[comp.windows.x] setting monochrome/color resources

mrt7455@evtprp0b.UUCP (Michael R Tucker) (08/15/90)

    I am running X on an Apollo DN3500 monochrome system.  I have a little 
X application written to plot a sin wave.  It works correctly on a color 
node seemingly regardless of what I set the background and forground colors 
to be in my resource files.  On my monochrome node, it draws a white line 
on a white background if the back/foreground is set to white/black, and it
draws a black line on a black background if the back/foreground is set to 
black/white in my resource file.  It does draw a black line on a white
backgroud in monochrome if I explicitly set the foreground to BlackPixel 
using XSetForeground.  What I want to know is this, Is there a way to set
my resources so that the app will plot a dark or "black" line on a light or
"white" background without have to hard code it into my app?
Michael Tucker                                   Boeing Computer Services
(206) 342-6168                                   M/S 03-87  P.O.Box 24346
...uunet!bcstec!evtprp0b!mrt7455                 Seattle, Washington