[net.news] Captain's Log - Stardate 020785

long@tmmnet.UUCP (Morrow ) (02/08/85)

Bones:	"He's dead Jim"
Kirk:	"What about tri-corder readings Mr. Spock?"
Spock:	"This is highly illogical Captain"  
Kirk:	"This is Kirk to Enterprise.  Ohura get me Scotty"
[with gaelic brogue]
Scotty:	"Scotty here sir"
Kirk:	"Something horrible has happened here at site tmmnet.
	"The last landing party to visit this site reported
	"installing a version of the news software called 2.10.2
	"but it appears to have been mysteriously replaced by
	"artifacts from the planet cadmus 3.7.  Everything seems to have
	"expired here.  There is no history left, nothing active
	"anymore.  How long do you estimate to reinstall?
Scotty: "H'i doon't nu.  We cood ha' it up in three or four hours
	"but we'd be really pushing it sir.  I'll get my men on it
	"right away.
[A rew hours later]
Ohura:	"Captain, we've spotted the source of the alien artifacts.
	"Why...it appears to be a Cadmus Update Release.
Kirk:	"Mr Sulu, do you have the coordinates of the intruder's
	"magnetic field?
Sulu:	"Yes.  Phasers locked.
Kirk:	"Fire when ready Mr. Sulu.
	"Beam me up Scotty.  There's no intelligent life down here.

				H. Morrow Long
				W.I.T. (Wizard In Training)