phone number is (514) 332-6430; fax is
(514) 332-5914.  (No, they don't pay me; I'm passing this along *despite*
having spent my long weekend working around assorted bugs...)

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Thu May 31 15:28:09 1990 remote from convex
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Date: 31 May 90 05:30:31 GMT
From: convex!neon.Stanford.EDU!ham  (Peter R. Ham)
Organization: Stanford University
Subject: Re: Wanted: OpenLook and Motif toolkits
Message-Id: <HAM.90May30223031@Neon.Stanford.EDU>
References: <9005302137.AA13391@lance>
Sender: convex!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-request
To: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu

InterViews has the beginnings of emulation for both OpenLook and Motif.
I don't know how to judge compliance to these standards. Besides just
compliance, you should think about the quality of the toolkit. I'm 
investigating Solbourne's OI, too, but don't know anything about it.
I can recommend InterViews, it's great!
Peter Ham			PO Box 3430	(h)(415) 322-4390
MS Computer Science Student	Stanford, CA	ham@cs.stanford.edu
Stanford University 		94309		(o)(415) 723-2067

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Thu May 31 16:05:54 1990 remote from convex
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Date: 31 May 90 16:17:36 GMT
From: convex!epb2.lbl.gov!envbvs  (Brian V. Smith)
Organization: lbl
Subject: Re: console message and XDM
Message-Id: <5719@helios.ee.lbl.gov>
References: <jsparkes.643985374@bcars85>, <17880@ultima.cs.uts.oz>
Sender: convex!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-request
To: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu

In article <17880@ultima.cs.uts.oz>, keane@ultima.cs.uts.oz (Chris
Keane) writes:
|> jsparkes@bcars85.bnr.ca (Jeff Sparkes) writes:
|> >	Are there any plans to add a console window to XDM?  At present,
|> >when the login prompter is up on the console, all messages go directly to
|> >the console, messing up the screen.  There isn't even any way to redraw the
|> >screen (that I can find).
|> Yes, I hated that for a while too and I got sick of students
complaining and/or
|> asking me what was wrong, so I've hacked xdm to have a console window
at the 
|> bottom of the screen. It basically starts a program that runs as a
pseudotty and
|> displays everything the comes over the pty on a
|> scrolling, wrap-around window. The window doesn't recognise any input-type 
|> events. Xdm hijacks the console output using ioctl() and stuffs it into the
|> the other end of the pty. Voila! Instant console!
|> It's been tested and runs quite successfully on Sun3's, Sun386i's and
|> all running SunOS 4.0.3. It works for both X11r3 and X11r4.
|> The diffs are very small. If you're interested, I send them to you, although
|> I believe the ioctl() to steal the console is rather system-dependant
(I don't
|> know that for sure though), so if you're not running suns...
|> regards...

Our mailer can't reach Chris' host so I am posting this request.
Would you mail me the diffs to xdm to do this or post them if they
aren't too large?

Brian V. Smith    (bvsmith@lbl.gov)
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
I don't speak for LBL, these non-opinions are all mine.

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Thu May 31 16:12:54 1990 remote from convex
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To: anderson@gargoyle.uchicago.edu
Cc: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu
Subject: Re: Color Frame Buffer Problem and X114 Server 
In-Reply-To: Your message of Thu, 31 May 90 11:44:50 -0500.
Date: Thu, 31 May 90 13:16:04 -0400
From: convex!expo.lcs.mit.edu!keith (Keith Packard)

	Hi, I've been trying to install X11 R4 on our network of
	Sun 3/50's and Sun Sparcstations.

	The problem is that the	server sees the vertical edge of the 
	root window as different from the true physical edge. It shifts
	the right edge over by about 3 inches.  I have applied patches
	up to 11, too, and they went in smoothly.

Make sure you build the server using the same revision of SunOS as you will be
running on the clients -- the header files which describe the frame buffer
structure changed when the SparcStation came out.  I'm not sure of the relation
between the various versions of SunOS, but I'd compare the various files in
/usr/include/sundev/ to see what's what.  If you were to build the server on
the sparcstation directly, I'd expect things would work just fine.

Keith Packard
MIT X Consortium

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Thu May 31 23:56:58 1990 remote from convex
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Date: 31 May 90 22:14:01 GMT
From: convex!epb2.lbl.gov!envbvs  (Brian V. Smith)
Organization: lbl
Subject: Re: How to get xdm to make wtmp and utmp file entries?
Message-Id: <5723@helios.ee.lbl.gov>
References: <MJD.90May31173254@central.cis.upenn.edu>
Sender: convex!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-request
To: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu

In article <MJD.90May31173254@central.cis.upenn.edu>,
mjd@central.cis.upenn.edu (Mark-Jason Dominus) writes:
|> Our xdm's don't seem to be logging logins and logouts in the
|> /etc/wtmp and /etc/utmp files.  Is there a good way to get
|> them to do this, or is there a good reason why they
|> shouldn't?

xdm doesn't make the entries in these files, but you can make the main
xterm do it with the +ut and -ls options.  The +ut makes it write in the
/etc/utmp file and the -ls is required to make it write in the /etc/wtmp
file.  The -ls also makes it read and execute your .login file.
Brian V. Smith    (bvsmith@lbl.gov)
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
I don't speak for LBL, these non-opinions are all mine.

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Fri Jun  1 04:09:07 1990 remote from convex
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Date: 1 Jun 90 02:10:56 GMT
From: convex!apollo.gl.pitt.edu!james
Organization: Advanced Graphics Lab, Univ. of Pittsburgh
Subject: Where to get newest release
Message-Id: <7766@pitt.UUCP>
Sender: convex!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-request
To: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu

	Where can I get the newest release of X windows.?  I seem to be
having problems with twm from my release of X11 Release 4.  I get a lot of
illegally changed colormap messages, and certian programs will not allocate
their colormaps becuase of this..  Are the patches for twm out there, that
fix this bug, or can I get a new copy of the entire X11 release..

	Please send replies to:



root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Fri Jun  1 04:10:18 1990 remote from convex
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Date: 1 Jun 90 03:13:25 GMT
From: convex!clyde.concordia.ca!pedro%quiche%calvin%quiche%mcgill-vision  (Sandro MAZZUCATO)
Organization: SOCS, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
Subject: Graphics & Athena Widget set
Message-Id: <3504@calvin.cs.mcgill.ca>
Sender: convex!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-request
To: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu

    here is a question that is troubling me since I'm new in the X world
I the references I have are not complete.

  How can I create a window or frame of work, using the Athena Widget set ,
where I can draw lines and circles etc ....

Thank you very much , < in advance >for your help !


Sandro Mazzucato                  
Internet : pedro@calvin.cs.mcgill.ca

BSc, U2, Computer Science.
McGill University - Montreal, Quebec, Canada


root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Fri Jun  1 04:57:48 1990 remote from convex
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Date: 1 Jun 90 14:26:51 GMT
From: convex!think.com!harkcom%leia%spider%sjc%dclsic%titcca%ccut%sun-barr%apple%usc%samsung  (Alton Harkcom)
Organization: Yokogawa Electric Corporation, Tokyo, Japan.
Subject: twm: shell commands
Message-Id: <HARKCOM.90Jun1092651@potato.pa.Yokogawa.CO.JP>
Sender: convex!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-request
To: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu

A question...

	I am trying to create a function in twm to purge my home directory of
all those nasty little autodumps(?) and baks(?) that emacs creates. I know I
could just turn off those features, but they are useful and I sometimes need
them. However, after I've romped through my directory and created a few megs
of these droppings, I want to flush them away. I could do it with an alias or
as a lisp file in emacs, but I want to do it using the function keys. I created
a binding to F1 for the following function...

Function "clean-directories"
	!"find ~ -name \"*~\" -exec rm {} \;"
	!"find ~ -name \".*~\" -exec rm {} \;"
	!"find ~ -name \"#*#\" -exec rm {} \;"

However, twm eats the quotation marks in the middle of the string...

The commands that appear are {find ~ -name *~ -exec rm {} ;} etc...

I need {find ~ -name "*~" -exec rm {} ;}...

	I am also trying to use other functions which have the same problem.
This is the one that is easiest to explain so I chose it. If anybody knows
how to use quotation marks inside of a shell command in twm, please let me
e-mail suggestions to me. I will summarize and post any good ideas I receive.

	I also get an error when I use f.exec "string", but when I use
!"string" the shell command works. ie. f.exec "echo testing" crashes whereas
!"echo testing" works fine...

	Any other information or maybe even some sample functions would be
great. If anybody is willing to drop me a copy of theirs I'll post a summary.

Thanks in advance...


root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Fri Jun  1 11:25:02 1990 remote from convex
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Date: 1 Jun 90 12:03:46 GMT
From: convex!uxh.cso.uiuc.edu!ejk  (Ed Kubaitis)
Organization: University of Illinois at Urbana
Subject: Re: Graphics & Athena Widget Set
Message-Id: <1990Jun1.120346.21957@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu>
Sender: convex!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-request
To: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu

The Athena label widget allows a bitmap (actually a pixmap) to be displayed
instead of text. One can then use Xlib calls to place graphics & text in
the pixmap. Two examples:

   o xplot (plot(5) filter) - available from uunet.uu.net in

   o xgnuplot (gnuplot X wrapper/terminal driver) - available from 
     uxc.cso.uiuc.edu in pub/xgunplot/xgnuplot.shar

Ed Kubaitis (ejk@uxh.cso.uiuc.edu)
Computing Services Office - University of Illinois, Urbana

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Fri Jun  1 16:53:27 1990 remote from convex
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From: Ian Hogg <convex!shamash.cdc.com!ian%hewey>
Subject: Re: Spreadsheet in X
To: manu@orc.olivetti.com
Date: Fri, 1 Jun 90 11:03:49 CDT
Cc: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu
In-Reply-To: <49164@ricerca.UUCP>; from "manu@think.com" at May 30, 90 10:41 pm
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.2 PL7]

> Does anyone know of a spreadsheet program for X ? If yes, how to get it?
> Thanks

There is a spreadsheet program in the Andrew Toolkit on the R4 tape.  I havn't
used it.

Ian Hogg                                    email:  ian@dms.cdc.com
Control Data Corporation                    phone:  (612)-553-4484

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Thu May 31 14:56:31 1990 remote from convex
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Date: 30 May 90 12:26:58 GMT
From: convex!uunet.uu.net!gpraman%sdrc  (raman srinivasan)
Organization: SDRC, Cincinnati
Subject: Motif Bug / BulletinBoard widget help
Message-Id: <1436@sdrc.UUCP>
Sender: convex!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-request
To: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu

I am trying to create a form using the BulletinBoard widget
with three buttons and two single line editable text fields.
One of the buttons is setup as the default (using XmNdefaultButton).
The functionality that I'm trying to have is hitting a RETURN in
either of the text fields should activate the default button
and invoke the relevant callbacks.  The way it behaves now is
hitting a RETURN before setting input focus to either text field
causes the default button to be activated, but if focus is set
to the text field, first, RETURN does not have any effect. 

This procedure (hitting RETURN while in text field) works fine
with the DEC widget set using a dialog box (DwtDialogBox & 

The default translations seem to be fine for the purpose.

Is it a bug in Motif or am I missing something ??

Thanks in advance, Raman

part of the source
#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
#include <Xm/Xm.h>
#include <Xm/BulletinB.h>
   Widget create;
   Arg arglist[10];
   int argcnt;
    * create bulletin board to be used as a container widget
   XtSetArg (arglist[argcnt],XmNdialogTitle, ........
   dialog = XmCreateBulletinBoard (main_widget,"BB",arglist,argcnt);
   XtManageChild (dialog);

  /*  the text field  */

   filtxt = XmCreateText( dialog, "filtxt", arglist, argcnt );
   XtManageChild( filtxt );
    * Create push buttons
   create = create_push_button( dialog, "Create", 256, 16,
               create_cb, NULL);
   XtManageChild (create);
---->>>    * Set "Create" as the default button
   XtSetArg( arglist[0], XmNshowAsDefault, 1);
   XtSetValues( create, arglist, 1);
--->   XtSetArg( arglist[0], XmNdefaultButton, create );
   XtSetValues( dialog, arglist, 1 );

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Thu May 31 15:11:26 1990 remote from convex
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	(15.11/15.6) id AA06322; Thu, 31 May 90 10:04:24 cdt
From: Ian Hogg <convex!shamash.cdc.com!ian%hewey>
Subject: Re: Problems with HP server of X11 R4.
To: tomg%hpcvlx%hp-pcd@sdd.hp.com   (Thomas J. Gilg)
Date: Thu, 31 May 90 10:04:22 CDT
Cc: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu
In-Reply-To: <100920221@hpcvlx.cv.hp.com>; from "Thomas J. Gilg" at May 29, 90 4:35 pm
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.2 PL7]

> > I have a problem in getting the server ( hpX as supplied by X-consortuim )
> > to startup. It gives me the following error & exits :
> > 
> >   Binding unix socket : no such file or directory .
> Make sure you have a writable /usr/spool/sockets directory so X and the 
> Graphics Resource Manager Daemon can create a socket for communications.
> You'll also need a writable /usr/spool/sockets/X11 directory.
> drwxrwxrwx   5 bin      bin         1024 Aug 26  1989 /usr/spool/sockets

Make sure "/usr/spool/sockets" is a CDF if you are running HP diskless nodes.
I had a problem where the installation stuff (on HP-UX 6.5) did not make
"/usr/spool/sockets" a CDF. Clients (especially window managers) tended to die
whenever clients were started on other machines in the diskless cluster.

Ian Hogg                                    email:  ian@dms.cdc.com
Control Data Corporation                    phone:  (612)-553-4484

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Thu May 31 15:13:41 1990 remote from convex
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To: ben@cv.hp.com
Cc: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu
Subject: Re: use of backslash in resource specifiers
In-Reply-To: Your message of 30 May 90 16:25:05 GMT.
Date: Thu, 31 May 90 08:32:18 -0400
From: convex!expo.lcs.mit.edu!rws (Bob Scheifler)

    Why can't the gods of Xt implement backslash processing for reading the
    left-hand side of the resource specifier?

It doesn't exist because it is unnecessary as currently specified.

    A trivial bug and a trivial fix.

It isn't obvious to me that it's a "bug".  Nor is it obvious that just
introducing a quote form is sufficient to "fix" the problem.  You have to
assume that no code in Xt or Xlib ever concatenates strings together to
form resource specifiers, I'd guess you have to introduce a quote form into
arguments of XrmGetResource and other functions (none of which currently have
any such quote forms, for left or right side), and perhaps other things I
haven't thought of.  If you would like to think this through and submit a
complete specification, with a rationale and an implementation/performance
impact statement (or better yet patches), I'm sure people would be happy to
consider making Xlib even more complicated than it already is. :-)

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Thu May 31 15:13:50 1990 remote from convex
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Date: 31 May 90 13:11:59 GMT
From: convex!ucbvax.berkeley.edu!BIFF%EVERYWHERE%THERE%HERE%zaphod.cs.ohio-state%uwm%uscd%usc  (THE BIFFMAN COMETH)
Organization: BIFF FOR PREZ D00DS!!
Subject: C0WABUNGA!!
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root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Thu May 31 15:15:30 1990 remote from convex
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Date: 30 May 90 19:41:54 GMT
From: convex!hplabs.hp.com!adc%hpindda%hpcuhb%hpcc01  (Alan Carwile)
Organization: HP Information Networks, Cupertino, CA
Subject: Re: ICCC Window Manager protocols
Message-Id: <3630010@hpindda.HP.COM>
References: <9005181226.AA09331@zit.cigy.>
Sender: convex!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-request
To: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu

/ hpindda:comp.windows.x / gabe@hpcvlx.cv.hp.com (Gabe Begeddov) /  4:57 pm  May 20, 1990 /

Gabe omitted a parameter on the XmInternAtom call.  Should be:

Atom	wm_delete_atom = XmInternAtom(dpy, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", FALSE);

Alan D. Carwile

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Thu May 31 15:18:59 1990 remote from convex
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Date: 31 May 90 06:37:06 GMT
From: convex!arda.ee.surrey.ac.uk!celvin  (Chris Elvin)
Organization: University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey, UK. GU2 5XH
Subject: EXUG Conference Anouncement
Message-Id: <1990May31.063706.5404@EE.Surrey.Ac.UK>
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To: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu


	******* *     * *     *  *****
	*        *   *  *     * *     *         T H E
	*         * *   *     * *               E U R O P E A N
	*****      *    *     * *  ****         X
	*         * *   *     * *     *         U S E R
	*        *   *  *     * *     *         G R O U P
	******* *     *  *****   *****



		 	       To Be Held At
		   The University of Surrey, Guildford, UK

			  24th-26th September 1990


Following their recent, one day semianr and exhibition in Cambridge, UK:-

The European X User Group (EXUG) will hold its first 3-day residential
conference at the University of Surrey, England from 24th-26th September 1990
The conference will be preceeded by a half-day session of tutorials.

The conference reflects the goals of EXUG. In particular, it aims to
promote the development and use of the X window System within Europe, to
provide a forum for the discussion of X and to provide a pleasant social
framework within which people from all over Europe can meet and discuss
topics of mutual interest. As such, keynote speakers have been invited
and will present papers at the conference.

Throughout the conference period, there will also be a major exhibition of
X Products and services.  The Exhibition will be open to the professional
community at large whether or not they are attending the conference itself.
Full ethernet network facilities will be installed to demonstrate the
interoperability of products from the various exhibitors.

Attendance at the conference is strictly limited so early registration is
advised.  There will be a discount for EXUG members and a further discount
for early payment of fees.

Registration enquiries and membership requests should be sent to the EXUG
secretary at 185 High Street, Cottenham, Cambridgeshire, CB4 4RX, UK.
Email enquiries can be sent to exug90@unipalm.co.uk (aka exug90@unipalm.uucp).

alternatively, contact your nearest international representative:-

Finland		M. Huvila       Abo Akademi University		 +358 21 654142
France 		P. Papinet      Monterey Technology SA 		+33 1 306 15025
Germany		M. Utermoht     Universitat - GH Paderborn      +49 5251 60 2077
Eire   		J. Roden        Procyon Informatics Ltd		+353 1 791323
Netherlands     R. Ossel        OSL Integrators BV     		+31 3240 44040
Norway 		P. Hart		Rogalands Forskning    		+47 4 87   5153
Sweden 		T. Hansen       Telesoft AB    			+46 13 21 40 40
Spain		J. M. Elicegui  Telefonica 	    		+34 1 337 4019

A number of exhibition stands are still available, details can be obtained
from the secretary.

EXUG membership costs 25 pounds sterling for individual membership, 100 pounds
sterling for corporate memberships.  Benefits of EXUG membership include
Quarterly newsletter, discounts at EXUG conferences, and access to the
EXUG electronic mail Q&A service.

Chris Elvin
C.Elvin@EE.Surrey.Ac.UK        "what happens if I press this big red button"
Dept of Elec. Eng, University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 5XH. England

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Thu May 31 15:23:49 1990 remote from convex
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To: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu
Cc: anderson@gargoyle.uchicago.edu
Subject: Color Frame Buffer Problem and X114 Server
Date: Thu, 31 May 90 11:44:50 -0500
From: convex!gargoyle.uchicago.edu!anderson

	Hi, I've been trying to install X11 R4 on our network of
	Sun 3/50's and Sun Sparcstations.  The make World runs smoothly
	and there seem to be no problems on the black and white
	monitors, but there is a video offset problem on the color

	The problem is that the	server sees the vertical edge of the 
	root window as different from the true physical edge. It shifts
	the right edge over by about 3 inches.  I have applied patches
	up to 11, too, and they went in smoothly.

	Any ideas?

	Thanks a lot,

	Bill Anderson

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Thu May 31 16:06:26 1990 remote from convex
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Date: 31 May 90 16:10:45 GMT
From: convex!postgres.Berkeley.EDU!luis  (Luis Miguel)
Organization: EECS Dept., UC Berkeley
Subject: Size of Colormap in Xhp300 server.
Message-Id: <25348@pasteur.Berkeley.EDU>
References: <128@gilroy.dec.com>
Sender: convex!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-request
To: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu

I have an HP 900-350 workstation, and have been playing with
some color programs in the last couple of days. The monitor
(HP 98782A) has 8 planes (as reported by xdpyinfo), but
for some reason its colormap only has 64 colors (equivalent to 6 planes).
I need the 256 of an 8 plane display for the pictures I have to look good.

