[comp.windows.x] wm should not kill my windows

lmgc@gmv.es (Luis Mariano Gonzalez) (06/27/90)


I would like to prevent the window manager from killing my windows,
but only from killing them, that is, the other functions should remain
as usual. 

Could anyone help me?

Thanks in advance.

L.M. Gonzalez                            Ph. +34 1 534 30 04
Grupo de Mecanica del Vuelo, S.A. (GMV)  Fax +34 1 533 32 50
Cristobal Bordiu, 35                     Telex  48487 GMEV E
E-28003 MADRID                           lmgonzalez@gmv.es
SPAIN                                    mcvax!gmv.es!lmgonzalez@uunet.uu.net