[comp.windows.x] Supported R4 server from HP via ftp

jbb@hpcvlx.cv.hp.com (Jim B. Byers) (07/28/90)

An R4 server is available for the HP 9000 Series 300 and 400
machines.  This server is faster on some displays than the sample
server available from MIT on the X11 Release 4 tape (or from
expo.lcs.mit.edu).  The 98550 graphics card (CH) gets a big boost in
many performance catagories.  Also, this server is supported by
Hewlett-Packard on the HP-UX 9000 Series 300/400 versions 7.0 and
7.03.  If you have access to the internet, you can get it via:

153$ ftp     (hpcvaaz.hp.com)
Name: ftp
Password: ftp

ftp> cd pub/XServers
ftp> binary
ftp> get X.7.03.300.Z
ftp> quit

$ uncompress X.7.03.300.Z

You can then run it as an alternative server, for example,
by copying it to /usr/bin/X11 and then start your X session via:

$ xinit .x11start -- /usr/bin/X11/X.7.03.300

Or you can replace your current X server file (/usr/bin/X11/X).

Attached is a description of the X server.  This file is also
available in ~ftp/pub/XServer/X.7.03.300.readme.

We are in the process of making a mail address available for 
comments about this server and about HP's implementation of the
X Window System in general.   If you are on the HP support
services, please use the support services mechanisms for
reporting bugs.    Otherwise, we welcome comments on the 
server to:


We will read but can't promise replies to any mail we get.  
You can be sure, however, that your feedback will affect the
future products we introduce.

Description:  X11 Window System - Server (Series 300) for HP-UX 7.03
               and HP-UX 7.0 

Originator:  HP Interface Technology Operation (ITO)
             "The VUE, Motif, and X11 folks in Corvallis"
	     Corvallis, Oregon

Date:  07/17/90

Detail:  The 7.03 release of the X11 server includes new graphics drivers
to support the VRX Mono (A1096A), VRX Color (A1416A), Personal VRX
(98705A/B/C), and Turbo VRX (98735A/36A/36B) graphics subsystems.  The
new graphics drivers for VRX Mono and Color incorporate substantial
performance enhancements.  Since the VRX Color subsystem is functionally
equivalent to the 98550A CH graphics subsystem, we have brought 
the performance enhancements of the new VRX Color driver to the 98550A.
This patched server has been created to make the performance enhancements
incorporated in the VRX Color graphics driver available to the 98550A.

This server also corrects three defects in the official 7.03 release server
that affect operation with HP VUE.

This server will operate with HP-UX 7.0 or HP-UX 7.03 on 
the HP 9000 Series 300 models.

The 'what' string for the patched server reads as follows (note the D):

        X Window System, Version 11 HP-UX 7.03  A.03.02  $Revision: $
         $Revision: 64.4 $
        hpa1096 R703 $Date: 90/05/03 14:55:04 $
        hpa1416 R703 $Date: 90/05/07 10:19:49 $
        350.1.7.1   05/10/90 libxd300h.a
        350.1.7.1   05/10/90 libxd300l.a
        350.1.7.1   05/10/90 libxd98550.a
        350.1.7.1   05/10/90 libxd98720.a
        350.1.7.1   05/10/90 libxd98730.a
        350.1.7.1   05/10/90 libxd98704.a
        350.1.7.1   05/10/90 libxd98735.a
        350.1.7.1   05/10/90 libsdiutils.a

The 16-bit checksum and block count of the server (after you uncompress
it) is:

$ sum X
14664 3451 X.7.03.300

X Window System - Patched server (series 300) for HP-UX 7.03 and HP-UX 7.0
Originator: HP-ITO (Interface Technology Operation) Div. 3900
Date: 6/28/90

To install the patched X server, follow these steps:

	1) su to root

	2) cd to /usr/bin/X11

	3) replace ./X with the patched X server.

	4) Check the permissions and ownership of the new server.  It
	   should look like this:

	-r-xr-xr-x   1 bin      sys      1683456 Jun 28 10:52 X

	5) If permissions are incorrect, change them with:

		chmod 555 ./X

	6) If ownership is incorrect, change it with:

		chown bin ./X
		chgrp sys ./X

Installation is complete.