Is there a way to change the default colormap size for
the server?



PS: I am running X11R3 under Mt. Xinu's 4.3 BSD

Luis Miguel. Computer Science Division, UC Berkeley.
arpanet: luis@postgres.Berkeley.EDU         
uucp: {ihnp4,decvax}!ucbvax!postgres!luis                    
at&t: (415) 642-9585

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Thu May 31 17:43:58 1990 remote from convex
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From: convex!expo.lcs.mit.edu!kit (Chris D. Peterson)
Message-Id: <9005311731.AA17900@expo.lcs.mit.edu>
To: JONES@wharton.upenn.edu
Cc: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu, kit@expo.lcs.mit.edu
Subject: Re: XCreateGC vs XtGetGC 
In-Reply-To: Your message of 25 May 90 15:17:33 GMT.
Date: Thu, 31 May 90 13:31:50 -0400

> Originally I put it in the Initialize method for the widget, but it choked
> because the widget was not yet realized.  XtGetGC worked just fine (at least 
> the GC was created).  
> I suspect that I should call XCreateGC in the Realize\
> method for the widget, but wanted to know if that was correct.

Putting the CreateGC call in the initialize procedure it probabally the best
solution.  It solves few other problems too, such as saving server resources for
unrealized widget, and saving round trips when performing an XtSetValues on the
color of an unrealized widget.  If I were writing a widget I would try to put
all my Server resource creation code into Realize.  If you do this, remember
that you will have to make a few XtIsRealized() checks in SetValues() and other
places since the GC may not exist yet.

If you really want to create your GC's at Initialization time then you can just
use the RootWindow of the widget's screen when creating your GC.  The only
reason for the window (well, drawable actually) argument to XtCreateGC is so
that the depth of your GC will match the depth of the GC you are operating on.

BTW:  Don't forget to add a destroy proc to your widget so that the GC is freed
      when the widget is destroyed.

						Chris D. Peterson     
						MIT X Consortium 

Net:	 kit@expo.lcs.mit.edu
Phone:   (617) 253 - 9608	
Address: MIT - Room NE43-213

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Thu May 31 17:45:37 1990 remote from convex
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	(contact usenet@bloom-beacon.mit.edu if you have questions)
Date: 31 May 90 14:32:25 GMT
From: convex!bu.edu!xug%ics  (X User's Group)
Organization: the World
Subject: Frequently Asked Questions about X with Answers [long monthly posting]
Message-Id: <1990May31.143225.354@ics.com>
Sender: convex!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-request
To: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu

[Last changed: 31 May 90]

This article contains the answers to some Frequently Asked Questions often seen
in comp.windows.x. It is posted to help reduce volume in this newsgroup and to
provide hard-to-find information of general interest.

This article includes answers to these questions:

0) Where can I obtain X source?
1) Where can I obtain X11R4?
2) Where can I obtain Motif?
3) Where can I obtain software implementing Open Look?
4) Where can I obtain other X sources?
5) What is the xstuff mail-archive?
6) Where can I obtain patches to X11R4?
7) Where can I find books and articles on X that are good for beginners?
8) What courses on X are available?
9) Is there a skeleton X program available?
10) What are these common abbreviations?
11) What is XUG?
12) What is EXUG?
13) What is the X Consortium and how do I join?
14) What is xpert?
15) What conferences on X are coming up?
16) What is the current state of the world in X terminals?
17) How can I get an X server on a PC?
18) What terminal emulators other than xterm are available?
19) How can I get an X server on a Macintosh running MacOS?
20) Where can I obtain an X-based editor or word-processor?
21) Where can I obtain an X-based paint/draw program?
22) Where can I obtain an X-based spreadsheet?
23) Where can I get a PostScript previewer for X?
24) Where can I get a troff previewer for X?
25) How do I convert Mac/TIFF/GIF/Sun/PICT/Face/img/FAX/etc images to X?
26) How do I use an alternate window manager with DEC's session manager?
27) How do I build X with gcc?
28) What are these funny problems compiling X11R3 on the Sun4?
29) What are these funny problems installing X11R4 on the Sun running SunOS 4?
30) Where can I get a fast X server for a workstation?
31) How can I change the titlebar of my xterm window?
32) Why doesn't anything appear when I run this simple program?
33) What is the difference between a Screen and a screen?
34) Why do I get a BadDrawable error drawing to XtWindow(widget)?
35) Can I get a window's background pixel/pixmap using XGetWindowAttributes?
36) Why does the pixmap I copy to the screen show up as garbage? 
37) Why doesn't my program get the keystrokes I select for?
38) How can my application iconify itself?
39) How do I check whether a window ID is valid?
40) Why can't I set the backgroundPixmap resource in my .Xdefaults file?
41) Why does the R3 xterm, et al, fail against the R4 server?
42) Where can I obtain alternate language bindings to X?

If you have suggestions or corrections for any of these answers or any 
additional information, please send them directly to xug@expo.lcs.mit.edu;
the information will be included in the next revision (or possibly the one 
after that; thanks for the many suggestions which haven't been incorporated 
yet).  The answers in this iteration are acknowledged to be partial and to 
lean more towards products than to programming.

This posting is intended to be distributed at approximately the beginning of 
each month. 

The information contained herein has been gathered from a variety of sources. In
many cases attribution has been lost; if you would like to claim responsibility
for a particular item, please let us know. 

Conventions used below: telephone numbers tend to be Bell-system unless 
otherwise noted; prices on items are not included.

0) Where can I obtain X source?

	Intelligent Software Products, Inc., (516-766-2867) ships X11R3
[formats are unknown]. 

	Integrated Computer Solutions, Inc., (617-547-0510) ships X11R3 on 
half-inch and quarter-inch formats. 

	The Free Software Foundation (617-876-3296) sells X11R3 on half-inch 
tapes and on QIC-24 cartridges.  

	Automata Design Associates (215-646-4894) sells X11R3 source on 5.25" 
high-density floppies and QIC-24 quarter-inch cartridge tapes. 

	European sites can obtain a free distribution from Jamie Watson, who 
may be reached at chx400!pan!jw or cernvax!pan!jw. [1/90]

	IXI Limited (+44 223 462 131) is selling X11R3 source on quarter-inch 
cartridge formats and on 5.25" and 3.5" floppy, with other formats available on
request. [IXI, 2/90]

[Note that some distributions are media-only and do not include docs.]
[The MIT Software Center no longer distributes X11R3.]
	(See below for FTP sites.)

1) Where can I obtain X11R4?

	The MIT Software Center is shipping X11R4 on four 1600bpi half-inch 
tapes. Call the X Hotline at (617) 258-8330 for prerecorded ordering 
information and a good product description.

	Integrated Computer Solutions, Inc., ships X11R4 on half-inch, 
quarter-inch, and TK50 formats. Call 617-547-0510 for ordering information.

	The Free Software Foundation (617-876-3296) sells X11R4 on half-inch 
tapes and on QIC-24 cartridges.  

	Yaser Doleh (doleh@math-cs.kent.EDU; P.O. Box 1301, Kent, OH 44240) is
making X11R4 available on HP format tapes, 16 track, and Sun cartridges. [2/90]

	European sites can obtain a free X11R4 distribution from Jamie Watson,
who may be reached at chx400!pan!jw or cernvax!pan!jw. [1/90]

	IXI Limited (+44 223 462 131) is selling X11R4 source on quarter-inch 
cartridge formats and on 5.25" and 3.5" floppy, with other formats available on
request. [IXI, 2/90]

	Virtual Technologies (703-430-9247) provides the entire X11R4 
compressed source release on a single QIC-24 quarter-inch cartridge and also on
1.2meg or 1.44 meg floppies upon request. [Conor Cahill (cpcahil@virtech.uu.net)

[Note that some distributions are media-only and do not include docs.]

	Canadian sites can send email to xhacks@csri.toronto.edu to arrange for
the exchange of tapes; the offer is subject to "time availability".
[information from Mark Moraes (moraes@csri.toronto.edu), 2/90]

	UK sites can obtain R4 through the UKUUG Software Distribution Service,
from the Department of Computing, Imperial College, London, in several tape 
formats.  You may also obtain the source via Janet (and therefore PSS) using 
Niftp (Host: uk.ac.ic.doc.src Name: guest Password: your_email_address). 
Queries should be directed to Lee McLoughlin, 01-589-5111#5037, or to 
ukuug-soft@uk.ac.ic.doc. Also offered are copies of comp.sources.x logs.

	X11R4 is ftp-able from expo.lcs.mit.edu; these sites are preferable, 
though, and are more direct:

                        Machine                  Internet      FTP
    Location            Name                     Address       Directory
    --------            -------                  --------      -------------
(1) West USA            gatekeeper.dec.com      pub/X11/R4
    Central USA         mordred.cs.purdue.edu    pub/X11/R4
(2) Central USA         giza.cis.ohio-state.edu  pub/X.V11R4
    Southeast USA       uunet.uu.net      X/R4
(3) Northeast USA       crl.dec.com      pub/X11/R4
(4) UK Janet            src.doc.ic.ac.uk  X.V11R4
    UK niftp            uk.ac.ic.doc.src                       <XV11R4>
(5) Australia           munnari.oz.au    X.V11/R4

The giza.cis.ohio-state.edu site, in particular, is known to have much of the
contrib stuff that can be found on expo. 

The release is available to DEC Easynet sites as CRL::"/pub/X11/R4".

2) Where can I obtain Motif?
	Various hardware vendors produce developer's toolkits of binaries, 
header files, and documentation; check your hardware vendor, particularly if
that vendor is an OSF member. Systems known to be shipping now: HP (sans UIL), 
Apollo (sans UIL), SCO, ISC, Mips (RISCwindows=X11R3 + full Motif). 

	In addition, independent binary vendors produce Motif toolkits. ICS 
makes several binary kits, notably for Sun, DEC, Apple; Quest (408-988-8880) 
sells kits for Suns, as well; IXI (+44 223 462 131) offers kits for Sun3 (SunOS
3.5 or later, and Sun4 (SunOS 4.0.1 or later). Unipalm XTech (+44 954 211862) 
offers a binary kit for Sun 4, Sun 3, and Sun 386i.
	The kits include varied levels of bug-fixing and support for shared 

	An OSF/Motif source license must be obtained from OSF before source can
be obtained from the Open Software Foundation or any value-added vendor. Call 
the Motif Desk at OSF at 617-621-8835 for ordering information.

3) Where can I obtain software implementing Open Look?

	Sun's XView has a SunView-style API. A new version is on the X11R4 
tape; a newer version is also available (as of 2/90) on expo.lcs.mit.edu 
for anonymous ftp. Supported binaries of XView include: 

	AT&T's Open Look GUI 2.0 Xt-based toolkit is now generally available 
[2/90]; contact 1-800-828-UNIX#544 for information. Binaries are produced
for SPARC systems by International Quest Corporation (408-988-8289).

	Sun is shipping OpenWindows 1.0 for Sparc, Sun-3, and Sun386i machines;
contact your local sales representative for more details.

	Solbourne's extensible C++-based Object Interface Library will be 
distributed by AT&T [date of availability appx. 6/90].

4) Where can I obtain other X sources?

	User-contributed software is distributed through the newsgroup
comp.sources.x, moderated by Dan Heller (argv@sun.com); also check that group 
for posting information.

	[Information expected about the Free Widget Library is about to make 
the following on PDWL out-of-date. In the mean-time ... ]
	Miles O'Neal of Sales Technologies, Inc., started a Public Domain 
Widget Library in 11/88. The PDWL is a repository of widgets donated for the 
use of other X programmers and also of toolkit documentation, widget-writing
documentation, better documentation for extant widgets and toolkits, and 
widget-writing tools.
	In addition, the PDWL also stores information on commercially available
toolkits and other sites from which public-domain widget-related and X-related 
stuff may be obtained. It is a place for non-commercial stuff not readily 
available elsewhere.
	You can access the PDWL by sending electronic mail to the account
gatech!stiatl!xwidgets. Send a Subject line of 'help' to obtain more 
information on retrieving widgets and on submitting sources.

	The machine expo.lcs.mit.edu has a great deal of user-contributed
software in the contrib/ directory; a good deal of it is present in current or 
earlier versions on the X11R3 and X11R4 contrib tapes. There is a new directory
contrib/R4fixes/ for fixes to R4 contrib software. [Jim Fulton, 2/90]

	The material on giza.cis.ohio-state.edu, which tends to duplicate 
the expo archives, is also available via anonymous UUCP from osu-cis, at TB+ 
and V.32 speeds.  Write to uucp@cis.ohio-state.edu (same as osu-cis!uucp) for 
instructions. [the archive is now maintained by Karl Kleinpaste]

	A new west-coast UUCP X11 Archive is administered by Mark Snitily 
(mark@zok.uucp) and contains the full X11R4 distribution, the XTEST
distribution, an entire archive of comp.sources.x and other goodies.
	The machine zok has a TB+ modem which will connect to 19.2K, 2400, 
1200 baud (in that order).  The anonymous UUCP account is UXarch with password 
Xgoodies.  The modem's phone number is 408-996-8285.
	A sample Systems (or L.sys) entry might be:
   		zok Any ACU 19200 4089968285 in:--in: UXarch word: Xgoodies
	To get a current listing of the files that are available, download
the file "/usrX/ls-lR.Z".
	A full subject index of the comp.sources.x files is available in the
file "/usrX/comp.sources.x/INDEX".
	The machine has just the one modem, so please do not fetch large 
amounts of data at one sitting.
[courtesy Mark Snitily, 2/90]

	FTP sites and software available (list as of X11R3; also see above):
brazos.rice.edu      pub/X11R3/core.src
charon.mit.edu        perl+patches, xdvi
cs.purdue.edu         rcs,xspeed
j.cc.purdue.edu      comp.sources.{unix,x,amiga}, elm, uupc
nl.cs.cmu.edu       Fuzzy Pixmap 0.84 in /usr/mlm/ftp
shambhala.berkeley.edu  xrn
terminator.cc.umich.edu      xscheme, msdos, atari
cayuga.cs.rochester.edu   Xfig,LaTeX styles,Jove
cfdl.larc.nasa.gov  gnu, rfc, sun, X, ucb, odu, vm
cheddar.cs.wisc.edu  Common Lisp stuff, X11 courier fonts
cs.orst.edu         Xlisp
dinorah.wustl.edu X11R3/core.src 
expo.lcs.mit.edu     a home of X, portable bitmaps
gatekeeper.dec.com    X11,etc...
giza.cis.ohio-state.edu   miscellaneous similar to expo
hotel.cis.ksu.edu  XBBS, msdos, U3G toolkit
icarus.riacs.edu    SLIP, chkpt, macdump, Xpostit
interviews.stanford.edu    InterViews X toolkit
jpl-mil.jpl.nasa.gov  Tex, Mac, Gnu, Xv11R{2,3}
m9-520-1.mit.edu      Xim (X image viewer)
mordred.cs.purdue.edu     X11R3
polyslo.calpoly.edu    src/spaceout.tar.Z for X11
scam.berkeley.edu   X sources, etc.
sun.soe.clarkson.edu   X11 fonts, TeX
think.com               X11.2 Interviews 3d
vaxa.isi.edu          X, db
wheaties.ai.mit.edu   "tX11" 
xanth.cs.odu.edu      comp.srcs.{x,unix,misc,games,amiga},X
[This is from a file posted in early July 1989 and is attributable to Edward
Vielmetti (emv@math.lsa.umich.edu) and Jon Granrose (odin@pilot.njin.net).
This list does need updating; help is invited.]

In addition, UUNET Source Archives (703-876-5050) tracks comp.sources.x and 
provides 600MB+ of compressed programs on two 6250 bpi or five 1/4" tapes. 
5) What is the xstuff mail-archive?

	The xstuff server is a mail-response program. That means that you mail 
it a request, and it mails back the response.
	Any of the four possible commands must be the first word on a line. The 
xstuff server reads your entire message before it does anything, so you can 
have several different commands in a single message (unless you ask for help). 
The xstuff server treats the "Subject:" header line just like any other line 
of the message.
	The archives are organized into a series of directories and 
subdirectories.  Each directory has an index, and each subdirectory has an 
index. The top-level index gives you an overview of what is in the 
subdirectories, and the index for each subdirectory tells you what is in it.

	1) The command "help" or "send help" causes the server to send you a 
more detailed version of this help file.
	2) if your message contains a line whose first word is "index", then 
the server will send you the top-level index of the contents of the archive. If
there are other words on that line that match the name of subdirectories, then 
the indexes for those subdirectories are sent instead of the top-level index. 
For example, you can say "send index fixes" (or "index fixes"). A message that 
requests an index cannot request data.
	3) if your message contains a line whose first word is "send", then the
xstuff server will send you the item(s) named on the rest of the line. To name 
an item, you give its directory and its name. For example
                send fixes 1 3 4
	You may issue multiple send requests. The xstuff server contains many 
safeguards to ensure that it is not monopolized by people asking for large 
amounts of data. The mailer is set up so that it will send no more than a fixed 
amount of data each day. If the work queue contains more requests than the 
day's quota, then the unsent files will not be processed until the next day. 
Whenever the mailer is run to send its day's quota, it sends the requests out 
	4) Some mailers produce mail headers that are unusable for extracting 
return addresses.  If you use such a mailer, you won't get any response.  If 
you happen to know an explicit path, you can include a line like
        path foo%bar.bitnet@mitvma.mit.edu
        path bar!foo!frotz
in the body of your message, and the daemon will use it.

	The xstuff server itself can be reached at xstuff@expo.lcs.mit.edu. If 
your mailer deals in "!" notation, try sending to 

[based on information from the MIT X Consortium, 8/89, 4/90.]

6) Where can I obtain patches to X11R4?

	The xstuff server now has eleven patches for X11R4 [5/90]. Send to 
xstuff@expo.lcs.mit.edu the Subject line
		send fixes #
where # are numbers in the range of 1 to 11 (e.g. `send fixes 1 3 5 7 8 10`).

	Patches are typically also distributed through the newsgroup 
comp.sources.x, with some lagtime.

	Some source re-sellers may be including patches in their source 
distributions of X11R4.

7) Where can I find books and articles on X that are good for beginners?

	Ken Lee of the DEC Western Software Laboratory (klee@wsl.dec.com) 
regularly posts to comp.windows.x and ba.windows.x a list of reference books 
and articles on X and X programming.  Here is an unordered set of useful 
reference books and tutorials, most of which appear on that list [comments are 
gathered from a variety of places and are unattributable]:

Jones, Oliver, "Introduction to the X Window System," Prentice Hall, 1989. A 
fine introduction to programming with Xlib; fairly good background to the X 
protocol; nice discussion of Xlib, the X library. ISBN 0-13-499997-5.
Young, Doug. "The X Window System: Applications and Programming with Xt (Motif 
Version)," Prentice Hall, 1989 (ISBN 0-13-497074-8). The excellent tutorial 
"X Window Systems Programming and Applications with Xt," (ISBN 0-13-972167-3) 
updated for Motif. [The examples from the Motif version are available on expo 
in ~ftp/contrib/young.motif.tar.Z]
Scheifler, Robert, James Gettys, and Ron Newman, "X Window System: C Library 
and Protocol Reference," Digital Press, 1988. The bible on X.  This is the most
complete published description of the X programming interface and X protocol. 
It should not be one's first book on X, though. ISBN 1-55558-012-2.  DP order 
number EY-6737E-DP.  
Nye, Adrian, "Xlib Programming Manual, Volume 1" and "Xlib Reference Manual, 
Volume 2," O'Reilly and Associates, 1988. A superset of the MIT X documentation;
the first volume is a tutorial with broad coverage of Xlib, and the second
contains reference pages for Xlib functions and many useful reference 
appendices.  ISBN 0-937175-26-9 (volume 1) and ISBN 0-937175-27-7 (volume 2).
[A version updated for X11R4 is available (4/90).]

Nye, Adrian, and Tim O'Reilly, "X Toolkit Programming Manual, Volume 4,"
O'Reilly and Associates, 1989. The folks at O'Reilly give their comprehensive
treatment to programming with the MIT X11R3 Intrinsics; some information on 
X11R4 is included.

O'Reilly, Tim, ed.,  "X Toolkit Reference Manual, Volume 5," O'Reilly and 
Associates, 1989.  A professional reference manual for the MIT X11R3 Xt; some 
information on X11R4 is included.

