[net.news] message control at individual sites -- PS

gam@amdahl.UUCP (gam) (01/25/85)

> One major advantage to the sort of carefully worked out and organized
> moderation system proposed for Stargate would be the availability
> of clearly spelled out criteria for message screening.

I am happy to see this.  If there is an explicit list of rules
and consequences for not obeying them, this should eliminate much
arbitrary erasure and termination of articles; we would then
be able to distinguish between "news filtering" (weeding articles
by otherwise impartial rules) and "news censorship" (weeding
articles that "we" don't like).

I hope this works out.

(hey, I'm a reasonable guy).
Gordon A. Moffett		...!{ihnp4,hplabs,sun}!amdahl!gam