[comp.windows.x] Help needed with X

ben@hpcvlx.cv.hp.com (Benjamin Ellsworth) (07/13/90)

> Xperform.panel.commands.PushButton.foreground: green

Should be:

	Xperform.panel.commands.XmPushButton.foreground: green

(Note the Xm...)

Benjamin Ellsworth      | ben@cv.hp.com                | INTERNET
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                     All relevant disclaimers apply.

marco@gensof.strhold.sublink.ORG (Marco Dabbene) (07/13/90)

I'm trying to write some little programs with X (Motif widgets) but i have
problems with file .Xdefaults (or any other in app-defaults).
I created the following tree (the first line give the name i have chosen,
the second the WidgetClass):

			     (Xperform) (Created with XtInitialize)
		|					|
	     commands				       form
	   (RowColumn)				  (BulletinBoard)
		|					|
	--------------------			---------------------
	|		   |			|		    |
       Add		 Remove		     art_cod		 art_cod
    (PushButton)       (PushButton)	     (Label)		 (Text)

Now, if i write in the .Xdefaults

Xperform.panel.commands.Add.foreground: green

the Add push button text is rendered with green color. If i write

Xperform.panel.commands.PushButton.foreground: green

(then specifying the Class instead of the name of the widget) it doesn't
work at all (keep in mind i know that in this way all the push buttons would
be rendered with green text...). Really i could specify

*PushButton.foreground: green

to do the same thing but it doesn't work!

Waiting for any answers!

				Thanks in advance, Marco.

   If this can make the difference: I'm using X with SCO ODT UNIX 386 rel. 2.3.1

|                    | General Software SrL     ***    Strhold Sistemi EDP |
|       Marco        | Via Dante 4 I 20122 Milano       Fax +39 2 72001474 |
|       Dabbene      | Voice +39 2 872732 / 72002222    Data +39 2 8690294 |
|                    |     Sublink: marco@gensof.strhold.sublink.ORG       |
  'The bell that rings inside your mind,
      is challenging the doors of time' (QUEEN - 'A kind of magic' - 1985)