[comp.windows.x] Text cursor question

tim@NCoast.ORG (Tim Stradtman) (08/07/90)

I hope this isn't too much of a novice question, and I hope I've
got my facts straight (I am posting this for a co-worker).  He
is trying to get the TEXT cursor to blink, or for that matter just
get drawn in the right spot.  He means the cursor for text insertion
(called a caret on MS Windows), not the arrow that follows the mouse.
I think this problem has been addressed here before, but I don't have
it captured.  Any help would be appreciated (like what book/manual).
Also, he would like to know if XTERM source is available, and if so,
where.  Thanks

Tim Stradtman (for Hugh Nicholes)
tim@ncoast.org   or    ak215@cleveland.freenet.edu