Rosenthal, David S.H., "Inter-Client Communication Conventions Manual Version 
1.0 (MIT Consortium Standard)." The first real ICCCM, available on the R4 tape;
a version is also available from the xstuff mail-archive-server.

(Prentice-Hall ordering is 201-767-5937. O'Reilly ordering is 800-338-NUTS.)

In addition, check the X11R4 core distribution in doc/tutorials for some useful
papers and tutorials, particularly the file doc/tutorials/answers.txt.  "Late 
Night's Top Ten X11 Questions" by Dave Lemke (lemke@ncd.com) and Stuart Marks 
(smarks@sun.com) answers other common questions and some of these here in more 

8) What courses on X are available?

	Advanced Computing Environments periodically offers at least a two-day
Introduction course. Contact Susie Karlson at 415-941-3399 for information.

	Communica Software Consultants offers three-day hands-on courses in X 
designed for the X Window system developer and programmer. Contact Nicholas
Davias, telephone (08) 232 2626, e-mail nick@manic.communica.oz. [4/90]

	Integrated Computer Solutions, Inc., offers several multi-day, hands-on
courses on X, Xt, and the Xaw and Motif widget sets, in particular. 
Information is available at 617-547-0510 and info@ics.com.

	Intelligent Visual Computing teaches several Xt-based lab courses 
on-site. IVC is at 919-481-1353 or at info@ivc.uu.net.

	IXI Limited (+44 223 462 131) offers regular X training courses for 
both programmers and non-technical managers.

	Lurnix offers 4-day "type-along courses" on Xt; the course is being
ported from Xaw to Xm. Information is available at 800-433-9337 (in CA: -9338).

	Unipalm XTech (+44 (0954) 211862) offers X and Xt courses.

	Various vendors are also beginning to offer X training, usually 
specific to Xt and a proprietary widget set; HP and DEC are also offering Xlib 
courses. Sun offers an XView course.

	Various universities are offering short X courses or overviews: UCLA,
Dartmouth, University of Lowell, University of Canberra (within Australia: 
062-522422) ...

	Among the best places to find courses are at the various Unix 
conferences -- Uniforum, Usenix, Unix Expo, Xhibition, the MIT X Technical
Conference, &c.

[additional information to be filled in as received]

9) Is there a skeleton X program available?
	There is no general framework such as the TransSkel program for the 
Macintosh which handles lots of the odds and ends and overhead of development 
under a window system and which can be used as a platform for additional 
development. In X, the problem is typically solved by using an interactive 
application builder tool or by using cut&paste on existing X applications. Good
applications which you might look to manipulate when you want to "test just 
this one little thing" include contrib/clients/xskel, a simple R4 program that 
puts up a window and allows sketching in it and offers a starting point for
quick hacks, the Xaw examples in the examples/ directory in the R3 and R4 
distributions, and the Xlib "Hello World" example in the R3 doc/HelloWorld and 
R4 doc/tutorials/HelloWorld; an updated version of this program which uses R4 
Xlib calls and current ICCCM conventions was posted in 2/90 to comp.windows.x  
by Glenn Widener of Tektronix. 	[3/90]

10) What are these common abbreviations?

	Xt: The X Toolkit Intrinsics is a library layered on Xlib which 
provides the functionality from which the widget sets are built. An "Xt-based" 
program is an application which uses one of those widget sets and which uses 
Intrinsics mechanisms to manipulate the widgets.
	Xmu: The Xmu library is a collection of Miscellaneous Utility functions
useful in building various applications and widgets.
	Xaw: The Athena Widget Set is the MIT-implemented sample widget set
distributed with X11 source since X11R2.
	Xm: The OSF/Motif widget set from the Open Software Foundation; binary
kits are available from many hardware vendors
	XUI: DEC's X-programmer's toolkit, including a widget set and a high-
level widget description language, is being phased out.
	Xhp (Xw): The Hewlett-Packard Widget Set was originally based on R2++, 
but several sets of patches exist which bring it up to R3, as it is distributed
on the X11R4 tapes.
	dxwm: The DECwindows window manager is part of DEC's current X release.
	mwm: The Motif Window Manager is distributed with OSF/Motif source and
is available from vendors in binary form.
	CLX: The Common Lisp X Interface is a Common Lisp equivalent to Xlib.
	XDMCP: The X Display Manager Protocol provides a uniform mechanism for 
a display such as an X terminal to request login service from a remote host.
	XLFD: The X Logical Font Description Conventions describes a standard
logical font description and conventions to be used by clients so that they
can query and access those resources.
	ICCCM: The Inter-Client Communication Conventions Manual explains the
set of standard conventions which X clients should follow to allow them to
cooperate in the areas of selections, cut buffers, window management, session
management, and resources. The latest version is on the X11R4 tape.
	RTFM: Common expert-speak meaning "please locate and consult the 
relevant documentation -- Read the Manual"
	UTSL: A common expression meaning "take advantage of the fact that you 
aren't limited by a binary license -- Use The Source, Luke".

11) What is XUG?

	The X User's Group was formed in January of 1988.  Its purpose is to 
encourage X development by providing information on the X Window System to all 
who are interested.

	- Local Area Groups: [this list is in the process of being updated]:
		Bay Area 		Jim Turner, 415/960-0123
		Boston 			Mitch Trachtenberg, 617/621-8700
		Cleveland 		Mike Kolberg, 216/243-1198
		New York City 		#TBC#
		Princeton, NJ 		Joe Camaratta, 609/734-6500
		Research Triangle Park 	Steven Thiedke, 919/481-1353
		Washington, DC 		Thomas Fagre, 703/866-7425
		Rocky Mountain		Jim West, 719/260-3463
		England 		Ray Anderson, +44 223 462131
		France 			Daniel Dardailler, +33 93 65 77 71
		Singapore		Chee Keong Law, 772-3116
		Milan			Richard Glover, (39) 961-743-486

	- XNextEvent: the several-times-yearly newsletter includes articles of 
general interest.

	To join, form a local group, contribute to XNextEvent, or help out in 
any other way, contact Alex Fisher at XUG, c/o Integrated Computer Solutions, 
163 Harvard Street, Cambridge, MA  02139, 617/547-0634, or email to 
xug@expo.lcs.mit.edu (please make sure to include a return address, particularly
if you connect to the world via a UUCP connection). Note that this address is
not a mail server. [Note also that XUG does not currently send this list via
email to a mailing list, though individual requests will be answered.]

12) What is EXUG?

The European X User Group was formed in 1989 to represent X users in Europe.  
It holds technical conferences at regular intervals, the next one being a
three-day conference at the University of Surrey, England, September 24-26.

The EXUG also publishes a regular newsletter which is distributed free of 
charge to members.  The EXUG also runs a email mailing list for members which 
is frequently used to address issues of European interest in X.

The EXUG can be contacted by email at: exug@unipalm.uucp or by snail mail at:   
The EXUG, Mitchell House, 185 High Street, Cottenham, Cambridge CB4 4RX, 
England; phone +44 954 211860.

[from Bevis King (brwk@doc.ic.ac.uk), 4/90]

13) What is the X Consortium and how do I join?

	The MIT X Consortium was formed in January of 1988 to further the
development of the X Window System and has as its major goal the promotion of 
cooperation within the computer industry in the creation of standard software 
interfaces at all layers in the X Window System environment.
	MIT's role is to provide the vendor-neutral architectural and 
administrative leadership required to make this work. Membership in the 
Consortium open to any organization.  There are two categories of membership, 
Member (for large organizations) and Affiliate (for smaller organizations).
	Most of the Consortium's activities take place via electronic mail, 
with meetings when required.  As designs and specifications take shape,
interest groups are formed from experts in the participating organizations.  
Typically a small multi-organization architecture team leads the design, with 
others acting as close observers and reviewers.  Once a complete specification
is produced, it may be submitted for formal technical review by the Consortium
as a proposed standard.  The standards process typically includes public 
review (outside the Consortium) and a demonstration of proof of concept.
	Your involvment in the public review process or as a Member or 
Affiliate of the Consortium is welcomed.
	Write to: Bob Scheifler, MIT X Consortium, Laboratory for Computer 
Science, 545 Technology Square, Cambridge, MA 02139.

[For complete information see the XCONSORTIUM man page from the X11R4
distribution, from which this information is adapted.] [2/90]

14) What is xpert?

	The xpert mailing list is the general, public mailing list on X
maintained by the X Consortium. The mailings are gatewayed, so xpert is almost 
identical to the comp.windows.x Usenet newgroup. 

	***	If you get comp.windows.x, you don't need to 	***
	***	be added to the xpert mailing list. 		***

	Otherwise, you can join the list to receive X information 
electronically. It is best to find a local distribution; perhaps someone within
your company is already receiving the mailing. As a last resort, send mail to 
xpert-request@expo.lcs.mit.edu with a valid return electronic address. 

15) What conferences on X are coming up?

	The next European X User Group Conference is a three-day affair at the
University of Surrey, England, September 24-26. Papers are invited on these
topics: server technology, server extensions, applications, user interfaces,
graphics, user inexperiences, network support, standardization efforts. There
is an associated vendor show. Information: +44 954 211860 or 

	The MIT Technical Conference is typically held in January in Boston,
mostly for historical reasons. Information: +1 617 253 8861.

	The Xhibition 91 X trade show and conference, with tutorials, panels, 
presentations, and vendor exhibits, will probably be held in San Jose, June 
2-7. Information: +1 617 547 0510. 

	Other trade shows -- UnixExpo, Uniforum, Siggraph -- show an increasing
presence of X, including tutorials and exhibits.

16) What is the current state of the world in X terminals?

	Here is a selection of vendors with "impressions of consensus opinions".

	Acer (408-922-0333) has the Xebra 1000, based on an 8086 cpu, with a
640x480 monochrome screen. "Low performance." "May not be sold anymore."

	AT&T's (800-247-1212; ask for local dealer) 730X has a 1Kx1K b/w
display with a 1:1 aspect ratio. The terminal supports multiple Telnet sessions
and AT&T windowing in addition to X. [Starlan only.] "Very, very nice."

	C. Itoh (714-660-1421; also 800-347-2484) produces the CIT-X Network 
Display Station based on a 12.5MHZ 68301 main processor with a 34010 graphics 
processor. "C. Itoh may pull out of the business."

	DEC (800-343-4040) offers the VT1000, a home-brew 15" 1024x864 
monochrome terminal using the TI 34010. "Digital has it now?"

	Gipsi S.A. (+33 (1) or Jeff Abramatic at jfa@gipsi.fr) in 
10/89 announced "le tX", a line of 68030-based X terminals running X11R3. 
High-end models, at least, feature downloadable X servers.
	 Model Memory Resolution   Display Refresh (Hz)  Price (FF)
	   M    2 MB  1280x960x1  19" B&W       66        32 400
	   Me   2 MB  1280x960x2  19" Greyscale 66        38 000
	   C4   2 MB  1280x768x4  16" Colour    60        59 900
	   C8   4 MB  1280x1024x8 19" Colour    60        79 400
		Expansion is up to 8MB and 8 planes.
The exclusive US distributor is Peripheral Design, Inc (404-263-0067).
"Looks fairly nice; shouldn't be overlooked."

	GraphOn (800-472-7466) OptimaX 200 runs a server on the host which 
translates from X protocol to a proprietary protocol which can run over a 
serial line. The screen is 14". The terminal is based on a 12MHz 68000.  (See 
the December 1989 issue of XNextEvent for an informal review.) "Best available
solution for RS232C lines."

	HP (800-752-0900; ask for nearest sales office) offers the 700/X series
of terminals using on the TI 34010. Bit-mapped graphics monitors with 
resolutions of 640x480, 800x600, and 1024x768 are supported.  All units come 
standard with 1 Mbyte of RAM expandable up to 4 Mbytes and display 16 colors 
from a palette of 4096 or up to 16 levels of gray-scale. (They can be
converted into workstations.)

	Human Design Systems (800-437-1551) offers several combinations of 14",
16", and 19" color, grey-scale, and mono screens, at least 1Kx1K. All support 
thin and thick Ethernet. High-end models are expandable to 8.5MB. "Slow."

	IBM's Xstation 120 starts with 512KB of memory and features support
for simultaneous Token-Ring and Ethernet connections. [2/90] AGE (619-565-7373)
has software that allows it to work with Suns, RTs, and DECstations as well as 
the IBM Powerstation machines.

	Jupiter Systems (415-523-9000, 508-836-4400) produces the Model 310
which features a 19-inch 1280x1024 color monitor. "A price leader, but also a 
performance leader." The Model 410 has a 19", 1280x1024 monitor and offers
a large palette and high memory expansion. [5/90]

	Micronics (415-651-2300) offers the MaxTerm, based on a 25MHz 80386 and
featuring  a 19", 1280x1024 screen. The MaxTerm offers virtual memory. [5/90]

	Network Computing Devices (415-694-0650) offers several terminals. The 
NCD16 has a 1Kx1K 16" square display, a 12.5MHz 68000, a non-optical mouse, a 
DEC-influenced keyboard, and an X11R3 server.  The base configuration comes 
with 1.5M memory. There is an option for down-loading the server into RAM.
There is also a 19" version with 1280x1024 resolution. The new 17c is an 8-bit 
color 1024x768 display. "Nice engineers' terminals."

	NCR (513-445-2033) offers the Towerview with 1024x840 resolution and a 
PROM-based server. The Towerview supports serial connections. Fonts are
down-loaded. The XL15 and XL19 have 15", 1024x800 and 19", 1280x1024 displays,
respectively. "Seems to be designed for the PC office." NCR has recently [5/90]
added a series of color terminals to its line; the terminals use a 68020 and
a TI34010 for low-level graphics. Offerings include a 14", 800x600 terminal,
one at 17" and 1024x768, and one at 19" and 1024x768.

	Northwest Digital Systems (206-524-0014).

	Princeton Graphic Systems (800-221-1490) has introduced the Ultra X line
with monochrome up to 1024x768 and color up to 1024x1280, expandable to 8MB.

	Qume (408-942-4000) has announced an X terminal called the QXT 10 X.

	Samsung Software America has introduced the SGS-19, offering a 19",
1280x1024 display; it is based on the RISC Am29000. [5/90] "VERY fast mono."

	Spectragraphics (619-450-0611) offers an X terminal with emulation for
the IBM 3270 and related terminals.

	Tektronix (203-877-1494; or Rick Kamp rickka@orca.WV.tek.com) offers 
the Model 4211 Graphics Netstation using the TI 34010 graphics processor. The 
15" screen is 1024x768 color. The XN11 is a PseudoColor device with up to 8 
planes. The 16" and 19" monitors have the 1024x768 resolution. There is also an
XN10, which features a 19", 1024x768 color monitor.

	Visual Technology (800-VISUALC; MA 508-836-4400) offers three models
of terminals:
   Model             Resolution                  Processor       Refresh
   -----             ----------                  ---------       -------
   X15 (15" screen)  1024 x 800                  16.6 MHz 68000  76 Hz
   X19+(19" screen)  1152 x 900 ("Sun" standard) 16.6 MHz 68000  72 Hz
   X19Turbo          1280 x 1024                 20 MHz 68020    72 Hz
The X15 and X19+ offer optimized monochrome graphics at advanced processor
speeds, with 1 - 4M RAM.  The X19Turbo offers optimized monochrome graphics,
with 2 - 8M RAM and the option for grayscale expansion.  The X19Turbo offers 
hardware-assisted grayscale drawing. "Good low-cost-per-seat performance 
stations." [5/90]

Digital Review's 2/26/90 issue evaluates a subset of these terminals. 
Corrections are in the 3/5 issue, p.4. A rebuttal from Jupiter appears 3/19. 

Digital News' 4/16/90 issue evaluates a subset of these terminals.

[Note to vendors, in particular: it is becoming difficult to keep up with the
introduction of new models. Any updates to the above?]

17) How can I get an X server on a PC?

	Locus Computing (800-955-6287; CA: 213-670-6500; UK: +44 296 89911) has 
a server called PC-Xsight which also appears in Acer's X terminal.

	HP (800-752-0900) has the "HP Accelerated X Window Display Server"
(HP AXDS/PC; HP part D2300B) which will run on any AT-class DOS machine with 
640KB, MSDOS 3.1 or higher, and the HP Intelligent Graphics Controller 10 card,
to which the X11R3-based server is downloaded (avoiding performance-limitations
from PC RAM-size and processor speed). [from John Kempff (kempff@hppad.hp.com),

	Graphic Software Systems (GSS) (503-641-2200) makes PC-Xview, an 
MSDOS-based X server which interfaces with PC/TCP Plus networking software from
FTP Software and Excelan's LAN WorkPlace for DOS.  The server works with 
(a) 286, 386, 486 (b) EGA, VGA, DGIS displays. (c) DOS 3.2 and above
(d) Microsoft, Logitech, Mouse Systems Mice (e) 640k memory up to 16 MB memory
[the PC-Xview/16 is available for PCs with extended memory].

	VisionWare's XVision is a Microsoft Windows-based X server which allows
an IBM-compatible PC or PS/2 to display X clients running on a networked 
computer at the same time as local DOS programs. VisionWare is at 612-377-3627 
or vision@vware.mn.org (UK: +44 532 788858 and vware@vision.uucp).
	Integrated Inference Machines (714-978-6201 or -6776) is shipping 
X11/AT, an X server that runs under MS-windows. The server converts an IBM-AT 
into an X terminal which can simultaneously run MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows 

	IBM is rumored to offer a product; part #5709-029.

	Hummingbird Communications (Canada 416-470-1203) produces the 
HCL-eXceed and HCL-eXceed Plus for EGA, VGA, and VGA+ controllers. 

	Information Network Solutions also offers a product called HCL-eXceed
for the *86. The fax is 02-4122079 inside Australia, 612-4122079 from overseas.

	PC DECwindows a.k.a. the PC DECwindows Display Facility is an MS-DOS 
application that turns your PC into an X11R3 terminal. It supports DECnet.
Available from DEC. [Dennis Giokas (giokas@mosaic.enet.dec.com), 3/90]

	AGE (619-565-7373) offers the XoftWare TIGA.

	Bell Technologies (Fremont, CA: 415-659-9097)

	Intelligent Decisions, Inc. (Sunnyvale, CA: 408-734-3730)

	Pericom's TeemTalk-X for IBM clones allows toggling between X and DOS. 
Information: +44 (0908) 560022.	[5/90]

18) What terminal emulators other than xterm are available?

	Grafpoint's TGRAF-X provides emulation of the Tektronix 41xx and 42xx 
series. Information: 408-446-1919. [5/90]

	IXI's X.deskterm, a package for integrating character-based 
applications into an X environment, includes a number of terminal-emulation
modules. Information: +44 (0223) 462131. [5/90]

	Pericom produces Teem-X, a set of several emulation packages for a
number of Tek, DEC, Westward, and Data General terminals. The software runs on
Sun 3, Sun 4, Apollo, DEC, ISC, IBM/AIX. Information: US: 609-895-0404, 
UK: +44 (0908) 560022. [5/90]

19) How can I get an X server on a Macintosh running MacOS?

	eXodus from White Pine Software (603-886-9050) runs on any Mac with
at least 1MB of memory and runs the X server within a standard Macintosh 
window.  eXodus II uses the math co-processor and other features of high-end
Macs. [info current as of 6/89] Version 2.0 supports DECwindows colors, fonts,
and cursors, and session management, and supports color and multiple screens.

	Apple's MacX runs on MacPlus or newer machines with >= 2MB of memory
and system software 6.0.4 or later. It is an "X11R3.5" server that includes 
support for an optional built-in ICCCM-compliant window manager, X11R4 fonts 
and colors, a built-in BDF font compiler, and built-in standard colormaps, and 
it supports the X11R4 notion "all visuals that make sense" for color displays. 
Available 1Q90. [courtesy Alan Mimms (alan@apple.com], 3/90] "X for the rest
of us."

20) Where can I obtain an X-based editor or word-processor?

	You can ftp the latest version of emacs, including X11 support, from
prep.ai.mit.edu [].  The file you probably want is
	Epoch is a modified version of Gnu Emacs with additional facilities
useful in an X environment. Epoch is available by anonymous ftp from 
cs.uiuc.edu (, in the directory pub/epoch-files.  There are two 
subdirectories:  epoch contains the epoch source, and gwm contains the source 
to the programmable window manager GWM, with which epoch works well.

