[comp.windows.x] Motif on top of X11/NeWS

grootwass@TAWC1.EGLIN.AF.MIL ("Grootwassink, David") (07/26/90)

    Has anyone built Motif on top of the Sun X11/NeWS server.  The server is
supposed to be X11R3 compliant, so it shouldn't be a problem.  I was just
looking for some experience.



  Lt. Dave Grootwassink                      USAF Tactical Air Warfare Center
PHONE: (904)882-4100      AUTOVON 872-4100
       (904)882-4600              872-4600

dfc@inference.COM (Deborah Catalano) (07/27/90)

I built Motif 1.0 (straight from OSF) on a Sun4 (4.0.3 and 4.1) on top of 
OpenWindows 1.01 (X11/NeWS).
I had no truble "make-ing" it, but there are some runtime problems that I haven't 
solved yet:

	1) Output to text widgets is very flaky; you have to keep your mouse
	   pointer in the text widget or output will stop.  
	2) The FileSelectionDialogBox filter does not work (I think this is a 
	   general Motif 1.0 bug).

Using olwm (open look window manager):
	3) If you move a shell that contains a menubar with pulldown menus, the
	   menus don't follow the shell.  Instead, they pop up in their original

	4) Modal dialog boxes aren't modal; XmDIALOG_APPLICATION_MODAL and 
	   XmDIALOG_SYSTEM_MODAL flags for the XmNdialogStyle resource
	   have no effect on the dialog box.

	5) If you select the "push-pin" on a dialog shell, it kills the shell.

Note: 3,4, and 5 do not occur with MWM (Motif Window Manager).

Good Luck!  

Debbie Catalano
Inference Corporation