[comp.windows.x] Getting Motion Events

wolf@cbnewsh.att.com (thomas.wolf) (06/13/90)

Question regarding MotionNotify events:  Is it possible to tell the server
to generate an event for each pixel the pointer travels through?  My 
server reports every event if the pointer is moved slowly but begins skipping
coordinates when the pointer is moved rapidly.  I tried adjusting the
"acceleration" using XChangeControlPointer() but that didn't seem to help.

Any info would be appreciated,

+-------------------------------------+ "Stupid" questions are better than
| Tom Wolf      | (201) 949-2079      | no questions at all. No answer is
| Bell Labs, NJ | wolf@spanky.att.com | better than a stupid one.

rws@EXPO.LCS.MIT.EDU (Bob Scheifler) (06/14/90)

    Is it possible to tell the server
    to generate an event for each pixel the pointer travels through?

Nope.  The protocol does provide a motion buffer history mechanism
(see XGetMotionEvents) to permit gathering of finer-grained motion
than is reported by motion events, but lots of servers don't implement
this mechanism.