	The Andrew system on the X11R4 tape has been described as one of the
best word-processing packages available. It supports word processing with 
multi-media embedded objects: rasters, tables/spread sheets, drawings, style 
editor, application builder, embedded programming language, &c. 
[Fred Hansen (wjh+@ANDREW.CMU.EDU)]

In addition:

	FrameMaker and FrameWriter are available as X-based binary products for
several machines. Frame is at 800-843-7263 (CA: 408-433-3311).

	InDepthEdit is available from Non Standard Logics (+33 (1) 43 36 77 50).

	DECwrite is available from DEC for some DEC hardware and SunWrite is
available from Sun.

	IslandWrite will soon be available from Island Graphics (415-491-1000) 
for some HP & Apollo platforms.

	Interleaf is currently available from Interleaf (800-241-7700, 
MA: 617-577-9800) on all Sun and DEC platforms; others are under development.

	The Alis office-productivity tool from Applix (1-800-8APPLIX, MA: 
508-870-0300) includes a multi-font WYSIWG document composer; for several

	ArborText, Inc. provides an X11 version of its Electronic Publishing 
program called "The Publisher". The Publisher is available on Sun, HP and 
Apollo workstations. Contact Arbortext at 313-996-3566. [5/90]

21) Where can I obtain an X-based paint/draw program?

	xpic is an object-oriented drawing program. It supports multiple font 
styles and sizes and variable line widths; there are no rotations or zooms.
xpic is quite suitable as an interactive front-end to pic, though the 
xpic-format produced can be converted into PostScript. (The latest version is 
on the R4 contrib tape in clients/xpic.)

	xfig is an object-oriented drawing program supporting compound objects.
The text-handling is limited. The xfig-format can be converted in PostScript or
other formats. One version is on the R4 contrib tape in clients/xfig; it is one 
of the several 'xfig' programs which several groups independently developed 
parallel versions of from the R3 xfig.

	idraw 2.5 supports numerous fonts and various line styles and arbitrary
rotations. It supports zoom and scroll and color draws and fills. On the R4 
tape; see also interviews-request@interviews.stanford.edu.

[courtesy Jim Helman (jim@kaos.Stanford.EDU) 7/89; some comments added by XUG]

In addition:

	dxpaint is a bitmap-oriented drawing program most like MacPaint; it's 
good for use by artists but commonly held to be bad for drawing figures or 
drafting. dxpaint is part of the Ultrix 3.x release.

	FrameMaker has some draw capabilities. [4/90]

	ArborText (313-996-3566) offers PubDraw, an X11-based drawing program,
on Sun, HP and Apollo workstations.
22) Where can I obtain an X-based spreadsheet?

Vendor                        Product    Phone
------                        -------    -----
Access Technology             20/20      (508) 655-9191
Informix                      WingZ      (800) 331-1763
Quality Software Products     Q-Calc/eXclaim    800-628-3999 (CA:213-410-0303) 
Unipress                      Q-Calc     (201) 985-8000
Uniplex                       Uniplex    (214) 717-0068, (800) 356-8063
[above from Walter E. Gillett (gillett@AI.MIT.EDU)]
Digital				DECdecision   1-800-DIGITAL

BBN Software Products         BBN/Slate  617-873-3984 (Scott Richardson)
	(the product includes WordProcessing, Spreadsheet, Graphics, Image 
	Processing, Foreign Language WordProcessing, Electronic Mail, and 
	Elecronic Conferencing)

The Alis office-productivity tool from Applix (1-800-8APPLIX, MA: 508-870-0300)
includes a spreadsheet.

23) Where can I get a PostScript previewer for X?

	xps is available from almost everywhere that the X11 contributed source
can be found. The version currently on expo is based on Crispin Goswell's 
PostScript interpreter with fixes and speedups by John Myers and Barry Shein 
and an X11 driver by Terry Weissman.  There are known problems with fonts. The 
package is good for lowering the edit-print-edit cycle in experimenting with 
particular PostScript effects.

	Ghostscript is distributed by the Free Software Foundation 
(617-876-3296) and includes a PostScript interpreter and a library of graphics
primitives. The README for the current version, 1.3, points out that it doesn't
take advantage of many of the facilities offered by X but that this is intended
to change in the future. The software can probably be found on prep.ai.mit.edu.
A 1.4beta may be found on uunet. [2/90]

In addition:

	ScriptWorks is Harlequin's software package for previewing and printing
PostScript(R) descriptions of text and graphics images; previewers for X are 
available. For information call +44-223-872522 or send email to 

	Digital's dxpsview runs on UWS 2.1 and 2.2.

	Sun's pageview runs with the X11/NeWS server. 

24) Where can I get a troff previewer for X?

	X11R4 has two previewers for device-independent troff: the supported 
client xditview, and the contributed-but-well-maintained xtroff. An earlier 
version of xtroff also appeared on the R3 contributed source.

In addition:

	Elan Computer Group (CA: 415-964-2200) produces eroff, a modified 
troff implementation, and Elan/Express, an X11 eroff previewer (misleadingly)
labeled "WYSIWYG".

	SoftQuad (416-963-8337; USA only 800-387-2777, mail@sq.uu.net or
mail@sq.com) offers SoftQuad Publishing Software, including a substantially-
rewritten troff formatter, a better intermediate language with backwards 
compatibility, and an X11[R3,R4] previewer. (This is the package adopted by 
AT&T's own MIS department, and used in and re-sold by many parts of AT&T). 
[information from Ian Darwin, SoftQuad (ian@sq.com) 3/90]

	Image Network (1-800-TOXROFF; CA: 415-967-0542) has the 'xroff' 
package, which includes a fine modified troff implementation and a set of 
X11-based page previewers. (This is the package OEM'ed by several hardware 

[mostly courtesy moraes@cs.toronto.edu (Mark Moraes)] [2/90]

25) How do I convert Mac/TIFF/GIF/Sun/PICT/Face/img/FAX/etc images to X?

	The likeliest program is an incarnation of Jef Poskanzer's useful++ 
Portable Bitmap Toolkit, which includes a number of programs for converting 
among various image formats. It includes support for many types of bitmaps, 
gray-scale images, and full-color images. The latest version, PBMPLUS, was 
posted to the net about 11/22/89; it is also on the R4 tape under 
	The package has been independently updated to support XPM images for
	Useful for viewing some image-formats is Jim Frost's xloadimage, a
version of which is in the R4 directory contrib/clients/xloadimage. 

	[Both PBMPLUS and xloadimage are under active development; watch for
updated versions.]

26) How do I use an alternate window manager with DEC's session manager?

	DEC's session manager will start dxwm up by default. To override this, 
add to your .Xdefaults file something like this line, naming the full pathname:

	sm.windowManagerName:   /usr/bin/X11/your_favorite_wm

27) How do I build X with gcc?

	MIT is now using regularly the Free Software Foundation's
GNU-CC to build the X distribution and uses gcc-built servers to test 
performance increases.

	[These options are gathered from several descriptions of building
X with gcc 1.34, 1.35, and 1.36]:

	Use the options
		-O -fstrength-reduce -fpcc-struct-return

		-traditional may also be necessary if your version of
gcc is sufficiently old.

	Do not use -finline-functions, particularly on the R4 server.

	--->	Make sure to run 'fixincludes' from the gcc distribution 
	--->	before doing anything, or you will get fatal errors such as:
	--->	xterm: Error 15, errno 25: Inappropriate ioctl for device.

HOWEVER, there is a bug in gcc 1.34 and 1.36 (but not in 1.35 or 1.37) which 
miscompiles things of the form (expr == 0 ? exp1 : exp2).  The fix needed in 
X11R4 (and probably X11R3) is to change the definition of XtNewString in 
Intrinsic.h to:
  #define XtNewString(str) \
  ((str) != NULL ? (strcpy(XtMalloc((unsigned)strlen(str) + 1), str)) : NULL)
A work-around is also in fix-2 to X11R4.

28) What are these funny problems compiling X11R3 on the Sun4?

	cc -c -O -I. -I../../include -I../../.././X11 -I../mfb   cfbbitblt.c
	cc: Fatal error in iropt: Illegal instruction (core dumped)

	Known problems with the Sun4 optimizer render the -O flag unusable
on this file. 

	In addition, there is a problem in all of the procedures that return a
parameter that was never referenced.  Instead of returning the string, the 
compiler with optimization seems to be returning the last value computed.  You 
can compile lib/Xt/TMparse.c without optimization; alternatively, you can 
replace the "return str" in various routines to use that parameter [courtesy of
Jim Fulton, MIT X Consortium]:

#ifdef sparc
 * The silly optimizer in SunOS 4.0.3 and below generates bogus code that
 * causes the value of the most recently used variable to be returned instead
 * of the value passed in.
static String silly_optimizer_kludge;
#define BROKEN_OPTIMIZER_HACK(val) silly_optimizer_kludge = (val)
#define BROKEN_OPTIMIZER_HACK(val) val

and have routines end with
    return BROKEN_OPTIMIZER_HACK(str);

Note also that the SPARCstation1 has a bug in its use of -misalign; a fix 
to cc should be obtained from Sun.

29) What are these funny problems installing X11R4 on the Sun running SunOS 4?
All of the executables that I try to run have the following results:
	ld.so: libXmu.so.4: not found
or even:
	ld.so: call to undefined procedure __GetHostname from 0xf776a96c

	If you are building with shared libraries on a Sun, remember that you 
need to run "ldconfig" as root after installing the shared libraries (if you've
installed X on a file-server, run it on the server's clients, too).  While 
building and installing the distribution, you need to be careful to avoid 
linking against any existing X shared libraries you might have (e.g. those 
distributed with OpenWindows).  You should make sure you do not have 
LD_LIBRARY_PATH set in your environment during the build or the installation.  
If you are going to keep xterm and xload as setuid programs, please note that 
the shared libraries must be installed in /usr/lib or /usr/5lib for these 
programs to work (or else those programs must be linked statically). 
[courtesy MIT X Consortium]

30) Where can I get a fast X server for a workstation?

	The R4 server should be among the fastest available for most machines.

	The "Purdue" speedups significantly speed up the X11R3 server.  Look on
expo.lcs.mit.edu:contrib/Purdue.2.[01]-tar.Z. (You'll also need gcc.)

	International Quest Corporation (408-988-8289) has an optimized R3 
server for Sun3/4/386i under SunOS 4.0 and also an optimized R4 server. 

	Unipalm XTech (+44 954 211244) makes several R3-based and R4-based 
tuned servers, most notably for Sun 3 and Sun 4.  (Note: the original work
was inherited from Torch Technology.)

	Xgraph's Xtool (408-492-9031) is an X server implemented in SunView 
which boasts impressive results on Sun 3 and SPARC systems; caveats include 
possible non-conformance to the Protocol. [5/90]

Several companies are making hardware accellerator boards:

	Dupont Pixel Systems (302-992-6911), for Sun.

	Megatek's (619-455-5590) X-cellerator board for the Sun 3 and Sun 4 is 
based on the TI 34020; the company claims performance improvements of 5x to 
10x over the sample X11R3 server.

31) How can I change the titlebar of my xterm window?

	The solution involves sending an escape sequence to xterm which will
cause it to update the property which the window manager relies upon for the
string which appears in the window titlebar.
	A solution is as easy as typing this in an xterm running a shell:
		echo "ESC]2;TEXT^G"
where ESC is the escape key, TEXT is the string you wish to have displayed,
and ^G is a Control-G (the BEL character).

	Here is a more complicated csh alias which changes the titlebar to
the current working directory when you change directories:
		alias newcd 'cd \!* ; echo ESC]2\;$cwd^G'

	The digit '2' in these strings indicates to xterm that it should 
change only the title of the window; to change both the title and the name 
used in the icon, use the digit '0' instead, and use '1' to change only the 
icon name.

[For more information, see the article by Skip Montanaro of GE CR&D on Xterm
control sequences in the December 1989 XNextEvent.]

32) Why doesn't anything appear when I run this simple program?

> ...
> the_window = XCreateSimpleWindow(the_display,
>      root_window,size_hints.x,size_hints.y,
>      size_hints.width,size_hints.height,BORDER_WIDTH,
>      BlackPixel(the_display,the_screen),
>      WhitePixel(the_display,the_screen));
> ...
> XSelectInput(the_display,the_window,ExposureMask|ButtonPressMask|
> 	ButtonReleaseMask);
> XMapWindow(the_display,the_window);
> ...
> XDrawLine(the_display,the_window,the_GC,5,5,100,100);
> ...

	You are right to map the window before drawing into it. However, the 
window is not ready to be drawn into until it actually appears on the screen --
until your application receives an Expose event. Drawing done before that will 
generally not appear. You'll see code like this in many programs; this code 
would appear after window was created and mapped:
  while (!done)
      switch (the_event.type) {
	case Expose:	 /* On expose events, redraw */

	Note that there is a second problem: some X servers don't set up the 
default graphics context to have reasonable foreground/background colors, and 
your program should not assume that the server does, so this program could 
previously include this code to prevent the case of having the foreground and 
background colors the same:
  the_GC_values.foreground=BlackPixel(the_display,the_screen);	/* e.g. */
  the_GC_values.background=WhitePixel(the_display,the_screen);	/* e.g. */
  the_GC = XCreateGC(the_display,the_window,
Note: the code uses BlackPixel and WhitePixel to avoid assuming that 1 is 
black and 0 is white or vice-versa.  The relationship between pixels 0 and 1 
and the colors black and white is implementation-dependent.  They may be 
reversed, or they may not even correspond to black and white at all.

33) What is the difference between a Screen and a screen?

	The 'Screen' is an Xlib structure which includes the information about
one of the monitors or virtual monitors which a single X display supports. A 
server can support several independent screens. They are numbered unix:0.0,
unix:0.1, unix:0.2, etc; the 'screen' or 'screen_number' is the second digit --
the 0, 1, 2 which can be thought of as an index into the array of available 
Screens on this particular Display connection.
	The macros which you can use to obtain information about the particular
Screen on which your application is running typically have two forms -- one
which takes a Screen and one with takes both the Display and the screen_number.
	In Xt-based programs, you typically use XtScreen(widget) to determine 
the Screen on which your application is running, if it uses a single screen.
	(Part of the confusion may arise from the fact that some of the macros
which return characteristics of the Screen have "Display" in the names -- 
XDisplayWidth, XDisplayHeight, etc.)
34) Why do I get a BadDrawable error drawing to XtWindow(widget)?
I'm doing this in order to get a window into which I can do Xlib graphics
within my Xt-based program:

> canvas = XtCreateManagedWidget ( ...,widgetClass,...) /* drawing area */
> ...
> window = XtWindow(canvas);	/* get the window associated with the widget */
> ...
> XDrawLine (...,window,...);	/* produces error */

	The window associated with the widget is created as a part of the 
realization of the widget.  Using a window id of NULL ("no window") could 
create the error that you describe.  It is necessary to call XtRealizeWidget() 
before attempting to use the window associated with a widget.

35) Can I get a window's background pixel/pixmap using XGetWindowAttributes?

	No.  Once set, the background pixel or pixmap of a window cannot be 
re-read by clients.  The reason for this is that a client can create a pixmap,
set it to be the background pixmap of a window, and then free the pixmap. The 
window keeps this background, but the pixmap itself is destroyed.  If you're 
sure a window has a background pixel (not a pixmap), you can use XClearArea() 
to clear a region to the background color and then use XGetImage() to read 
back that pixel.  However, this action alters the contents of the window, and 
it suffers from race conditions with exposures. [courtesy Dave Lemke of NCD 
and Stuart Marks of Sun]

	Note that the same applies to the border pixel/pixmap. This is a 
(mis)feature of the protocol which allows the server is free to manipulate the
pixel/pixmap however it wants.  By not requiring the server to keep the 
original pixel or pixmap, some (potentially a lot of) space can be saved. 
[courtesy Jim Fulton, MIT X Consortium]

36) Why does the pixmap I copy to the screen show up as garbage? 

	The initial contents of pixmaps are undefined.  This means that most
servers will allocate the memory and leave around whatever happens to be there 
-- which is usually garbage.  You probably want to clear the pixmap first using
XFillRectangle() with a function of GXcopy and a foreground pixel of whatever 
color you want as your background (or 0L if you are using the pixmap as a 
mask). [courtesy Dave Lemke of NCD and Stuart Marks of Sun]

37) Why doesn't my program get the keystrokes I select for?

	The window manager controls how the input focus is transferred from one
window to another.  In order to get keystrokes, your program must ask the
window manager for the input focus.  To do this, you must set up what are
called "hints" for the window manager.  If your applications is Xlib-based, you
can use something like the following:

        XWMHints wmhints;
        wmhints.flags = InputHint;
        wmhints.input = True;
        XSetWMHints(dpy, window, &hints)

If your application is based on the Xt Intrinsics, you can set the XtNinput 
resource to be True (as you probably want to in any case); if you don't have
source, you can start up the application with the resource '*input:True'.

Certain window managers, notably dxwm, are very picky about having this done.

[mostly courtesy Dave Lemke of NCD and Stuart Marks of Sun]

38) How can my application iconify itself?

	The ICCCM provides a mechanism for this; your application sends a
client message which includes a data value indicating that it wishes to be
iconified.  Here is a sample callback that will iconify the application shell, 
wait 3 seconds, and pop it back up. Note that ApplicationShellWidget below
is global; it would make more sense in real use to walk up the tree via 
XtParent() to find the shell containing the active widget.

   void IconifyShell(w, d1, d2)
        Widget w;
        caddr_t d1, d2;
     XClientMessageEvent event;
     Window win;
     Display *dpy;

     event.type = ClientMessage;
     event.send_event = True;
     dpy = event.display = XtDisplay(w);
     win = event.window = XtWindow(ApplicationShellWidget);
     event.message_type = XInternAtom(dpy, "WM_CHANGE_STATE", False);
     event.format = 32;
     event.data.l[0] = IconicState;
     XSendEvent(dpy, DefaultRootWindow(dpy), False,
                SubstructureRedirectMask | SubstructureNotifyMask, &event);

[courtesy David Brooks (dbrooks@osf.osf.org), 4/90]

39) How do I check whether a window ID is valid?
My program has the ID of a window on a remote display. I want to check whether
the window exists before doing anything with it.

	Because X is asychronous, there isn't a guarantee that the window would
still exist between the time that you got the ID and the time you sent an
event to the window or otherwise manipulated it. What you should do is send
the event without checking, but install an error handler to catch any BadWindow
errors, which would indicate that the window no longer exists. This scheme
will work except on the [rare] occasion that the original window has been
destroyed and its ID reallocated to another window.

[courtesy Ken Lee (klee@wsl.dec.com), 4/90]

40) Why can't I set the backgroundPixmap resource in my .Xdefaults file?
I want to be able to do something like this:
	xclock*backgroundPixmap:      /usr/include/X11/bitmaps/rootweave

	You can't do this. The backgroundPixmap resource is a pixmap of the 
same depth as the screen, not a bitmap (which is a pixmap of depth 1). Because 
of this, writing a generic String to Pixmap converter is impossible, since 
there is no accepted convention for a file format for pixmaps. Therefore, 
neither the X Toolkit or the Athena widget set define a String to Pixmap 
converter; because there is no converter you cannot specify this value as a 

	The Athena widget set does define a String to Bitmap converter for use 
in many of its widgets, however.

[courtesy Chris D. Peterson (kit@expo.lcs.mit.edu), 4/90]

	[Note: the leading general-purpose format for pixmaps is the XPM format
used by Groupe Bull in several of its programs, including the GWM window 
manager, by AT&T in its olpixmap editor, and by ICS in its interface builder. 
XPM is being now handled by Richard Hess (rhess@cimshop.uu.net). The
XPM distribution, available on expo as contrib/xpm.tar.Z, includes read/write
routines which can easily be adapted to converters by new widgets which want
to allow specification of pixmap resources in the above manner.]

41) Why does the R3 xterm, et al, fail against the R4 server?

	The value given to a window's do_not_propagate mask is the likely 
culprit.  R3 allowed bogus values to be set, and early version of both Andrew 
and Interviews did, as well. Similar problems also occur in the R3 Motif
PanedWindow widget.

	If it is impossible to fix client source, use 'xset bc' to put the 
X11R4 server into bug-compatibility mode.

42) Where can I obtain alternate language bindings to X?

	Versions of the CLX Lisp bindings are part of the X11R3 and X11R4 core 
source distributions. The latest version of CLX (R4.1) is available from expo 
for ftp as contrib/CLX.R4.1.tar.Z [Chris Lindblad (cjl@AI.MIT.EDU), 4/90];
this version fixes bugs reported against the R4 distribution.

