[comp.windows.x] problem with libX11, and fixes 1-12

ndd@macbeth.cs.duke.edu (Ned D. Danieley) (07/14/90)

I've been trying to make X11R4 with fixes 1-12 on my Sun 3/280, and it
seems to work with the exception of libX11. if I use all the new libraries
and use all the new binaries, the server dies with a BadName error from
OpenFont. using the new binaries, and all the new libraries except libX11
is fine (the old libX11 has fixes 1-4). has anyone else seen anything like
this? any ideas how to fix it?

Sun 3/280, gcc 1.35, X11R4 fixes 1-12.

Ned Danieley (ndd@sunbar.mc.duke.edu)
Basic Arrhythmia Laboratory
Box 3140, Duke University Medical Center
Durham, NC  27710
(919) 660-5111 or 660-5100