[net.news] your sys file is wrong and so is your software

z@rocksvax.UUCP (Jim Ziobro) (12/27/84)

	Let me propose a definition for the distribution facility:

	For each line in the sys file:
An article will get forwarded if any one of the 'Newsgroups:' names
matches the specification in the sys file and if a 'Distribution:'
clause is present at least one of the names in that clause must also
match the sys file specification.

	That would imply braodcast logic like:

	for each sys line
		if news_group_match (article.newsgroups)
			if present (article.distribution)
				if news_group_match (article.distribution)

	But what is happening in my (May `83) version is:

	if present(article.distribution)
		article.newsgroup <-  article.distribution

	for each sys line
		if news_group_match (article.newsgroups)

	Does this sound OK?  I will try to put together a patch or two.

	Also I think we ought to think about the meaning of 'net' vs.
'net.all'.  Could be another sore point further up the line.

James M. Ziobro