	Ada bindings were written by Mark Nelson and Stephen Hyland at SAIC 
for the DOD. The bindings can be found on hapo.sei.cmu.edu or on 
wsmr-simtel20.army.mil and are also in the Ada Software Repository (ASR). 
R3 bindings should be available by the end of 1/90. [1/90]

	Prolog bindings (called "XWIP") written by Ted Kim at UCLA while
supported in part by DARPA are available by anonymous FTP from
expo.lcs.mit.edu:contrib/xwip.tar.Z or ftp.cs.ucla.edu:pub/xwip.tar.Z.
These prolog language bindings depend on having a Quintus-type foreign function
interface in your prolog. The developer has gotten it to work with Quintus and 
SICStus prolog. Inquiries should go to xwip@cs.ucla.edu. [3/90]

	GHG is developing X bindings and a complete Ada re-implementation
of X; check Lionel Hanley at 713-488-8806. [4/90]


The X User's Group		xug@expo.lcs.mit.edu	+1 617 547 0634
"No, I'm a member of the X User's Group, not the Ex-User's Group."

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Thu May 31 18:14:37 1990 remote from convex
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Date: 31 May 90 15:47:50 GMT
From: convex!husc6.harvard.edu!slp%genrad  (Steven L. Peters)
Organization: GenRad, Inc., Concord, Mass.
Subject: Event capture/playback
Message-Id: <37297@genrad.UUCP>
Sender: convex!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-request
To: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu

I'm interested in whether anyone knows of an event capture and
playback system available in the public domain.  Ideally, the system
would allow events arriving at a window to be monitored, and then
played back in the exact same order, waiting the appropriate amounts
of time for the events to be processed.

				Stephen Peters

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Thu May 31 18:27:03 1990 remote from convex
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Date: Thu, 31 May 90 14:51:00 EDT
From: convex!nadc.nadc.navy.mil!zinnato (R. Zinnato)
Message-Id: <9005311851.AA28898@NADC.NADC.NAVY.MIL>
To: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu
Subject: Sun-2 as X-terminal

We have an old Sun-2 gathering dust here and I was thinking that perhaps it
could be used as an X terminal.  Is this idea feasbile/possible?  Please 
e-mail your responses and I'll post a summary if there's sufficient interest.


ron zinnato

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Thu May 31 18:40:39 1990 remote from convex
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Date: 31 May 90 17:19:56 GMT
From: convex!servix.irisa.fr!dragone  (Mario Dragone)
Organization: Cicb, Rennes(FR)
Subject: Re: twmrc / xinitrc setup
Message-Id: <573@servix.cicb.fr>
References: <EMV.90May27154033@noether.math.lsa.umich.edu>
Sender: convex!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-request
To: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu

In article <EMV.90May27154033@noether.math.lsa.umich.edu>,
emv@math.lsa.umich.edu (Edward Vielmetti) writes:
|> I want to set up my window manager so that the twm operation "kill
|> window manager" also does a graceful shutdown of the X server.

twm must be the last call in your ".xinitrc" 

Selecting "kill window manager" function will end  ".xinitrc" causing
the X server to shutdown.

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Thu May 31 19:38:41 1990 remote from convex
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From: convex!sfms-ic1.skl.dnd.ca!comeau (Phil Comeau)
Message-Id: <9005312004.AA00655@sfms-ic1.skl.dnd.ca>
Subject: Dumping color displays in postscript
To: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu
Date: Thu, 31 May 90 16:04:48 EDT
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.2 PL14]

I'd like to dump the contents of a color display to a postscript file.
I've tried:
 	xwd -root -xy >junk.wd
 	xpr -device ps junk.ws >junk.ps
but the postscript file, when printed, comes out mostly black.
(BTW: I'm using 386/ix, X11R3, VGA).
Any suggestions?
Phil Comeau          Internet: comeau@crc.skl.dnd.ca
Software Kinetics
65 Iber Rd.
Stittsville, Ontario
Canada K2S 1E7
Phone: (613) 831-0888
Fax:   (613) 831-1836

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Thu May 31 20:31:53 1990 remote from convex
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Date: Thu, 31 May 90 15:40:48 CDT
From: Dinah Anderson <convex!nicolle.iaims.bcm.tmc.edu!dinah>
Message-Id: <9005312040.AA01354@NICOLLE.IAIMS.BCM.TMC.EDU>
To: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu
Subject: Spy source code

We seem to have misplaced the source code for spy in the move from R3 to R4.
Is it available via ftp somewhere? Thanks.

Dinah Anderson

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Thu May 31 20:32:31 1990 remote from convex
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Date: 31 May 90 18:17:07 GMT
From: convex!gumby.wisc.edu!jipping%smaug  (Mike Jipping)
Organization: Hope College Dept. of CS
Subject: OpenWindows and TWM
Message-Id: <1990May31.181707.8086@cs.hope.edu>
Sender: convex!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-request
To: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu

Help! As I am configuring a mixture of X and SunView for my users, 
I'm attempting to use Sun's OpenWindows.  I don't like the feel of 
the "pswm" or "olwm" (I just can't get used to the Open Look and 
Feel ;-).  So I'm trying to the the R4 twm with OpenWindows.

Versions: X11R4 twm -- patched as in the R4 documentation -- with 
1.0.1 OpenWindows.

Here's the problems: (1) Iconifying in twm unmaps the icon and --
even worse -- loses the window.  The icon manager can't even access
it!  It's there -- "ps" lists it as a process -- but I can't get it
mapped!  (2) When focus leaves a window, the border lines disappear.

The iconification (is that word...) is the worst problem.  I can live
with disappearing border lines.  I'm having trouble limping with 

Thanks in advance.  I'll summarize!

      Mike Jipping                        Internet: jipping@cs.hope.edu
      Hope College                          BITNET: JIPPING@HOPE
      Department of Computer Science         Voice: Hey!

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Thu May 31 20:48:56 1990 remote from convex
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	id AA11389; Thu, 31 May 90 20:48:56 CDT
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	id AA05512; Thu, 31 May 90 20:48:39 CDT
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	(4.1/5.0s);  id AA17999; Thu, 31 May 90 16:08:47 CDT
Date: Thu, 31 May 90 16:08:47 CDT
From: Donna Reese <convex!athena.ee.msstate.edu!dreese>
Message-Id: <9005312108.AA17999@Athena.EE.MsState.Edu>
To: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu
Subject: X-based project tracking

In response to my query about X-based project tracking packages, I
received two replies with suggestions.  They were: trackstar by T&B
Computing (submitted by David Lewis) and X-PERT (submitted by Herb
Calhoun).  I have been unable to contact either person to get more
information.  Does anyone else know an address and or phone number for
a vendor for either of these systems?  Thanks.

Donna S. Reese                              Computer Science Department
(601) 325-8192                              Mississippi State University
dreese@cs.msstate.edu                       Drawer CS
                                            Mississippi State, MS 39762

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Thu May 31 20:49:20 1990 remote from convex
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Date: Thu, 31 May 90 06:40:10 PDT
From: convex!gauss.sparta.com!gel (Gordon E. Lee)
Message-Id: <9005311340.AA02209@Gauss.sun.com>
To: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu
Subject: graphics packages

Does anyone know of any vendors/sources for GKS, PHIGS, etc, packages
running under X?  I also need vendors/sources for Open Look and Motif
toolkits, just about anything that runs under X.  Thanks.

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Thu May 31 20:57:25 1990 remote from convex
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Date: 31 May 90 19:13:47 GMT
From: convex!nosc.mil!alen%crash  (Alen Shapiro)
Organization: Crash TimeSharing, El Cajon, CA
Subject: Hints on creating a spreadsheet under X
Message-Id: <2928@crash.cts.com>
Sender: convex!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-request
To: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu

I'm just about to start designing a VERY simple spreadsheet
application within X and wonder if some kind soul out there
has any hints or pointers so that I don't run down a blind alley.
I've coded a spreadsheet in sunview (a long time ago) and found I had
to allocate a lot of space for virtual cell store. This can't be the
way to go since I should only need space for those cells that are
"on screen" (I'd like to dynamically allocate as I scroll).

Can anyone out there suggest an X idiom that I should investigate?


--alen the Lisa Slayer (trying to turn a SPARC into a Flame)
  alen%shappy.uucp@crash.cts.com (a mac+ uucp host - what a concept!!)

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Thu May 31 20:57:26 1990 remote from convex
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From: convex!expo.lcs.mit.edu!converse (Donna Converse)
Message-Id: <9005312120.AA22053@expo.lcs.mit.edu>
To: Janet L. Carson <jcarson@wilkins.bcm.tmc.edu>
Cc: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu
Subject: Re: Athena Toggle Radio Group Question 
In-Reply-To: Your message of Fri, 25 May 90 14:42:09 CDT.
Organization: X Consortium, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science
Date: Thu, 31 May 90 17:20:36 -0400

> I am having some problems with the Athena toggle widget in a radio
> group.  I have successfully created radio groups where I have been
> able to specify the radio group at the time the widgets are being
> created.  However, I have a situation where I need to be able to
> set up a radio group "on the fly."

> Why won't these toggles function
> as a radio group?

Bug in XawToggleChangeRadioGroup: when the second argument is a widget
which doesn't belong to any radio group; i.e. the bug is when this 
function is used to create a new radio group -- no new group is created.
A work-around is to first create the group by changing a widget's 
radio group to be itself, then using the function normally.

Donna Converse

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Thu May 31 21:20:31 1990 remote from convex
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Date: 31 May 90 21:32:54 GMT
From: convex!OPERATIONS.DCCS.UPENN.EDU!mjd%netnews  (Mark-Jason Dominus)
Organization: /home/mjd/.organization
Subject: How to get xdm to make wtmp and utmp file entries?
Message-Id: <MJD.90May31173254@central.cis.upenn.edu>
Sender: convex!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-request
To: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu

Our xdm's don't seem to be logging logins and logouts in the
/etc/wtmp and /etc/utmp files.  Is there a good way to get
them to do this, or is there a good reason why they


 In some sense a stochastic process can do better; at least it has a chance.
Mark-Jason Dominus 	  			    mjd@central.cis.upenn.edu 

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Thu May 31 21:25:11 1990 remote from convex
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Date: Thu, 31 May 90 18:00:51 -0400
From: convex!cs.umd.edu!rmr (Randy M. Rohrer)
Message-Id: <9005312200.AA00150@mimsy.UMD.EDU>
To: mouse@larry.mcrcim.mcgill.edu, rmr@mimsy.umd.edu
Subject: Re:  zooming time scales
Cc: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu

    Thanks . I'll take a look a give it a whirl.

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Thu May 31 21:43:37 1990 remote from convex
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Date: 31 May 90 21:08:44 GMT
From: convex!smsc.sony.com!dce  (David Elliott)
Organization: Sony Microsystems Corp.
Subject: xcmap icon modifications
Message-Id: <1990May31.210844.28854@smsc.sony.com>
Sender: convex!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-request
To: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu

I have a set of patches to xcmap from the contrib clients that
makes the icon a 48x48 window that shows the colormap in miniature.
This is very useful if you just want a small copy of the colormap

I have sent the changes and some other notes to the author, but
received no responses.  If anyone wants these changes now, please
let me know.

David Elliott
dce@smsc.sony.com | ...!{uunet,mips}!sonyusa!dce
"If I had a hat the size of Oklahoma, I'd be a happy person."

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Thu May 31 22:04:29 1990 remote from convex
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	id <9005312154.AA01265@Larry.McRCIM.McGill.EDU>; Thu, 31 May 90 17:54:31 -0400
Date: Thu, 31 May 90 17:54:31 -0400
From: der Mouse  <convex!larry.mcrcim.mcgill.edu!mouse>
Message-Id: <9005312154.AA01265@Larry.McRCIM.McGill.EDU>
To: rmr@mimsy.umd.edu
Subject: Re:  zooming time scales
Cc: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu

> [ problem: wants to choose a "nice" tick interval for a given time
>   interval ]

It's not directly what you want, but we once designed the following
code to do something similar for floating-point intervals.  You may be
able to abstract some ideas from it for your needs.

(This is not compilable as it stands; it is intended as illustrative
rather than as a plug-&-play solution.)

#define NUM_DIVISIONS	10 /* we want approx. 10 ticks per axis */

double findScale(min, max)
double min;
double max;
	double delta;
	double minScale;
	double scale;
	static int factor[] = { 1, 2, 5 };
	int i;

	delta = FABS(max - min)/NUM_DIVISIONS;

	minScale = FABS(max - min);
	for (i=0; i<ARRAY_SIZE(factor); i++)
	 { double x = delta/factor[i];
	   if ((scale = (pow(10.0, ceil(log10(x)))*factor[i])) < minScale)
	    { minScale = scale;
	return (minScale);


 xdelta = findScale (xmin, xmax);
 ydelta = findScale (ymin, ymax);

double min;
double max;
double delta;
int (*fxn)();
	double v;

	for (v=delta*ceil(min/delta);v<=max;v+=delta)
	 { (*fxn)(v);

double x;

double y;


					der Mouse

			old: mcgill-vision!mouse
			new: mouse@larry.mcrcim.mcgill.edu

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Thu May 31 22:21:37 1990 remote from convex
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Date: 31 May 90 18:53:58 GMT
From: convex!cup.portal.com!thinman  (Lance C Norskog)
Organization: The Portal System (TM)
Subject: Re: VGA X11R4 server problems
Message-Id: <30384@cup.portal.com>
References: <9692@hydra.gatech.EDU>
Sender: convex!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-request
To: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu

> Thomas Roell (OUR HERO!) says:
> I personally think that the escape via CRTL+ALT+DEL is sufficient enougth for
> escaping X. But for real switching between terminals there is ABSOLUTELY NO

Please don't tell us how to use our computers.

I find X and pixel-ized window systems in general (SUN especially) 
to be a pain in the eyes for doing straight text work.  As the 
sole techie in sales at Streamlined Networks, I get dragooned into the troff
part of our brochures, and that's why I use X.  When I lay out stuff,
I edit it in nice big letters with VI on one screen and xtroff it on the
X screen.  Text in X is also painfully slow.

Tool makers don't tell tool users how to use tools.

Lance Norskog
Sales Engineer
Streamlined Networks

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Thu May 31 22:32:26 1990 remote from convex
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Date: 31 May 90 20:26:26 GMT
From: convex!uunet.uu.net!lai%pyrdc  (Kuo Long Lai )
Organization: Pyramid Technology, Government Systems
Subject: Twm on VMS and "Customized DECWterm"
Message-Id: <7683@pyrdc.UUCP>
Sender: convex!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-request
To: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu

Finally, I am able to run twm(from a SPARC box, not a VMS version. Has anyone 
ported twm to VMS yet?) to manage those DECWterms displayed on a VMS5.3 box.
There are, however, a couple of problems that I ran into:

1.) f.destroy - It destroied all the DECterms that I brought up, when I click on
                any DECWterm.  Note: It works fine on those xterms(brought up 
	        from SPARC) displyed on VMS box.

2.) Occasionally, twm dies while 'Customize' DECWterm is running.

Does anyone have the same experience?
BTW, I customized 3 DECWterms with different attributes and saved
the resources file.  However, every time I logined through Session Manager,
I got the same attributes for all the DECWterms since there they all read
DECW$TERMINAL_DEFAULT.DAT.  Does anyone know whether there are ways
to 'customize' DECWterm to read different resources file without manually
order DECWterm to read different resources file? Or what are the resources names
that I may use in DECW$TERMINAL_DEFAULT.DAT to do so? Or using some kind of 
commands to tell which resource file each DECWterm should read automatically?
In addition, I tried to put different fonts(names obtained from
or Little font was taken.  Does anyone have the same problem?

Thanks in advance.

Kwo-Long Lai
Software Productivity Consortium
2214 Rock Hill Rd.
Herndon, VA 22070
(703) 742-7244

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Thu May 31 22:46:11 1990 remote from convex
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Date: Thu, 31 May 90 15:54:49 MDT
From: convex!bach.cs.byu.edu!mike (Mike Burbidge)
Message-Id: <9005312154.AA08275@bach.cs.byu.edu>
To: motif-talk@osf.org
Cc: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu
Subject: Motif DrawingArea widget seems to ignore XmNresizePolicy widget?

The motif DrawingArea widget has a resource named XmNresizePolicy. The
documentation claims that it can be assigned three values: XmRESIZE_NONE,
XmRESIZE_ANY, XmRESIZE_GROW. I created a SelectionBox widget whose working
area widget is a DrawingArea widget with width and height 500 and
XmNresizePolicy set to XmRESIZE_NONE. The manual puts (fixed size) next to
XmRESIZE_NONE. I assume this means that the drawing area widget will ignore
resize requests from its parents. Either I have misunderstood the short two
word explaination for XmRESIZE_NONE, or else there is a bug somewhere. In
either event the SelectionBox widget resizes the DrawingArea widget to
20x20. Below a short example program.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
#include <Xm/Xm.h>
#include <X11/Shell.h>
#include <Xm/DialogS.h>
#include <Xm/Frame.h>
#include <Xm/SelectioB.h>
#include <Xm/DrawingA.h>
main (int argc, char *argv[])
  Display *display;
  Widget appl_shell, dialog, selection, draw;
  XtAppContext context;
  Arg args[10];
  int n;
  /* Initialize X11 and the Motif widget environment. */
  XtToolkitInitialize ();
  context = XtCreateApplicationContext ();
  display = XtOpenDisplay (context, NULL, argv[0], "try", 
			   NULL, 0, &argc, argv);
  appl_shell = XtAppCreateShell (argv[0], "Root try",
				 display, NULL, 0);
  XtResizeWidget (appl_shell, 5, 5, 1);

  n = 0;
  dialog = XmCreateDialogShell (appl_shell, "dialog", args, n);

  n = 0;
  XtSetArg (args[n], XmNdialogType, XmDIALOG_PROMPT), n++;
  selection = XtCreateWidget ("selection", xmSelectionBoxWidgetClass,
			      dialog, args, n);

  n = 0;
  XtSetArg (args[n], XmNheight, 500), n++;
  XtSetArg (args[n], XmNwidth, 500), n++;
  XtSetArg (args[n], XmNresizePolicy, XmRESIZE_NONE), n++;
  draw = XmCreateDrawingArea (selection, "draw", args, n);
  XtManageChild (draw);

  XtManageChild (XmSelectionBoxGetChild (selection, XmDIALOG_APPLY_BUTTON));
  XtUnmanageChild (XmSelectionBoxGetChild (selection, XmDIALOG_TEXT));
  XtUnmanageChild (XmSelectionBoxGetChild (selection, 
  XtUnmanageChild (XmSelectionBoxGetChild (selection, XmDIALOG_HELP_BUTTON));

  XtManageChild (selection);
  XtManageChild (dialog);

  XtRealizeWidget (dialog);
  XtAppMainLoop (context);

Could someone help me fix this program or give me an alternative so that the
DrawingArea widget does not get resized!

Mike Burbidge

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Thu May 31 23:42:40 1990 remote from convex
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Date: 31 May 90 21:37:00 GMT
From: convex!cerc.wvu.wvnet.edu!abmg%cathedral  (Aliasghar Babadi)
Subject: IXCC
Message-Id: <549@cerc.wvu.wvnet.edu.edu>
Sender: convex!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-request
To: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu

     I need a simple example about one X application sending an integer
or something (like result of pushing a button) to another X application. 
I would appreciate if someone give me some help.Thank you.


root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Fri Jun  1 04:09:43 1990 remote from convex
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Date: 31 May 90 23:42:23 GMT
From: Mark-Jason Dominus <convex!OPERATIONS.DCCS.UPENN.EDU!mjd%netnews>
Organization: University of Pennsylvania
Subject: Re: How to get xdm to make wtmp and utmp file entries?
Message-Id: <MJD.90May31194223@central.cis.upenn.edu>
References: <MJD.90May31173254@central.cis.upenn.edu>, <5723@helios.ee.lbl.gov>
Sender: convex!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-request
To: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu

In article <5723@helios.ee.lbl.gov> envbvs@epb2.lbl.gov (Brian V. Smith) writes:
>   mjd@central.cis.upenn.edu (Mark-Jason Dominus) writes:
>   |> 
>   |> Our xdm's don't seem to be logging logins and logouts in the
>   |> /etc/wtmp and /etc/utmp files.
>   The -ls is required to make it write in the /etc/wtmp
>   file.  The -ls also makes it read and execute your .login file.

