[comp.windows.x] X Classes?

scjones@thor.UUCP (Larry Jones) (08/17/90)

Some of my coworkers would like to take some classes to learn
how to write X applications.  Since I learned from the O'Reilly
books, I don't have any idea of who gives courses or what the
content is like.  Anyone have any suggestions?  If you mail
the information to me, I will happily summarize it if anyone
else is interested.
Larry Jones                         UUCP: uunet!sdrc!thor!scjones
SDRC                                      scjones@thor.UUCP
2000 Eastman Dr.                    BIX:  ltl
Milford, OH  45150-2789             AT&T: (513) 576-2070
Santa's gonna skip this block for years. -- Calvin

rws@EXPO.LCS.MIT.EDU (Bob Scheifler) (08/17/90)

The following information is provided "as is", without warranty.  No
attempt has been made to verify the information, or check credentials.
No endorsement of these services is implied.

If you would like to be added to this list of speakers, please end
information to rws@expo.lcs.mit.edu.

From: westhawk!thp@relay.eu.net
Name : Tim Panton.
Email  : thp@westhawk.uucp or ... uunet!ukc!cam-cl!westhawk!thp
Address: Westhawk Ltd, 26 Rydal Grove, Helsby, Cheshire, WA6 0ET. UK.
Phone : +44 9282 2574
I can talk on : Basic X stuff, Xt programming, HCI issues.

From: mitch@osf.org
I have taught courses on Xt and Motif.

Mitch Trachtenberg
5 Holyoke Street
Boston, MA 02116
(617)267-7960 home
(617)621-8895 work

From: harden@ics.com

Integrated Computer Solutions, Inc.
163 Harvard Street
Cambridge, MA  02139

E-mail:	info@ics.com
Voice:	617/547-0510
Fax:	617/547-0758

Integrated Computer Solutions, Inc. provides X training, support, and 
consulting. ICS holds monthly programming courses with lab covering Xt 
(Athena), Xlib, OSF/Motif, widget writing, as well as seminars on strategic 
issues. Our training concentration is on client-side programming, with an
emphasis on programming at the toolkit level. ICS offers comprehensive tech.
support and consulting, via telephone, e-mail, and on-site visits.  We also 
provide strategic information and advice.

From: ixi!clive@relay.eu.net

We (IXI Limited) do formal X training. We have two standard courses: the
Strategic Overview (XSO) and the Programmers' Workshop (XPW).

The XSO is a one day seminar for senior executives, development managers,
marketing and sales staff, and others who want to know how their business will
be affected by the growing popularity of X. It does not go into technical
details, and is updated frequently to keep up with the market situation.

The XPW is a four day hands-on course for C programmers, teaching use of Xlib
and Xt, covering everything that a total X novice needs to become a competent
X programmer.

Both courses are given regularly at our Cambridge training centre and at
customer sites (this includes other European countries and North America).
Courses can be tailored to individual customer requirements.

In addition, we provide "one-off" training courses on specific subjects, and
can provide speakers and consultants for projects of any size, from half a
day upwards.

    IXI Limited                Telephone: UK:    Cambridge (0223) 462 131
    62-74 Burleigh Street                 USA:   (617) 621 7108
    Cambridge                             Other: +44 223 462 131
    CB1  1OJ                   Fax:       UK:    Cambridge (0223) 462 132
    United Kingdom                        USA:   011 44 223 462 132
                                          Other: +44 223 462 132
    Email: clive@ixi.co.uk

From: jas@hpfcra.fc.hp.com

Name:	Jeff Stevenson
Email:	jas%hpfcra@hplabs.hp.com
Phone:	303-229-2107
Postal:	Jeff Stevenson; MS 73
	Hewlett-Packard Company
	3404 E. Harmony Rd.
	Fort Collins, CO  80525-9599

Topics:	PEX architecture; X/PEX interactions; PHIGS/PHIGS PLUS
	API on PEX; PEX History and Personal View of Future (as

And, of course, all requests are subject to HP management
approval and allocation of time.

