[comp.windows.x] small white box

erikb@cs.vu.nl (Erik Baalbergen) (07/16/90)

I noticed the following behavior from X windows (X11R4) on a Sun 3/60
running SunOS Release 4.0.3. 
Consider the scenario
- start "xterm -geometry 80x20+318+100 -borderwidth 1 -font 9x15"
  or move an existing window (80xN) to a position which is indicated by
  xwininfo as (among other things)
	==> Absolute upper-left X:  320
	==> Width: 738
- within the newly created window, run 'vi'
- (manually) enter 80 characters on a single line

As soon as the cursor 'hits' the right border, a small white box occurs in
my root window, right from the cursor.  A refresh removes the white box.
The y position and size does not influence the behavior; other x positions
do not result in white spots.

Erik Baalbergen
Erik H. Baalbergen				    <erikb@cs.vu.nl>
Vrije Universiteit / Dept. of Maths. & Comp. Sc.
De Boelelaan 1081
1081 HV Amsterdam / The Netherlands		tel. +31 20 548 8080