[comp.windows.x] resizing xterm on SYS V.....

morreale@bierstadt.scd.ucar.edu (Peter Morreale) (06/11/90)

How does one deal with resizing xterm windows to a System V based 

In our current configuration, I am running xterm on a Sun3 to 
UNICOS.  It appears that Cray has deemed that the terminfo file for
xterm should be 65 lines by 80 columns.  

I can get around this by setting LINES and COLUMNS, but I'm looking for
sumpthin more graceful. 

I know that xterm sends out a signal (SIGWNCH ??) that is honored on our
Suns, but this seems to be ignored on our Cray...  Should it be? Or is
it just that LINES and COLUMNS will override the signal?

Cray has provided "reset", but this seems to only set TERMCAP, which
appears to be ignored (at least by vi anyway).  I'm still RTFMing, but
I'm not sure what I'm looking for.  

Any pointers appreciated.....

Peter W. Morreale                  email:  morreale@ncar.ucar.edu
Nat'l Center for Atmos Research    voice:  (303) 497-1293
Scientific Computing Division