From: ora!adrian@uunet.uu.net

I will be available for training and consulting during summer 1990.
The main topics of training will be X concepts, writing applications 
using widgets (Motif or OPEN LOOK), writing widgets, and Xlib.
Dan Heller may also be available, and can cover the above topics as well
as the Xview toolkit.

Adrian Nye  (O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.)
6188 McPherson Ave. #404
St. Louis, MO  63112
UUCP:   uunet!ora!adrian      ARPA:   adrian@ora.uu.net
(314) 862-6647

From: jeremy@eik.ii.uib.no

Here is how to get in touch with me:
Dr. Jeremy Cook
Department of Informatics	// Institutt for Informatikk
Bergen High Technology Centre  	// H{\o}yteknologisenteret i Bergen
Thorm{\o}hlensgate 55		// that {\o} is an oh with a line through it
N-5008 Bergen

telephone: +47 5 54 41 74 (work)
fax:	   +47 5 54 41 99
email:	   jeremy@eik.ii.uib.no

This is what I can/do offer:
Hands-on courses (2ish days) at the clients own site to get folk started
with X11 (and the Motif widget set).

Prefer to provide such courses in Norway/Scandinavia/Europe in that order.

I can give references if necessary.

-- Jeremy Cook

From: grinstei@hawk.ulowell.edu

The Graphics Research Laboratory can provide generic as well as custom 
courses and does contract work as well.

Courses (1-5 days depending on depth needed):
Overviews on X, Intrinsics, Motif, C and C++.
Details on above (how to program using).
Internals on above (how to develop and extend).

Applications using X, Intrinsics, Motif (in ADA, Fortran, C or C++).
Developing new widget libraries.
Developing interactive tools.


Dr. Georges Grinstein         Director - Graphics Research Laboratory
grinstein@ulowell.edu         University of Lowell
(508)-934-3627                Lowell, MA 01854

From: lperson@carbon.lcs.mit.edu

Name: L. W. person
email:lperson%carbon.prime.com@RELAY.CS.NET or
      UUCP: !decvax!cvbnet!carbon!lperson
Address: 75 page Road, #4 , Bedford, MA, o1730
Tel (617)-275-4675
Synopsis: Give training seminars here and Pacific Rim on software portability
          and reliability through X window and other applications.

From: glennw%crevasse.wv.tek.com@relay.cs.net

I would be willing to present my ICCCM talk, for a fee.

ICCCM Tutorial synopsis:

This tutorial covers the Inter-Client Communication Conventions recently
adopted by the X Consortium as a part of the core X standard.  The
conventions are examined from a client developer's perspective.

Attendees will learn the responsibilities of a portable, cooperative X
client, how window and session managers might respond to client actions,
and how to properly design and code a cooperating X client.  Conventions
covered include selections, communication of multilingual text, resource
names, manipulating windows, icons, and popups, handling input focus,
input devices, and colormaps, and starting and stopping windows, clients,
and sessions.  The R4 ICCC changes in the Xlib and X toolkit intrinsics
programmatic interfaces are described.  A simple ICCCM-compliant 
Xlib client is presented as an example.

Glenn Widener
Tektronix, Inc.

(UPS) 2660 SW Parkway
(US Mail) PO Box 1000
m/s 61-850
Wilsonville, OR, 97070
Home: (503)648-9533
Work: (503)685-2494
Fax: (503)682-1500

From: brian%padouk.ima.isc.com@ima.ima.isc.com

Brian R. Holt
Email: 	brian@ima.isc.com
Post:	29 Trowbridge Street
	Newton Centre, MA 02159
Phone:	617-661-7474 x206 (day)
	617-332-3073 (eve)
Fax:	617-661-2070

Programming with OSF/Motif, 1/2 day or 1 day tutorials.

From: lpgc@eng.sun.com

Laurence Cable,
Member Technical Staff,
Intrinsics based toolkits group,
Sun Microsystems,
2550 Garcia Ave,
Mountain View, CA 94043

tel 415-336-5766


general X architecture
Intrinsics based toolkits
Applications development

From: toddb%tekcrl.labs.tek.com@relay.cs.net

Todd Brunhoff
17885 N.W. Dogwood Ct.
Beaverton, OR  97006

X protocol and architecture
Design of X applications, including Xlib, motif and intrinsics
Video and X
Unix internals

From: hania@med.stanford.edu

Hania Gajewska, hania@med.stanford.edu
52 Skylonda Drive, Woodside, CA 94062
(415) 851-2386

I can talk about Xtk and a variety of widget sets (DEC, Motif, Athena).
Also, ICCCM.

