[comp.windows.x] imake multiple-project extensions

bin@primate.wisc.edu (Brain in Neutral) (07/26/90)

This isn't the imake documentation we're waiting for, but in the meantime...

On host indri.primate.wisc.edu (, there is available
for anonymous ftp in the pub/imake-stuff directory a document
describing how the configuration file architecture used in X11R4
may be modified to allow multiple projects to use a set of standard
configuration files while providing for individual project-specific
override/extension of the standards.  The files are:

config-WRPRC1.02.ms	(troff source)
config-WRPRC1.02.ps	(PostScript of same)

The file config-WRPRC.shar.Z is a compress shar file (transfer in
binary mode) that includes source for imake, makedepend, etc. as
well as configuration files that illustrate the concepts discussed
in the document.  These are *much* different than the X config
files, even though the basic layout is derived from them.  The
Imake.rules file diverges especially strongly.  Thus, they might
be useful as an independent example of how to use imake.

Paul DuBois