[comp.windows.x] Any good PC products?

xxseub@osprey (Steven Eubanks) (08/11/90)

Does anybody that has evaluated the PC X-server product lineup recently
have any strong recommendations/opinions about VisionWare's XVision
product?  We are interested in running a comparison against several other
vendors products (including Hummingbird Communications' and GSS' products)
which we have available to us, but XVision's US distributor prefers the
money up front.  I would prefer having some non-biased feedback before
shelling-out the money. (Large budget eval, eh :-) )  Thanks in advance.


Steven W. Eubanks,  EDS/LIMS			NASA Lewis Research Center
Internet:xxseub@osprey.lerc.nasa.gov		21000 Brookpark Rd. 
(216)433-8498					Cleveland, OH  44135
Disclaimer:  Opinions like mileage, may vary.