[comp.windows.x] XmRowColumn widget fails to resize

markb@boulder (Mark Brown) (07/25/90)

Under SunOS4.0.3, X11R4 (patchlevel 12), and Motif 1.0:

I'd like to create a horizontal RowColumn widget containing 4 Label widgets,
and I'd like to be able to change the contents of one or more of
the Label widgets and have the RowColumn widget automatically resize itself.
This appears not to happening. What is happening is that the new Label
contents are being clipped by the original Label window. Can anyone 
tell me if this is a known Motif bug, or an incompatibility problem between
Motif 1.0 and X11R4?

Here's the relevant widget creation source code:


	**	Create the ParamParent RowColumn widget.
	ParamParent = XtCreateManagedWidget("param", xmRowColumnWidgetClass,
										parent, NULL, 0);

	**	Create the parameter file label widget.
	XtCreateManagedWidget ("filelabel", xmLabelWidgetClass,
							ParamParent, NULL, 0);

	**	Create the ParameterFile widget.
	ParameterFile = XtCreateManagedWidget ("filename", xmLabelWidgetClass,
											ParamParent, wargs, n);

	**	Create the parameter info label widget.
	XtCreateManagedWidget ("infolabel", xmLabelWidgetClass,
							ParamParent, NULL, 0);

	**	Create the ParameterInfo widget.
	ParameterInfo = XtCreateManagedWidget ("info", xmLabelWidgetClass,
											ParamParent, wargs, n);

	XtAddEventHandler (ParameterInfo, ButtonReleaseMask, FALSE,
						xget_paraminfo, &ParamData);


and the guts of the xget_paraminfo() handler used:

	strcpy (Mparaminfo, valuestring);
	xmstr = XmStringCreateLtoR (Mparaminfo, XmSTRING_DEFAULT_CHARSET);

	n = 0;
	XtSetArg (wargs[n], XmNlabelString, xmstr); n++;

	XtSetValues (ParameterInfo, wargs, n);


The corresponding entries from my .Xdefaults file:

Xmhms.mainwin.param.borderWidth: 1
Xmhms.mainwin.param.filelabel.fontList: -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--18-*
Xmhms.mainwin.param.filelabel.foreground: green2
Xmhms.mainwin.param.filelabel.labelString: Parameter File
Xmhms.mainwin.param.filename.fontList: -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--18-*
Xmhms.mainwin.param.filename.foreground: White
Xmhms.mainwin.param.info.fontList: -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--18-*
Xmhms.mainwin.param.info.foreground: White
Xmhms.mainwin.param.infolabel.fontList: -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--18-*
Xmhms.mainwin.param.infolabel.foreground: green2
Xmhms.mainwin.param.infolabel.labelString: Parameter Info
Xmhms.mainwin.param.orientation: horizontal
Xmhms.mainwin.param.resizeWidth: True

Thanks is advance for any help.


Mark G. Brown, University of Colorado   Internet: markb@boulder.colorado.edu
Boulder, Colorado 80309                 BITNET: colorado.bitnet!boulder!markb
303-492-3972                            UUCP: ...!ncar!boulder!markb