[comp.windows.x] Netrek

scott@sting.Berkeley.EDU (Scott Silvey) (07/18/90)

The best version of xtrek I've ever seen is available through
  anonymous ftp from scam.berkeley.edu.  We've been running it
  here for a couple years now.  You can grab binary clients
  which will connect to our game here on sequent, or you can
  grab the code and try to get your own game going.

I warn you though, there isn't much support or documentation.
  Also, it hasn't been touched up.  You can't move windows in
  R4, but that is easily fixed.  Nobody here really has the time
  to clean it up the way it should be done.

Some of the features include X-less (TCP/IP) networking (hence 
  the name "NETrek"), a competitive scoring scheme with ranks, 
  multiple ship classes, plasma torpedos, tractor/pressor beams,
  and starbases which you can dock to and repair/refuel.  

We also have a "design your own interface" night or two where we 
  allow people's custom clients to connect.  These front ends have
  features like auto-evade, auto-attack, sophisticated message
  command parsing (responds to and acts upon messages sent to it 
  through the game's communication system), etc ...  People are
  really having a great time writing robotic front ends ... some 
  of these even rival the game's standard robots even though 
  they have all the limitations a human player has.

The idea of having a generic networking interface is that we 
  (actually Kevin Smith did ... I only helped with the concept) 
  were able to design an extremely efficient protocol, minimizing
  network loading.  Also, theoretically, anyone can write an
  interface and play on any sort of machine (Macintosh, Suntools,
  etc) since the only requirement is to have TCP ... it is no
  longer strictly "X"trek.

For questions, or help, mail to trek@scam.berkeley.edu.