Thanks for the +ut tip; I must have missed it when I read
the man page.  But neither the R3 nor the R4 man pages say
that -ls makes xterm write a wtmp entry, and, in fact, we
had the -ls option set already, and no wtmp entries.

Does it work for you?


 In some sense a stochastic process can do better; at least it has a chance.
Mark-Jason Dominus 	  			    mjd@central.cis.upenn.edu 

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Fri Jun  1 06:01:28 1990 remote from convex
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Date: 1 Jun 90 06:14:39 GMT
From: convex!sirius.ucs.adelaide.edu.au!cameron%flinders%augean  (Cameron Humphries)
Organization: Flinders University
Subject: Problems with the SimpleMenu
Message-Id: <334@flinders.cs.flinders.oz>
Sender: convex!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-request
To: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu


   I am trying to convert a program I wrote using X11R3 to X11R4. The major
change necessary is the use of the SimpleMenu rather than the "box full of
buttons" that I used previously.

   The development is occuring on a Sun4 under SunOS 4.0.3 with X11R4 (patches
1-9 applied).

   The following is some of the code used for the menu:
/* part of translation table for a viewport widget */
<Btn3Down>:XawPositionSimpleMenu(menu) MenuPopup(menu)\n\

/* menu is created statically */
menuW = XtCreatePopupShell("menu",simpleMenuWidgetClass,toplevel,NULL,0);

newW = XtCreateManagedWidget("new",smeBSBObjectClass,menuW,newargs,
/* plus a few more entries */

/* used in creation of the menu entry above */
static XtCallbackRec newcallback[] = {

static Arg newargs[] = {

When I run the program (BTW,its a graphical editor for soliton circuits)
everything goes along fine until I try and popup the menu. I press the 3rd
button and sure enough the menu pops up right under the cursor. However I
cannot highlight any entries which of course means I cannot select any

Any help would be appreciated.

Cameron Humphries
Discipline of Computer Science                 email: cameron@cs.flinders.oz.au
School of Information Science and Technology   phone: +61 +8 201 2874
The Flinders University of South Australia     fax  : +61 +8 201 2904

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Fri Jun  1 09:09:29 1990 remote from convex
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Date: 1 Jun 90 07:18:40 GMT
From: convex!munnari.oz.au!matt%bacchus%yarra%ditmela  (Matthew Atterbury)
Organization: none
Subject: XR2 xterm keymapping
Message-Id: <655@bacchus.esa.oz>
Sender: convex!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-request
To: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu

Hello all,
    I am running Xsight on a Compaq 386-20e under Xenix with VGA graphics.
It seems to be XR2. The keyboard translation in my XR3 .Xdefaults doesn't
work, as it seems the syntax changed from R2 to R3 (???). Anyone know how
I can cause pressing key F1 to emit the string "\0331" ?? In XR3 I would:

	xterm*VT100.Translation: #override \
		<Key>F1:	string(0x1b) string("1")

The best I can get is with:

	xterm*VT100.Translation: \
		<Key>F1:	string("\0331")

which says "X Toolkit Warning: Actions not found: string". Many thanks ...
Matt Atterbury [matt@bacchus.esa.oz.au]   Expert Solutions Australia, Melbourne
UUCP: ...!uunet!munnari!matt@bacchus.esa.oz.au            "klaatu barada nikto"
ARPA: matt%bacchus.esa.oz.AU@uunet.UU.NET  "life? don't talk to me about life!"

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Fri Jun  1 10:04:29 1990 remote from convex
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To: Victoria Drozdov <pivot!victoria@uunet.uu.net>
Cc: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu
Subject: Re: Toolkit is not reading my resource file 
In-Reply-To: Your message of 31 May 90 22:05:08 GMT.
Date: Fri, 01 Jun 90 08:41:26 -0400
From: convex!expo.lcs.mit.edu!rws (Bob Scheifler)

    How do I include more than one directory under XAPPLRESDIR?

You can't.  If you have an R3-based system, you're stuck.  In R4,
XUSERFILESEARCHPATH supercedes XAPPLRESDIR to give you this.

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Fri Jun  1 12:07:33 1990 remote from convex
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Date: 1 Jun 90 12:08:47 GMT
From: convex!jarvis.csri.toronto.edu!jsparkes%bcars85%bnrgate%bcars8%cunews%utgpu  (Jeff Sparkes)
Organization: Bell-Northern Research, Ltd. Ottawa Ontario CANADA
Subject: Re: console message and XDM
Message-Id: <jsparkes.644242127@bcars85>
References: <jsparkes.643985374@bcars85>, <17880@ultima.cs.uts.oz>
Sender: convex!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-request
To: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu

In <17880@ultima.cs.uts.oz> keane@ultima.cs.uts.oz (Chris Keane) writes:
>asking me what was wrong, so I've hacked xdm to have a console window at the 
>bottom of the screen. It basically starts a program that runs as a pseudotty and
>displays everything the comes over the pty on a nice-even-if-I-say-so-myself 
>scrolling, wrap-around window. The window doesn't recognise any input-type 
>events. Xdm hijacks the console output using ioctl() and stuffs it into the
>the other end of the pty. Voila! Instant console!

>It's been tested and runs quite successfully on Sun3's, Sun386i's and SunSS1's
>all running SunOS 4.0.3. It works for both X11r3 and X11r4.
>The diffs are very small. If you're interested, I send them to you, although
>I believe the ioctl() to steal the console is rather system-dependant (I don't
>know that for sure though), so if you're not running suns...

	I'm using xterm -C, which already has the various ways to grab a
console..  Still I'd like to see your changes, since mine are none to
pretty.  It's quite a pain to figure out how big an xterm will be and center
Jeff Sparkes		jsparkes@bnr.ca
Cat: Is that what I think it is?          Lister: What do you think it is?
Cat: A big orange whirly thing in space!

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Fri Jun  1 12:48:45 1990 remote from convex
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Date: 1 Jun 90 11:21:11 GMT
From: convex!ames.arc.nasa.gov!yuki%ayumi%flab%fgw%titcca%ccut%sun-barr  (Hiroyuki YOSHIDA)
Organization: Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd., Kawasaki, Japan
Subject: Parent Killer (Xt/X11R4 fix-10)
Message-Id: <YUKI.90Jun1202111@naomi.stars.flab.fujitsu.co.jp>
Sender: convex!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-request
To: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu

We coded a parent killer such as:

static void parentKiller(w,client_data,call_data)
     Widget w;			
     caddr_t client_data;	/* UNUSED */
     caddr_t call_data;		/* UNUSED */
  Widget papa = XtParent(w);
  int brothers = ((CompositeWidget)papa)->composite.num_children;
  if( brothers == 0 )

Then, attached the killer for widgets in a widgets tree using:


This successfully worked before we patched fix-10 & -11.

After fix-10/11, a server error occurs and the program exits. The
error message is:
X Error of failed request:  BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)
  Major opcode of failed request:  4 (X_DestroyWindow)
  Minor opcode of failed request:  0
  Resource id in failed request:  0xb0039d
  Serial number of failed request:  4073
  Current serial number in output stream:  4198

The resource id (0xb0039d) designates the child's window.

We can avoid the error using work-proc technique, such as:

static void parentKiller(w,client_data,call_data)
     Widget w;			
     caddr_t client_data;	/* UNUSED */
     caddr_t call_data;		/* UNUSED */
  Widget papa = XtParent(w);
  int brothers = ((CompositeWidget)papa)->composite.num_children;
  if( brothers == 0 )
	/* Killing parent is postponed. */

In addition, we can avoid the error by not applying a part of fix-10:

*** /tmp/,RCSt1a03963	Thu Apr 19 19:44:53 1990
--- mit/lib/Xt/Destroy.c	Thu Apr 19 19:44:55 1990
*** 155,162 ****
      Recursive(widget, Phase2Destroy);
      app->in_phase2_destroy = outerInPhase2Destroy;
!     /* popups destroy their own window if parent->being_destroyed */
!     if (window != NULL && (parent == NULL || !parent->core.being_destroyed))
  	XDestroyWindow(display, window);
  } /* XtPhase2Destroy */
--- 165,171 ----
      Recursive(widget, Phase2Destroy);
      app->in_phase2_destroy = outerInPhase2Destroy;
!     if (window)
  	XDestroyWindow(display, window);
  } /* XtPhase2Destroy */

The problem may occur when the child's window is doubly destroyed in a
very short time.

Where is the BUG? In fix-10, server program, or our usage?
Hiroyuki Yoshida

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Fri Jun  1 13:52:08 1990 remote from convex
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From: convex!expo.lcs.mit.edu!kit (Chris D. Peterson)
Message-Id: <9006011524.AA12664@expo.lcs.mit.edu>
To: cameron@cs.flinders.oz.au
Cc: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu, kit@expo.lcs.mit.edu
Subject: Re: Problems with the SimpleMenu 
In-Reply-To: Your message of 01 Jun 90 06:14:39 GMT.
Date: Fri, 01 Jun 90 11:24:20 -0400

>   I am trying to convert a program I wrote using X11R3 to X11R4. The major
> change necessary is the use of the SimpleMenu rather than the "box full of
> buttons" that I used previously.

>    The development is occuring on a Sun4 under SunOS 4.0.3 with X11R4 (patches
> 1-9 applied).

>   The following is some of the code used for the menu:
> /* part of translation table for a viewport widget */
> <Btn3Down>:XawPositionSimpleMenu(menu) MenuPopup(menu)\n\

This seems just fine.  I have code very similar to this in my applications.  The
problem appears to be that the grab is not getting activated.  Often this is
caused when some modifiers are set on your button press.  The Translation table
defaults to a "don't care" about the modifiers, while the grab mechanism must
have an exact match.  If this is actually the case, it should affect all menus
on your display.  Are the popup menus in xterm working correctly?  If not then
possibly you have some modifier set that is not affecting you.  I have seen this
happen with the Num Lock key on some displays.

An example for the rest of you: 

Try using SHIFT-CTRL to pop up the menus in xterm.  The menu will popup just
fine, but the items will not be selectable.  

If this is not the problem then I suppose you should send me a SHORT example
program that demonstrates the bug, and I will see what I can do.

						Chris D. Peterson     
						MIT X Consortium 

Net:	 kit@expo.lcs.mit.edu
Phone:   (617) 253 - 9608	
Address: MIT - Room NE43-213

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Fri Jun  1 14:08:39 1990 remote from convex
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	(contact usenet@bloom-beacon.mit.edu if you have questions)
Date: 1 Jun 90 13:20:52 GMT
From: convex!cs.umn.edu!wytten  (Dale Wyttenbach)
Organization: University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, CSci dept.
Subject: Re: Sun-2 as X-terminal
Message-Id: <1990Jun1.132052.19677@cs.umn.edu>
References: <9005311851.AA28898@NADC.NADC.NAVY.MIL>
Sender: convex!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-request
To: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu

zinnato@NADC.NADC.NAVY.MIL (R. Zinnato) writes:

>We have an old Sun-2 gathering dust here and I was thinking that perhaps it
>could be used as an X terminal.  Is this idea feasbile/possible?  Please 
>e-mail your responses and I'll post a summary if there's sufficient interest.

We have a couple 2's running SunOS 3.5 and X11R4.  While not a pleasure to
work on, they are usable, even with all the UNIX daemons running.  We have
configured them with xdm.

Enclosed are xbench results for a Sun 2.  We did this last week for the fun
of it when we were comparing Visual-19's, NCD-19's and SPARC SLC's.  (We 
bought SLC's)


 Dale Wyttenbach		     |		...rutgers!umn-cs!wytten
 wytten@cs.umn.edu		     |		   wytten@umnacvx.bitnet
Computer Science Department Systems Staff--University of Minnesota, Minneapolis

/**************************** Sun2 xbench results *************************/


server: Sun 2 with vanilla MIT R4 server
client: Symmetry S27
communication: Ethernet


Servervendor            : MIT X Consortium
XSERVER version         : 11.4
Revision                : 0
Defaultdepth rootwindow : 1
Server Byte-Order       : MSBFirst
Server BitmapBitOrder   : MSBFirst
DisplayWidth            : 1152
DisplayHeight           : 900


========= line10 ========= 

20736 vectors of len. 10 in 10 secs
rate =  2073.60 vectors/sec
========= line100 ========= 

9216 vectors of len. 100 in 12 secs
rate =   768.00 vectors/sec
========= line400 ========= 

3840 vectors of len. 400 in 15 secs
rate =   256.00 vectors/sec
========= dline10 ========= 

13056 dashed vectors of len. 10 in 11 secs
rate =  1186.91 vectors/sec
========= dline100 ========= 

4608 dashed vectors of len. 100 in 17 secs
rate =   271.06 vectors/sec
========= dline400 ========= 

2304 dashed vectors of len. 400 in 29 secs
rate =    79.45 vectors/sec
========= wline10 ========= 

3840 wide vectors (linewidth=5) of len. 10 in 18 secs
rate =   213.33 vectors/sec
========= wline100 ========= 

2304 wide vectors (linewidth=5) of len. 100 in 29 secs
rate =    79.45 vectors/sec
========= wline400 ========= 

1536 wide vectors (linewidth=5) of len. 400 in 60 secs
rate =    25.60 vectors/sec
========= rects10 ========= 

8704 rectangles with 10 pixel sides in 12 secs
rate =   725.33 rectangles/sec (29013 Pixels/sec)
========= rects100 ========= 

4864 rectangles with 100 pixel sides in 15 secs
rate =   324.27 rectangles/sec (129706 Pixels/sec)
========= rects400 ========= 

2560 rectangles with 400 pixel sides in 21 secs
rate =   121.90 rectangles/sec (195047 Pixels/sec)
========= fillrects10 ========= 

17664 rectangles with 10 pixel sides in 11 secs
rate =  1605.82 rectangles/sec (160581 Pixels/sec)
========= fillrects100 ========= 

3840 rectangles with 100 pixel sides in 15 secs
rate =   256.00 rectangles/sec (2560000 Pixels/sec)
========= fillrects400 ========= 

1536 rectangles with 400 pixel sides in 41 secs
rate =    37.46 rectangles/sec (5994146 Pixels/sec)
========= tiledrects10 ========= 

11776 rectangles with 10 pixel sides in 11 secs
rate =  1070.55 rectangles/sec (107054 Pixels/sec)
========= tiledrects100 ========= 

2560 rectangles with 100 pixel sides in 23 secs
rate =   111.30 rectangles/sec (1113043 Pixels/sec)
========= tiledrects400 ========= 

1536 rectangles with 400 pixel sides in 104 secs
rate =    14.77 rectangles/sec (2363076 Pixels/sec)
========= stippledrects10 ========= 

6144 rectangles with 10 pixel sides in 13 secs
rate =   472.62 rectangles/sec (47261 Pixels/sec)
========= stippledrects100 ========= 

2048 rectangles with 100 pixel sides in 39 secs
rate =    52.51 rectangles/sec (525128 Pixels/sec)
========= stippledrects400 ========= 

1536 rectangles with 400 pixel sides in 137 secs
rate =    11.21 rectangles/sec (1793868 Pixels/sec)
========= invrects10 ========= 

17199 rectangles with 10 pixel sides in 11 secs
rate =  1563.55 rectangles/sec (156354 Pixels/sec)
========= invrects100 ========= 

3226 rectangles with 100 pixel sides in 15 secs
rate =   215.07 rectangles/sec (2150666 Pixels/sec)
========= invrects400 ========= 

1506 rectangles with 400 pixel sides in 67 secs
rate =    22.48 rectangles/sec (3596417 Pixels/sec)
========= arcs10 ========= 

1532 arcs with 10 pixel diameter in 13 secs
rate =   117.85 arcs/sec
========= arcs100 ========= 

1106 arcs with 100 pixel diameter in 17 secs
rate =    65.06 arcs/sec
========= arcs400 ========= 

766 arcs with 400 pixel diameter in 29 secs
rate =    26.41 arcs/sec
========= filledarcs10 ========= 

1106 filled arcs with 10 pixel diameter in 17 secs
rate =    65.06 filled arcs/sec
========= filledarcs100 ========= 

936 filled arcs with 100 pixel diameter in 25 secs
rate =    37.44 filled arcs/sec
========= filledarcs400 ========= 

596 filled arcs with 400 pixel diameter in 43 secs
rate =    13.86 filled arcs/sec
========= filledpoly100 ========= 

684 filled polygons with 5 points (size 100) in 19 secs
rate =    36.00 filled polygons/sec
========= screencopy10 ========= 

3288 copies with 10 pixel sides in 11 secs
rate =   298.91 copies/sec (29890 Pixels/sec)
========= screencopy100 ========= 

1026 copies with 100 pixel sides in 17 secs
rate =    60.35 copies/sec (603529 Pixels/sec)
========= screencopy400 ========= 

516 copies with 400 pixel sides in 65 secs
rate =     7.94 copies/sec (1270153 Pixels/sec)
========= scroll ========= 

585 scrolls (area: 640 x 400) in 16 secs
rate =    15.81 scrolls/sec (4047567 Pixels/sec)
========= bitmapcopy10 ========= 

3137 copies with 10 pixel sides in 12 secs
rate =   261.42 copies/sec (26141 Pixels/sec)
========= bitmapcopy100 ========= 

705 copies with 100 pixel sides in 18 secs
rate =    39.17 copies/sec (391666 Pixels/sec)
========= bitmapcopy400 ========= 

449 copies with 400 pixel sides in 100 secs
rate =     4.49 copies/sec (718400 Pixels/sec)
========= imagestring:fixed ========= 
DRAW IMAGE STRING - font="fixed" (height = 13)

43050 chars in 13 secs
rate =  3311.54 chars/sec
========= complex1 ========= 

89 runs 10 secs
rate =     8.90 runs/sec

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Fri Jun  1 14:28:33 1990 remote from convex
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	id AA07427; Fri, 1 Jun 90 14:28:33 CDT
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	id AA09560; Fri, 1 Jun 90 14:28:27 CDT
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	(5.62+/IDA-1.2.8-900601) id AA25083 (for salevin%drlc1.UUCP@convex.com); Fri, 1 Jun 90 14:24:03 -0500
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From: convex!expo.lcs.mit.edu!kit (Chris D. Peterson)
Message-Id: <9006011539.AA12934@expo.lcs.mit.edu>
To: envbvs@epb2.lbl.gov (Brian V. Smith)
Cc: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu, kit@expo.lcs.mit.edu
Subject: Re: How to get xdm to make wtmp and utmp file entries? 
In-Reply-To: Your message of 31 May 90 22:14:01 GMT.
Date: Fri, 01 Jun 90 11:39:19 -0400

In article <MJD.90May31173254@central.cis.upenn.edu>,
mjd@central.cis.upenn.edu (Mark-Jason Dominus) writes:
|> Our xdm's don't seem to be logging logins and logouts in the
|> /etc/wtmp and /etc/utmp files.  Is there a good way to get
|> them to do this, or is there a good reason why they
|> shouldn't?

Yes.  We feel that a session manager should be logging the user as "on" the
system.  The display manager is only responsible for managing your display, and
this is outside its realm.  Unfortunatly session managers are not widely
avaliable (a shell script is NOT a session manager :-), and so this piece of
useful functionality has been dropped on the floor.  As session managers become
avaliable they should fill this gap.

On a more technical note, Xdm does not have a tty, so adding a utmp or wtmp
entry will confuse programs that depend on this behavior.  For example, finger
and who will not work correctly.

						Chris D. Peterson     
						MIT X Consortium 

Net:	 kit@expo.lcs.mit.edu
Phone:   (617) 253 - 9608	
Address: MIT - Room NE43-213

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Fri Jun  1 16:15:29 1990 remote from convex
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	(contact usenet@bloom-beacon.mit.edu if you have questions)
Date: 1 Jun 90 15:16:07 GMT
From: convex!athos.rutgers.edu!mende  (Bob Mende)
Organization: Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick, N.J.
Subject: XView from expo remaps keys
Message-Id: <Jun.>
Sender: convex!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-request
To: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu

  Working on a Sun3 with a type 3 keyboard, XView from expo.lcs.mit.edu
built with Sun's cc rebinds many of the Auxilary keys on the type 3 (and I
beleive the type 4) keyboard.  The keys in particuar are the "L" keys.
Before a application that is built with XView is run, twm correctly grabs
the "L" keys (an example is L5 if f.raise).  After a XView client is run,
the L5 key generates <ESC>28~ (which is what it does before X interpets
it.)  I have not found a way to restore these keys to X after this happens
short of restarting the server.   Is there a known way to fix this bug (yes
it is a bug).   If not, is there someone who is familiar with the libxview
source who can tell me where this is being down and what I can do to fix it
without breaking all XView clients.


