[comp.windows.x] Interactive VGA Server

bakke@plains.UUCP (Jeffrey P. Bakke) (07/25/90)

I have recently download the binaries for the VGA Interactive 386ix 
server for my system.  All of the files install correctly from the tar
files and other that some messy filemodes, it works.

The problem occurs in that when I run xinit 
with .xinitrc:
/usr/bin/X -2
It comes back as:

Cannot open /dev/ptmx : no such file or directory

Fatal Server Bug!
Cannot establish any listening sockets.

I don't know what is supposed to create the ptmx device.  Is there something
that I missed?  I'm running at 386-33Mhz with 2 Megs of ram.  I've got 
5 Megs free HD space.  The unix software is Interactive 386 v2.0.2 which is
the exact same version that the binaries were compiled for. 

I'm attempting to use the keyboard mouse driver (don't have a real mouse) so
could that be the problem?  What is the /dev/ptmx?  I'm also executing 
xinit via su root so that the permissions on the /dev stuff and others 
should cause no problems.

What am I doing wrong?
I've also attempted to directly execute /usr/bin/X11/X but it comes back with
the same error (/dev/ptmx: etc....).  I assume X is getting exec'd from xinit.

Jeffrey P. Bakke     | Internet: bakke@plains.NoDak.edu | "Life... don't talk
2550 15th Str S #23B | UUCP    : ...!uunet!plains!bakke |  to me about life..."
Fargo, ND  58105     | BITNET  : bakke@plains.bitnet    |    - Marvin the PA

jackv@turnkey.tcc.com (Jack F. Vogel) (07/28/90)

In article <5351@plains.UUCP> bakke@plains.UUCP (Jeffrey P. Bakke) writes:
>The problem occurs in that when I run xinit 
>with .xinitrc:
>/usr/bin/X -2
>It comes back as:
>Cannot open /dev/ptmx : no such file or directory
>I don't know what is supposed to create the ptmx device.
This is the entry point to the clone device driver. I have not checked for
sure but I believe it is installed by the streams package, you absolutely
must install streams in order for local X to work. It may be that you just
don't have the necessary drivers configured. check /etc/conf/sdevice.d
for the files: clone, ptem, ptx, pty. Make sure they are there and that
they are marked 'Y' so they will be configured into the kernel. If not
install streams.

>I'm attempting to use the keyboard mouse driver (don't have a real mouse) so
>could that be the problem? 
No, but gee, mice are so cheap these days and X will be awfully clumsy without
one I would suggest you shell out a few bucks. Also I have never seen this
keyboard driver and don't know whether or how well it would work.

Disclaimer: I speak for myself, not for LCC.

Jack F. Vogel			jackv@locus.com
AIX370 Technical Support	       - or -
Locus Computing Corp.		jackv@turnkey.TCC.COM