[comp.windows.x] reloading the XrmDatabase

jordan@morgan.COM (Jordan Hayes) (08/03/90)

I want to do the following:



	/* change the display->db */


I tried doing this:

	XrmDatabase	db;

	db = (XrmDatabase)NULL;
	XrmParseCommand(&db, options, XtNumber(options), name,
	    &argc, argv);
	display->db = db;

But I seem to hang later down the road, as I suspect there are pointers
to places inside display->db that get messed up ... am I SOL or is there
a better way to do this?

Background:  I want to be able to open several instances of my application
within one process, but I want each one to be able to take command line
arguments like the initial one, and I want to be able to configure the
windows separately.


jordan@morgan.COM (Jordan Hayes) (08/04/90)

[ what, am i an idiot? ]

Duh!  Of course, the right thing is to call XrmMergeDatabases before I
create the next shell ... I hate to answer my own questions!  ;-)