{...}!rutgers!mende         mende@cs.rutgers.edu          mende@zodiac.bitnet
{...}!rutgers!mende         mende@cs.rutgers.edu          mende@zodiac.bitnet

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Fri Jun  1 16:20:47 1990 remote from convex
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Date: Fri, 01 Jun 90  08:55 PDT
From: convex!ucbcmsa.bitnet!KONRAD
Subject: Extensions to X.
To: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu

[The questions below were submitted thrice to the Frequently Addressed
 Questions list, but not included.  Any information and opinions are

1.  What facilities does X11 have for realtime data, especially sound and
    video?  Can packets be sent to X server, buffered, then played
    in realtime when all packets have arrived.

2.  (more importantly) Does the X Consortium have plans in the future
    (e.g., X12) that are more likely to support such data.

> Date:    Mon, 19 Mar 90 18:04:42 N
> From: xpert%elcgl.epfl.ch@mitvma.mit.edu (Kouros Fatehi LGL)
> Message-Id: <900319180442.23c00a8c@SIC.Epfl.CH>
> Subject: What does X require from the underlying network protocol?
> To: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu
> I have a question about implementations of X on different network protocols.
> I suppose the answer to my question could be found in the "X Window System
> Protocol" document but I unfortunatelly dont have it.
> My question is: What does X require from the underlying Network Communication
> Protocol? In other terms could X be implemented on any network communication
> protocol, whether the protocol uses let's say Ethernet on its physical layer
> or not?
> Are there other implementations of X than on TCP/IP and DECNET?
> Thanks.
> -+- Kouros Fatehi,
> -+- Software Engineering Lab,
> -+- Computer Science Departement,
> -+- Swiss Federal Institute of Technology,
> -+- 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
> -+- T.l    : +41-21-693.27.37
> -+- e-mail : fatehi@elcgl.epfl.ch
> =========================================================================

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Fri Jun  1 18:47:48 1990 remote from convex
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	(contact usenet@bloom-beacon.mit.edu if you have questions)
Date: 1 Jun 90 05:06:29 GMT
From: convex!BLOOM-BEACON.MIT.EDU!meo%rsiatl%emory%ogicse%mintaka  (Miles ONeal)
Organization: Radiation Systems, Inc. (a thinktank, motorcycle, car and gun works facility)
Subject: Re: NameFromWidget ? Actions ?
Message-Id: <2653@rsiatl.UUCP>
References: <9005301312.AA02215@ATHENA.MIT.EDU>
Sender: convex!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-request
To: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu

	This belongs in the Commonly Asked Questions
   Guide For Xt Programmers... - meo

#include <X11/CoreP.h>

char *XtNameFromWidget (W)

Widget W;
	return W->core.name;

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Fri Jun  1 19:52:52 1990 remote from convex
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	id AA05688; Fri, 1 Jun 90 19:52:52 CDT
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	id AA05375; Fri, 1 Jun 90 19:52:44 CDT
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	Fri, 1 Jun 90 19:48:23 -0500
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Date: 1 Jun 90 15:31:01 GMT
From: convex!cs.utexas.edu!marbru%auto-trol%ico%ncar%noao%asuvax  (Martin Brunecky)
Organization: Auto-trol Technology, Denver
Subject: Re: Problem in XtNameToWidget
Message-Id: <1176@auto-trol.UUCP>
References: <8181@jpl-devvax.JPL.NASA.GOV>, <9005301627.AA26071@expo.lcs.mit.edu>
Sender: convex!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-request
To: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu

In article <9005301627.AA26071@expo.lcs.mit.edu> converse@EXPO.LCS.MIT.EDU (Donna Converse) writes:
>It will seg fault if you give it a non-widget argument in the first
>parameter.  The spec stipulates that it will take a non-widget argument,
>so this is a bug in the code.  Since Objects can not and will not ever 
>have children....

   STOP here ! Why ?  Motif "flavor" of R3 Xt had a concept of compositeObject.
   A very usefull feature - at least when you want to REALLY start using
   Xt geometry management. By that I mean far more intelligent geometry
   managers than what's currently around ( attached boxes and row columns ).
   Geometry managers used in nested combinations, so that the geometry
   negotiation really takes place.
   In such configurations you may end up having several layers of pure
   geometry management objects - with no need for a window at each of them.
   Thus, PLEASE, don't rule out composite objects - not yet !

=*= Opinions presented here are solely of my own and not those of Auto-trol =*=
Martin Brunecky                   marbru@auto-trol.COM
(303) 252-2499                    {...}ncar!ico!auto-trol!marbru
Auto-trol Technology Corp. 12500 North Washington St., Denver, CO 80241-2404 

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Fri Jun  1 19:57:26 1990 remote from convex
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Date: 1 Jun 90 15:48:53 GMT
From: convex!cs.utexas.edu!marbru%auto-trol%ico%ncar%noao%asuvax  (Martin Brunecky)
Organization: Auto-trol Technology, Denver
Subject: String to Pixmap resource converter ?
Message-Id: <1179@auto-trol.UUCP>
Sender: convex!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-request
To: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu

     A few weeks ago, I noticed a discussion about what pixelmap file
     format should be used for a "standard" StringToPixmap converter.
     Somehow, I missed any conclusion. Can anyone referesh me on the
     subject, or (better) mail me an implemented converter ?
    (I want to include it in the next release of WsXc, but have no time
     to reinvent the wheel).
     By the way. Some resources, such as Bitmap or Pixmaps, are pretty
     big to be imbedded in app-defaults (and loaded and cached by Mrm).
     So keeping those in a separate file is often right.
     On the other hand, if I use a bunch of very small icons, I don't
     want to have a bunch of files floating around. Thus, I would 
     suggest that the resource value can
     - either be imbeded in resource file (app-defaults etc.) directly
     - or be a file reference: @foo[/keyword].
     It would be nice if Xrm could support something like that in general
     fashion(-), but for now we can implement this functionality at the
     resource converter level.
=*= Opinions presented here are solely of my own and not those of Auto-trol =*=
Martin Brunecky                   marbru@auto-trol.COM
(303) 252-2499                    {...}ncar!ico!auto-trol!marbru
Auto-trol Technology Corp. 12500 North Washington St., Denver, CO 80241-2404 

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Fri Jun  1 20:11:59 1990 remote from convex
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Date: 1 Jun 90 16:44:09 GMT
From: convex!epb2.lbl.gov!envbvs  (Brian V. Smith)
Organization: lbl
Subject: Re: How to get xdm to make wtmp and utmp file entries?
Message-Id: <5728@helios.ee.lbl.gov>
References: <MJD.90May31173254@central.cis.upenn.edu>, <5723@helios.ee.lbl.gov>, <MJD.90May31194223@central.cis.upenn.edu>
Sender: convex!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-request
To: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu

In article <MJD.90May31194223@central.cis.upenn.edu>,
mjd@central.cis.upenn.edu (Mark-Jason Dominus) writes:
|> In article <5723@helios.ee.lbl.gov> envbvs@epb2.lbl.gov (Brian V.
Smith) writes:
|> >   mjd@central.cis.upenn.edu (Mark-Jason Dominus) writes:
|> >   |> 
|> >   |> Our xdm's don't seem to be logging logins and logouts in the
|> >   |> /etc/wtmp and /etc/utmp files.
|> >
|> >   The -ls is required to make it write in the /etc/wtmp
|> >   file.  The -ls also makes it read and execute your .login file.
|> Thanks for the +ut tip; I must have missed it when I read
|> the man page.  But neither the R3 nor the R4 man pages say
|> that -ls makes xterm write a wtmp entry, and, in fact, we
|> had the -ls option set already, and no wtmp entries.
|> Does it work for you?

There is something strange that I didn't notice at first.  You must
use BOTH +ut and -ls to get xterm to write to both files.

If you only specify +ut, you will see the use logged in (/etc/utmp),
but the "last" command (/etc/wtmp) shows nothing for that user.

The -ls option  *BY ITSELF* doesn't seem to do anything with either
file, but both options together will write to both files.

Brian V. Smith    (bvsmith@lbl.gov)
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
I don't speak for LBL, these non-opinions are all mine.

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Fri Jun  1 20:37:41 1990 remote from convex
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Date: 1 Jun 90 17:35:14 GMT
From: convex!uakari.primate.wisc.edu!helios.mitre.org%linus%alliant%merk%xylogics%samsung  (Cookson)
Organization: The MITRE Corp., Bedford Ma.
Subject: PushButtons
Message-Id: <109928@linus.mitre.org>
Sender: convex!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-request
To: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu

In the hp widget set, is there a way to set a button's state from inside
the program??  I'm trying to implement a macintosh radio button like
concept using push buttons with the XtNtoggle resource set True.


% Dean Cookson				  $ Anyone can be taught to sculpt    %
% dcookson@mitre.org			    $ Michaelangleo would have had to %
% {devax,et al..}!linus!mbunix!helios!cookson $ have been taught how not to.  %
% Disclaimer: My opinions are my own, and       $ The same is true of great   %
%       are of questionable sanity                $ programmers               %

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Fri Jun  1 20:57:17 1990 remote from convex
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Date: 1 Jun 90 23:09:08 GMT
From: convex!beach.cis.ufl.edu!qt  (Quan Tang)
Organization: UF CIS Department
Subject: help on 'curses'
Message-Id: <23405@uflorida.cis.ufl.EDU>
Sender: convex!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-request
To: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu

	Hello, everybody, I am going to use 'curses', but I do not have any 
references except the man pages. I will appreciate it very much if somebody
can tell me some  experience and reference.
I have nothing to do with the athletic program at UF.

			Qing Qi Tsao

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Fri Jun  1 21:05:44 1990 remote from convex
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Date: 1 Jun 90 18:45:00 GMT
From: convex!THINK.COM!barmar  (Barry Margolin)
Subject: Management of '/dev/console' on a computer server for X terminals
Message-Id: <19900601184505.8.BARMAR@OCCAM.THINK.COM>
References: <9006011800.AA12409@gateway.think.com>
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To: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu

    Date: Fri, 01 Jun 1990 13:56 EDT
    From: lwv27%cas.BITNET%CAS.BITNET@CORNELLC.cit.cornell.edu

    The difference is that xterm supports the -C option of tearing away the
    console from who ever had it last.  

xterm -C should only be used by someone starting up an X server on the
physical console.  Its purpose is to redirect console output to a
window so that it doesn't splat across the raw console.  I don't think
it affects console input at all, though.

I think it would even be reasonable for xterm -C to check whether it's
being used on the console.  Random X users shouldn't be allowed to steal
away the console.  The superuser should be allowed to bypass the check,
though; this way, if the system manager is using an X terminal he can
redirect console output to one of his xterms.

					An example of a program which uses
    console for input is FrameMaker, which in the case of one or two of its
    errors outputs a question and expects a response from the user.  

This is very surprising.  It really uses /dev/console rather than standard
input?  Thanks for warning me, as we are heavy X terminal users and
we're starting to use FrameMaker.  You should complain to Frame about

								     Also, at
    least on my Sunview machine, a lot of errors from windows started up at
    login time or errors of NFS, wall output, etc. all are going to the console
    window.  Without any console, the X terminal will not know about these
    events.  With a console, the other users will not know about them.

Errors from windows started up at login time should go to the stderr of
the process that is starting up the windows, not to /dev/console.  At
our site, wall output goes to all xterm windows (I think xterm has to be
setuid root for this to work, so that it can write into /etc/utmp).  NFS
errors go to the stderr of the process getting the error and to the
console; the latter is for the benefit of the system manager.  This is
just like users on ASCII terminals -- why should X terminal users see
any more messages than ASCII terminal users?

Of course you should have a console on the system.  You need a console
in order to boot, run single user, run diagnostics, etc.  The console
could be a cheap ASCII terminal, though (although some of the newer Suns
cost *more* without a bitmap console).


root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Fri Jun  1 21:30:32 1990 remote from convex
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Message-Id: <9006012031.AA00442@uk.ac.oxford.prg.boothp1>
To: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu
Subject: Re: How to get xdm to make wtmp and utmp file entries?

> In article <MJD.90May31173254@central.cis.upenn.edu>,
> mjd@central.cis.upenn.edu (Mark-Jason Dominus) writes:
> |> 
> |> Our xdm's don't seem to be logging logins and logouts in the
> |> /etc/wtmp and /etc/utmp files.  Is there a good way to get
> |> them to do this, or is there a good reason why they
> |> shouldn't?
> xdm doesn't make the entries in these files, but you can make the main
> xterm do it with the +ut and -ls options.  The +ut makes it write in the
> /etc/utmp file and the -ls is required to make it write in the /etc/wtmp
> file.  The -ls also makes it read and execute your .login file.

The utmp file is world writable on many systems, but the wtmp file usually
isn't.  Even so, all that the -ls flag means is that the shell that is
started is a login shell.  This is done by prepending a `-' to the name of
the shell.  The xterm will add an entry to the utmp file but not the wtmp

Normally it is `login' that writes the entry to the wtmp file.

This hassle with these files is a pain.  I have written two programs to sort
this stuff out.  One (xlogin) is called from the Xstartup file (see xdm(1))
and sticks a fake console entry into the utmp file for the user logging in
and adds an entry to wtmp.  The other (xlogout) is called from the Xreset
file and removes the console entry from utmp and adds a logout entry to wtmp.

In Xstartup I have:
#! /bin/sh

if [ -f /etc/xlogin ]; then
   /etc/xlogin $USER

if [ -f /etc/motd ]; then
   (cat /etc/motd)                                              > /dev/console

if [ -f /usr/ucb/quota ]; then
   (/usr/ucb/quota $USER)                                       > /dev/console

if [ -s /usr/spool/mail/$USER ]; then
   (echo You have mail)                                         > /dev/console

if [ -f /etc/nologin ]; then
    (cat /etc/nologin)                                          > /dev/console
    exit 1
exit 0

and in Xreset I have:
#! /bin/sh

if [ -f /etc/xlogout ]; then

This keeps logging info happy, but since the console is never used, the
person's fake console entry has a looooonnnng idle time.

Does anyone have a better way of doing this sort of thing?

If anyone wants the source for my xlogin and xlogout then mail me.  They are
not exactly elegant, but they do their job.


root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Fri Jun  1 21:34:45 1990 remote from convex
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Date: 1 Jun 90 19:53:42 GMT
From: convex!boulder.colorado.edu!jor%uswat  (Joel Rem)
Organization: U S WEST Advanced Technologies, CO, USA
Subject: X11R4 running under Sun OS 4.1
Message-Id: <8396@uswat.UUCP>
Sender: convex!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-request
To: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu

I just recently upgraded my Sun 3/60 to Sun OS 4.1.
When I run X11R4 and twm the "who" command doesn't
work correctly.  If I rlogin to another machine and
then back into my machine, "who" doesn't see the new
login.  When I rlogin to another machine and then back
into my machine a second time, "who" does see the new
login.  I tried recompiling "twm" under OS 4.1 but this didn't fix the
problem.  Has anybody else seen this
or a similar problem?  The header files haven't changed
for /etc/utmp or /usr/adm/wtmp so I don't think I need
to recompile all of X11R4?

		Joel Rem

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Fri Jun  1 21:59:10 1990 remote from convex
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Date: 1 Jun 90 19:58:58 GMT
From: convex!OPERATIONS.DCCS.UPENN.EDU!mjd%netnews  (Mark-Jason Dominus)
Organization: /home/mjd/.organization
Subject: Re: How to get xdm to make wtmp and utmp file entries?
Message-Id: <MJD.90Jun1155858@central.cis.upenn.edu>
References: <MJD.90May31173254@central.cis.upenn.edu>
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To: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu

In article <MJD.90May31173254@central.cis.upenn.edu> mjd@central.cis.upenn.edu (Mark-Jason Dominus) writes:
   Our xdm's don't seem to be logging logins and logouts in the
   /etc/wtmp and /etc/utmp files.  Is there a good way to get
   them to do this,

It turns out that the right answer is the `sessreg' program,
which is distributed in the same directory as xdm and which
is designed to solve exactly this problem.  Duh.  If someone
had pointed this out before I found it, they could have had
the pleasure of heaving a brick at my head, but as it is
I'll just have to do it myself.

Oh, well.  Bring on the brickbats.


 In some sense a stochastic process can do better; at least it has a chance.
Mark-Jason Dominus 	  			    mjd@central.cis.upenn.edu 

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Fri Jun  1 22:52:46 1990 remote from convex
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Date: 1 Jun 90 20:36:03 GMT
From: convex!Gang-of-Four.Stanford.EDU!ramana  (Ramana Venkata)
Organization: Stanford University
Subject: ********
Message-Id: <1990Jun1.203603.10878@Neon.Stanford.EDU>
Sender: convex!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-request
To: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu

Does anyone have (or know where to get) a version of GNUplot that can run
under x-windows also?  The copy that I have (version 2.0) doesn't support 
any xwindow terminals.


root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Fri Jun  1 23:01:39 1990 remote from convex
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Date: 1 Jun 90 21:27:40 GMT
From: convex!sp25.csrd.uiuc.edu!sharma  (Sanjay Sharma)
Organization: Center for Supercomputing Research and Development
Subject: Running X11R4 and Suntools simultaneously on Sparc
Message-Id: <1990Jun1.212740.12076@csrd.uiuc.edu>
Sender: convex!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-request
To: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu

	Sorry netters, (for posting this message.) This is my 4th message.
I have messed up first four. (We have switched from notes to nn recently)
I want to run  X11R4 and Suntools simultaneously on my Sparcstation. 
Any ideas ?
	Thanks in advance.

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Fri Jun  1 23:11:19 1990 remote from convex
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Date: 1 Jun 90 20:54:43 GMT
From: convex!boulder.colorado.edu!toml%ninja%stan  (Tom LaStrange)
Organization: Solbourne Computer, Inc.
Subject: Motif Form widget question
Message-Id: <1990Jun1.205443.5062@Solbourne.COM>
Sender: convex!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-request
To: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu

I'm trying to learn this Motif thing and I'm cutting my teeth on
the Form widget.  I want to create a Form widget and have three 
children inside like this

	|    A    |
	|    B    |
	|    C    |

If I create the children in the order A,B,C and attach B to A and C to B,
everything works fine.  If I create them in the order C,B,A and attach B
to C and A to B, then the Form widget does not appear to size properly
to hold all the children.  All I see is C unless I resize the thing.

Is this a "feature" of the form widget that I haven't read about
someplace?  Does the Form widget size itself to fit the child with the
largest lower right corner coordinates?  I don't have Motif source so
I can't UTSL.

Tom LaStrange

Solbourne Computer Inc.    ARPA: toml@Solbourne.COM
1900 Pike Rd.              UUCP: ...!{boulder,sun}!stan!toml
Longmont, CO  80501

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Fri Jun  1 23:26:41 1990 remote from convex
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Date: Fri, 1 Jun 90 16:34:32 PDT
From: convex!prefect.es.llnl.gov!rms (Robert M. Searfus)
Message-Id: <9006012334.AA02822@prefect.es.llnl.gov>
To: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu
Subject: Multiple screen/display applications

Has anyone solved a problem connecting multiple X displays together
with a single keyboard and mouse?  I am working on an application
where it would be desirable to control multiple crt displays (possibly
attached to separate workstations) from a single workstation.  The X11
protocol supports multiple screens, although I've only seen this work
on a Sun treating a cgfour framebuffer as monochrome and color
screens.  I seems conceivable to solve this problem at either the
server or window manager level.  I would be very interested in hearing
from anyone who has used (or is planning to use) X in an application
requiring more that one physical display monitor.

(bob) Robert M. Searfus
      Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Sat Jun  2 00:40:00 1990 remote from convex
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Date: 1 Jun 90 17:50:07 GMT
From: convex!sdd.hp.com!jbb%hpcvlx%hp-pcd  (Jim B. Byers)
Organization: Hewlett-Packard Co., Corvallis, OR, USA
Subject: Re: Size of Colormap in Xhp300 server.
Message-Id: <100920223@hpcvlx.cv.hp.com>
References: <25348@pasteur.Berkeley.EDU>
Sender: convex!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-request
To: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu

I suspect that xdpyinfo is reporting back incorrect information. :-(  If memory
servers me correctly the MIT R3 HP server had this problem.  Are you using
this or an HP released server?   The monitor you mentioned is a 19" 1024x768 
color montior (HP 98782A).  Assuming you do not have an SRX 3D graphics card,
you either have a 98547A 6 plane graphics board or a 98549A High Res,
High Performance 6 plane Color graphics board. 

