[comp.windows.x] X Based Graphics Package

jml@jax.lgc.com (John Love) (07/10/90)

   I'm putting together a list of X based 2D and 3D graphics packages 
   for evaluation. 

   If you are familiar with a package that hits on some of the items I have
   listed below, please email me the product name / vendor (and a contact 
   if you have one). 

   If you sell a product that satisfies a subset of these criterion,
   please contact me (we will make a purchase decision by the end of July).

   (I realize that there are some good, "free" solutions, but we want a 
    product with support...this we are ready to pay for.)

Vector Graphics
   2D Primitives:  
      points, polyline, polygon, arc, text (scaled/fixed) splines, symbols
   3D Primitives:  
      points, polylines, polygons, splined surfaces
   Color attributes
   Line styles (solid, dashed, application defined)
   Fill style (solid, empty, application defined pattern)
   Model and View transforms
   Direct read/write access into transformation matrices
   Hierarchical structure
   Structure Editing
   Multiple views of a single subtree
   Hidden surface removal
   Hidden line removal  
   Pointer Interface
   Lighting model(s)
   Raster drawing operations (xor...)
   Ability to generate CGM 

Raster Graphics
   Image data type  (8 bit colormapped)
   Full suite of X raster ops
   Ability to draw vector graphics in a raster display
   Indexed Pseudo Color 
   Ability to "flip" between multiple logical color maps
   Ability to partition LUT by planes
   Pointer Interface
   Ability to get pointer reports for selection, dragging and tracking

   Unix system running X11 or X11/news (Sun Sparc)
   Well behaved X client
   Integrates with Xlib, X Toolkit - OSF/Motif

   C bindings

   Technical Support (questions and help)
   Responsiveness to bug reports
   Upward compatibility between releases


John Love                         Internet: jml@lgc.com
Landmark Graphics Corp.
333 Cypress Run 
Houston TX, 77094
(713) 579-4683