[comp.windows.x] Problem bringing up X

alleyne@teecs.UUCP (Adrian Alleyne) (06/27/90)

>ld.so: libXmu.so.4: not found

>Looks like its trying to look for some shared library. I looked into the
>lib area under X11R4 and it has libXmu.so.4.0.

I had the problem which was solved by article <134870@sun.Eng.Sun.COM> 
from (J. Nisewanger, Sun Microsystems, Inc.).

  There is a security restriction in the run-time
  shared library linker that causes it to only look in /usr/lib and 
  /usr/5lib if the program has the setuid or setgid permission bits 
  set (such as xterm & xload).

  You have at least 3 options:

	1. move the shared libraries into /usr/lib, /usr/5lib or 

	2. link setuid and setgid programs with the static version
	   of the libraries.

	3. I've heard that you can add symbolic links to /usr/lib that point
	   at the shared libraries although I haven't personally tried this.

I used solution 1 which worked fine.
Adrian Alleyne					email: alleyne@teecs.UUCP
Litton Systems Canada Limited			voice: (416) 249-1231
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