As you probably know this translates into 64 colors unless you wish to produce
clients that ask the window manager for their own colormaps.  This is generally
bad form as it causes the rest of the windows to look *very ugly* when these
clients have the focus, but may be useful when you just have to have those 

All current HP 1280x1024 displays have at least 8 planes.

Hope that this helps.

Jim Byers
Hewlett Packard 
Interface Technology Operation
The X11/Motif/Vue folks in Corvallis

#include <std.disclaimer>

Utsukushi ya shoji-no ana-no Ama-no-gawa
                                         Issa (1762-1826)
A lovely thing to see:
  through the paper window's hole,
     the Galaxy

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Sat Jun  2 01:27:31 1990 remote from convex
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Date: 1 Jun 90 19:08:29 GMT
From: convex!ucscc.UCSC.EDU!chucko  (30502000)
Organization: University of California, Santa Cruz  CATS
Subject: Pixmap vs. Image
Message-Id: <3994@darkstar.ucsc.edu>
Sender: convex!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-request
To: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu

To use Pixmap or Image structures when pixel computations
are performed often.

I am in the design stage of an X application that involves
quite a bit of image manipulation.  Images come to me as 16-bit,
and will usually be treated as 8-bit by my application.  I need
to keep around the 16-bit data in case I need to get to the
real (unquantized) data.  In order to "blend" or "overlay" 2 or
more images and display them in an 8-bit deep window I need to
do computations on corresponding pixels in each image to create
the blended image (the computation is similar to finding the pixel
value when using XStandardColormaps).

My understanding, so far, is that images (Ximage structure) reside
on the client and shipping them to my window can take lots of time
(many <<dozens of?>> seconds) for large images.  Pixmaps, however,
reside on the workstation (server) and can be loaded into the
window much faster.  Here's the question:

If I have to do these computations (an add and multiply) on each pixel,
and load the result into a window.  First, where do the computations
take place (server or client)?  Second, if they take place on the
client, is it faster to use Images which are already there, or use
Pixmaps which seems to imply a round trip for each pixel?  Which is
faster, which is easier, which is politically correct????

Your help is much appreciated.

Reply to the newsgroup if you think it's of interest to others,
otherwise direct and perhaps I'll summarize.

Chuck Stein                         chucko@ucscc.ucsc.edu
Mirror Imaging / NOARL West

{ I do represent the opinion of my employer. }

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Sat Jun  2 10:56:36 1990 remote from convex
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Date: 31 May 90 22:52:36 GMT
From: convex!sun.com!eng.sun.com  (sometimes my arms bend back)
Subject: Re: Color Frame Buffer Problem and X11R4 Server
Message-Id: <136474@sun.Eng.Sun.COM>
References: <9005311644.AA09552@gargoyle.uchicago.edu>, <9005311716.AA28403@xenon.lcs.mit.edu>
Sender: convex!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-request
To: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu

In article <9005311716.AA28403@xenon.lcs.mit.edu> keith@EXPO.LCS.MIT.EDU
(Keith Packard) writes:
>Make sure you build the server using the same revision of SunOS as you will be
>running on the clients -- the header files which describe the frame buffer
>structure changed when the SparcStation came out.

If anyone really cares, the problem is that the SunOS 4.0.3 version of
<sundev/cg6reg.h> defines some mmap offsets in terms of NBPG (the page
size of the machine you're compiling on (more or less)), which is bad
because the SS-1 has a different page size than Sun-3s and other Sun-4s
(4K instead of 8K).  The 4.0.3c and 4.1 versions of this include file
correctly define the mmap offsets, which are the same on all systems.

David DiGiacomo, Sun Microsystems, Mt. View, CA  david@eng.sun.com

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Sat Jun  2 10:59:42 1990 remote from convex
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Date: Sat, 2 Jun 90 04:57:38 -0400
From: der Mouse  <convex!larry.mcrcim.mcgill.edu!mouse>
Message-Id: <9006020857.AA09066@Larry.McRCIM.McGill.EDU>
To: rclaeson@erbe.se
Subject: Re: new escape sequences for xterm
Cc: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu

>> I think that the desired behavior would be for AT&T to modify their
>> applications that use curses to detect that the window has changed
>> size (i.e. with SIGWINCH), [...].

> What about all third-party applications that is the reason that most
> people goes with UNIX anyway?  AT&T could surely modify all *their*
> applications (if they haven't already done so in SVR4), but then
> there are all those obstinare third-party software companies that
> refuse to do so.

It seems to me that a third-party vendor failing to properly handle
window size changes is on a par with a third-party vendor failing to
properly use terminfo/termcap/curses and instead wiring in knowledge of
escape sequences.  Proper handling of SIGWINCH will simply become a
necessary part of a complete curses application, much the way setting
the input hint correctly is a necessary part of a complete X

					der Mouse

			old: mcgill-vision!mouse
			new: mouse@larry.mcrcim.mcgill.edu

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Sat Jun  2 11:31:11 1990 remote from convex
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Date: 30 May 90 20:12:48 GMT
From: convex!sun.com!argv  (Dan Heller)
Organization: O'Reilly && Associates
Subject: Re: XView error message
Message-Id: <136402@sun.Eng.Sun.COM>
References: <109@tdatirv.UUCP>
Sender: convex!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-request
To: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu

In article <109@tdatirv.UUCP> swf@tdatirv.UUCP () writes:
> I have run into a strange run-time error message several times while developing
> XView applications.  Under arcane circumstances I get the following:
> XView Warning: obj 0x### invalid object(embedding seal incorrect) ...

This sounds suspiciously like you're doing things with menus.

> So, what does this mean, and what makes it occur?
> [I have looked in TFM and could not find any error messages documented]
The new FM has a chapter on error handling, messages, etc...  It should
be available in July.

> This error is occuring most persistantly in code in which I am trying to
> dynamically change the active choices in a menu according to the cursor
> position when the SELECT button was pressed.  I have tried all sorts of
Aha!  I knew it :-)

Unfortunately, you weren't specific about what you're trying to do.
However, suffice to say that you should never play with menus or
menu items while they are being displayed.  The new edition of the
XView Programmer's manual (the new FM discussed above) goes into
more detail about this.
O'Reilly && Associates   argv@sun.com / argv@ora.com
Opinions expressed reflect those of the author only.

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Sat Jun  2 12:48:32 1990 remote from convex
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Date: Sat, 2 Jun 90 09:03:38 -0400
From: der Mouse  <convex!shamash.mcrcim.mcgill.edu!mouse>
Message-Id: <9006021303.AA04433@shamash.McRCIM.McGill.EDU>
To: kwang@uicsrd.csrd.uiuc.edu
Subject: Re:  Questions (rlogin vs remote xterm)
Cc: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu

> 2. The power of X window is "network transparent windowing..." right?

Well, that's one of its strengths.

>    So, I tried like: 
> 	xhost doItThere
> 	rsh doItThere "setenv DISPLAY showMeHere; do it"
>    It was ok, but is this right way?

It's not unreasonable.

>    Then what is difference with rlogging to the other machine and
>    execute it inside the popped up shell window?

The major difference is where it places the load.

In my experience...suppose machine A is running the X server and
machine B is where I want my shell to be.

Way 1	A% xterm -e rlogin B
Way 2	A% rsh B xterm -display A:0

(No nitpicking please, those are typed `off the top of my head'.)

I find that way 1 puts less of a load on B than 2 does.  To be more
precise, when B is an overloaded or otherwise slow machine, way 1
produces noticeably better response.

If you're using a standard rlogin, way 1 has the disadvantage that the
rlogin escape character is active.

					der Mouse

			old: mcgill-vision!mouse
			new: mouse@larry.mcrcim.mcgill.edu

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Sat Jun  2 12:49:06 1990 remote from convex
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Date: 2 Jun 90 06:11:58 GMT
From: convex!uunet.uu.net!bret%codonics  (Bret Orsburn)
Organization: Codonics, Inc., Middleburg Heights, OH
Subject: Re: VGA X11R4 server problems
Message-Id: <1536@codonics.COM>
References: <9856@hydra.gatech.EDU>, <2509@tuminfo1.lan.informatik.tu-muenchen.dbp.de>, <30384@cup.portal.com>
Sender: convex!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-request
To: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu

I suspect that before all is said and done I will be very grateful to
Thomas Roell for the extensive work he has contributed toward X11R4
for SYSV PCs. (I would be more effusive with my praise, but since I
haven't been able to make it work yet.... :-)

After spending a few days trying to make his patches work at my site
(including the time to snarf and build several Gnu tools.), I think
it is time for a 

                       *** Reality Check ***

Unless I am missing something, mit/lib/X/Berklib.c cannot compile (see
diff at end of this posting). Did nobody who has posted with praise or
blame for this code find this worthy of noting?

Also, as someone has noted, I get a "Hash Table Overflow" when the stock
make tries to tackle mit/lib/X. Unlike the previous poster, however, I
get a

              make: execve: /bin/sh: Arg list too long

from gnu make, as well. (I finally built this lib "by hand".)

Also: mit/util/scripts/makeshlib must be made executable.

And finally:
                       <<<    BEWARE    >>>

Be aware that Herr Roell's version of X11R4 violates the separation
between building and installation. The build stage tries to install
libraries -- probably *not* what you want to do if you already have
ISC's X11R3 installed, and you want to look before you leap. (And it
uses hard-coded destination directories, as well.)


Sorry if this is petty sniping. It may appear that way to me, too, if
I get this stuff working any time soon. Perhaps this information will
save someone some of the hassles I have experienced so far.

Of course, any hints on how to get past:

                      Couldn't open any screens

                    (And the odd server core dump)

will be welcome.

BTW: I am using a generic 16-bit VGA which is really a Western Digital/Paradise
card, capable of 800x600x16 or 640x400x256 or standard VGA resolutions.


*** mit/lib/X/.modfiles/Berklib.c	Fri Jun  1 02:33:04 1990
--- mit/lib/X/Berklib.c	Fri Jun  1 02:58:06 1990
*** 1,5 ****
--- 1,6 ----
  #include "import.h"
  #ifdef SHLIB
+ extern long (* _libX11_times)() = 0;
  extern int (* _libX11_rand)() = 0;
  extern void (* _libX11_srand)() = 0;
*** 9,14 ****
--- 10,16 ----
  #include <sys/types.h>
  #include <sys/times.h>
+ #include <sys/time.h>
   * These are routines fould in BDS and not found in HP-UX.  They are
*** 282,291 ****
    if (!offset) {
!     offset -= (times(&tms) / 100);
!   tvp->tv_sec  = offset + times(&tms) / 100;
!   tvp->tv_usec = (times(&tms) % 100) * 10000;
    /* ignore tzp for now since this file doesn't use it */
--- 284,293 ----
    if (!offset) {
!     offset -= (times(&buffer) / 100);
!   tvp->tv_sec  = offset + times(&buffer) / 100;
!   tvp->tv_usec = (times(&buffer) % 100) * 10000;
    /* ignore tzp for now since this file doesn't use it */
Bret Orsburn

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Sat Jun  2 13:41:26 1990 remote from convex
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From: der Mouse  <convex!shamash.mcrcim.mcgill.edu!mouse>
Message-Id: <9006021416.AA04619@shamash.McRCIM.McGill.EDU>
To: pmullman@phoenix.princeton.edu
Subject: Re: Idle terminal logout daemons.
Cc: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu

>> I was looking for a screen auto-lock - a screen blanker that
>> required the password to unblank.  Has anyone heard of such a thing?

> I don't know about X windows, but on Sunview, there's a program we
> use called lockscreen that does just that: it blanks and locks the
> screen and requires the user's password before returning you to the
> screen in the exact state it would have been in if you had just left
> your terminal and nobody had touched it.

That's not what he wanted, quite: he wanted a program like that but
which activated itself automatically after some (presumably
configurable) amount of idle time.  As far as I can tell, lockscreen
must be explicitly invoked - it can't be started once and kick in
automatically after some idle interval.

					der Mouse

			old: mcgill-vision!mouse
			new: mouse@larry.mcrcim.mcgill.edu

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Sat Jun  2 14:43:51 1990 remote from convex
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Date: 2 Jun 90 15:06:35 GMT
From: convex!lll-winken.llnl.gov!db%witzend%east%newstop%sun-barr  (David Brownell)
Organization: Sun Microsystems, Billerica MA
Subject: Re: Need Help with mixing RPC and X
Message-Id: <1984@east.East.Sun.COM>
References: <9005312234.AA18852@viking.frame.com>
Sender: convex!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-request
To: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu

Re the question of how to get an X (Xt) application to act as an
RPC server (client is no issue), dpb@viking.frame.com (Don Bettnet)

>> 1. The ability to tell XtMainLoop to look for an RPC request while
>>    looking for X events, and have it call an appropriate callback.
>How about this? Works for me....

    > Solution deleted to avoid clutter:  it used XtAppAddInput()
    > to install an input callback on the file descriptor used by
    > the service transprot handles:  SVCXPRT *t; fd = t->xp_sock.
    > The input callback invoked svc_getreq() to handle the call.

It's worth noting that this posted solution works only for UDP RPCs.
That is, if you use TCP for simpler semantics, more data than the
default of 8 Kbytes, or better error reporting, this doesn't work.

Also, this uses the obsolete svc_getreq() call, which is limited
to 32 file descriptors.  More recent UNIXes have a much higher
limit -- this should use svc_getreqset() instead, which handles
many more file descriptors.

The issue with TCP is that the RPC library needs to allocate and
deallocate file descriptors dynamically.  To handle this within
Xt, the input callback for the tcp-based SVCXPRT must diff the RPC
file descriptors in svc_fdset before and after it calls svc_getreqset(),
invoking XtAppAddInput (or XtAddInput) on new file descriptors and
calling XtRemoveInput() one ones that've disappeared.

The upcoming release of XView will do this for you automatically if
you ask, so that you won't have to scour the innards of the window
system and notifier documentation to find out how to do this!

David Brownell			db@east.sun.com.
Sun Desktop Systems Software	(508) 671-0348
"We'll get to ISO, Mars, and Pluto ... not necessarily in that order."

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Sat Jun  2 15:30:39 1990 remote from convex
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Date: Sat, 2 Jun 90 11:41:57 -0400
From: der Mouse  <convex!shamash.mcrcim.mcgill.edu!mouse>
Message-Id: <9006021541.AA04752@shamash.McRCIM.McGill.EDU>
To: roell@lan.informatik.tu-muenchen.dbp.de
Subject: Re: VGA X11R4 server problems
Cc: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu

>>> But what for do you need switching to virtual terminals ??? I saw
>>> the posibility for switch to another terminal from the beginning,
>>> but I cann't guess who will need such a feature.

>> Here's a reason.  In case X hangs for some reason [...]

> Perhaps I didn't mention it in the doc's to the server, but if you
> press CTRL+ALT+DEL [...] the server will shut down.

> The big question is: Do you need virtual terminals only for escape
> (i.e in one direction) or for switching perhaps between multible X
> sessions (i.e. in both directions, form and to) ?

> I personally think that the escape via CRTL+ALT+DEL is sufficient
> enougth for escaping X.  But for real switching between terminals

Tell you what.  Don't tell me what I do and don't want to do with my X
server and I won't tell you what you do and don't want to do with

I have a reason for wanting real switching among X sessions.

There are two people in my office: me and one other.  There is only one
X screen in the office.

It would be very nice if we could each have our own X session going,
with the ability to switch between sessions at the tap of a key.  There
have been various programs produced which give a rooms-like effect by
iconifying and uniconifying windows, but this isn't good enough: the
switch must also switch window managers, should switch xhost and xset
settings, everything - just as though there were two entirely different
machines.  (The console window might be an acceptable exception; xhost
and xset settings *might* be another.)

Now.  Tell me again how there is ABSOLUTELY NO REASON to want real
switching between terminals?

(Okay, so I should have said I have a reason for wanting real switching
*between* X sessions.  Don't quibble.)

					der Mouse

			old: mcgill-vision!mouse
			new: mouse@larry.mcrcim.mcgill.edu

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Sat Jun  2 15:46:21 1990 remote from convex
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Date: 1 Jun 90 09:56:23 GMT
From: convex!uunet.uu.net!vyncke%esat%kulesat%kulcs%ub4b%mcsun
Organization: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,ESAT - dep. Elect. Engineering, Belgium
Subject: again : avoiding event loops
Message-Id: <2998.26663bc7@esat.kuleuven.ac.be>
Sender: convex!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-request
To: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu

I'm writing an application where the graphical interface is not the main
part of the program. Since I want my windows to be updated after expose
events, I need a kind of asynchrounous behaviour.
I first build the program on a VAX station 3100 and there I had a
routine called XSelectAsyncInput(...) . This worked fine. But two
months ago I switched to a Sun Sparc with X11R4. There I tried to catch
the events in a background process. This however was not failsafe.
Now I implemented the method of John Bruner :

> My approach is to get the file descriptor for the X server (with
> ConnectionNumber(display)) and catch SIGIO.

This works fine but there is still one problem : If I catch an interrupt
when I'm in a X-call, my programm crashes. I worked around this by
postponing the interrupt handling while I'm doing X-calls. This is however
elaborate, and I'm wondering if there is not an other way to prevent the
Xserver from receiving two concurrent X-calls
Please send any reply by Email

-- Frank Vyncke . Department of Robot Vision, KU Leuven, Belgium

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Sat Jun  2 17:22:37 1990 remote from convex
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Date: 2 Jun 90 18:56:38 GMT
From: convex!math.lsa.umich.edu!emv  (Edward Vielmetti)
Organization: University of Michigan Math Dept., Ann Arbor MI.
Subject: label bars with short hostnames in xcpustate.
Message-Id: <EMV.90Jun2145638@urania.math.lsa.umich.edu>
Sender: convex!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-request
To: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu

xcpustate, when used on a bsd-ish system, puts the result of
gethostbyname() into the label for the bar depicting load
average.  on systems around here that's a very long thing,
like "whirlwind.math.lsa.umich.edu".  I'd like to have it
changable to be just "whirlwind".

it's not clear to me from the code how that should be done;
I don't know whether the name of the bar is in some resource
I can pop with "xcpustate -xrm <magic>" or override in a
defaults file, or whether it's necessary to go in and change
s-bsd.c to pop out the first period.



Edward Vielmetti, U of Michigan math dept <emv@math.lsa.umich.edu>

root@convex.UUCP (Superuser) (06/08/90)

From pescadero.stanford.edu!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-mailer  Sat Jun  2 20:04:25 1990 remote from convex
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Date: 2 Jun 90 19:31:40 GMT
From: convex!gmu90x.gmu.edu!rauletta%gmuvax2  (R. J. Auletta)
Organization: George Mason Univ., Fairfax, Va.
Subject: xterm/eightBitInput not implemented?
Message-Id: <1545@gmuvax2.gmu.edu>
Sender: convex!expo.lcs.mit.edu!xpert-request
To: xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu

The X11R4/Fix11 xterm manual describes a resource eightBitInput.

I have two questions. First, what exactly is the intent of this
resource. Does it cause extended characters not to be displayed
or does it strip the 8th bit so that the 7 bit code is displayed?

Secondly, is this resource implemented? A very brief scan through
the code seems to indicate that the resource has no effect on the
action of xterm.

Here is my dirty little hack. I assume there is a better place
to do the masking of the 8th bit? As there be dragons here I'm
also worried about unseen interactions and performance issues.

In the file charproc.c in the function dotext at about line
1241 add the following code to case 'B':

        case 'B':       /* ASCII set                            */
                if(screen->eight_bits == 0)
                   for (s=buf; s<ptr; ++s)
                              *s &= 0177 ;    /* Mask the 8th bit    */
                              		      /* to map all characters */
                              		      /* into the range 0X00 to 0X7F */

I also feel the default for this resource should be false.

To change this modify line 327 in charproc.c to,

{XtNeightBitInput, XtCEightBitInput, XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
        XtOffset(XtermWidget, screen.eight_bits),
        XtRBoolean, (caddr_t) &defaultFALSE},

Suggestions, comments, and the correct solution would be most appreciated.

--Rich Auletta