From: smikes@pjspot.att.com (Tibor S Mikes)

I speak about or teach the following:

Introduction To The X Window System
Xlib Programming
Xt Programming
Introduction To Motif
Motif Programming
Introduction To OpenLook
OpenLook Programming With Xt+
The X Platform For Business Systems
Open Systems Architecture and X
Integration of Multi-architecture Applications Using The X Platform
Building HyperText Applications With X
CASE Technology Using The X Platform

Steven Mikes
(201) 271-0261	Home
(201) 560-8635	FAX
(609) 985-7650	Bluestone Consulting, Inc.
(201) 615-4718	Bell Labs (subject to change)

e-mail:	{att!}pjspot!smikes

From: jody@shell.com (Jody Winston)

Jody Winston
xprt Consulting
731 Voyager
Houston, TX 77062

(Voice: 713 663-2993 or 713 480-7330)

We do training on:

Porting the server (X11R4) to custom hardware
Widget (Motif and Athena) Writing
X Application development using Motif and Athena widgets

From: nazgul@alphalpha.com (Kee Hinckley)

Kee Hinckley
Email:	nazgul@alphalpha.com
USPS:	Alphalpha Software, Inc.
	148 Scituate St.
	Arlington, MA 02174
Phone:	+1 617/646-7703
Fax:	+1 617/646-7703 (plus 3 after first ring if your fax doesn't send beeps)

Programing with OSF/Motif, 1/2 day or 1 day tutorial.

From: Jan Newmarch <jan@cancol.oz.au>

At the University we give a semester course on Xlib and Motif,
and I also give a three-day version of the course externally.
| Jan Newmarch	       |:-)|  ACSnet: jan@cancol.oz
| Info. Sciences & Eng.|___|  ARPA:   jan%cancol.oz.au@uunet.uu.net
| Univ Canberra            |  UUCP:   {uunet,ukc}!munnari!cancol.oz.au!jan
| P.O. Box 1               |  CSNET:  jan%cancol.oz@australia
| Belconnen  A.C.T. 2616   |  JANET:  jan%au.oz.cancol@EAN-RELAY
| AUSTRALIA                |  Telephone: (Aust) (6) 252422

From: carroll@osf.org

	The Open Software Foundation is currently offering a 5 day programming
course for OSF/Motif at customer sites only.  The course uses a case approach!
60% of the class time is spent working on laboratory exercises. During the
course the students are required to contruct two applications piece by piece. 
Starting with putting a single widget on the screen, each lab adds additional 
information the student needs to know to construct the next step in the 
application.  The students will end up with a fairly sophisicated graphics 
application and another that is text-based.
	Included with the 350 page student guide is the 5 OSF/Motif manuals
published by Prentise Hall are given to each student.

For more information please contact Jane Carroll - 617-621-8780 or

From: jonp@sdata.no (Jon Petter Bjerke )

At Skrivervik Data A/S in Oslo, Norway, Jo Are Rosland and myself, Jon
Petter Bjerke, are giving two courses on X on a regular basis:

1) Two-day introduction to the X user environment (based on "plain MIT X")
2) Five-day X programming course/workshop, dealing with Xlib, Xt, OSF/MOTIF and
   XView.  The course is mostly based on Doug Young's book.

Hands-on training is provided using Sun workstations and NCD X terminals.

Telephone   +47 2 15 63 93
Fax         +47 2 22 03 26
email:      joare@sdata.no, jonp@sdata.no
mail:       P.O.Box 123 Refstad, N-0513 OSLO 5

From: jtk@cs.purdue.edu (Tim Korb)

I teach a two-day course covering the fundamentals of the X Toolkits.
Students learn how the toolkits are organized and how they can be used
to rapidly develop X-based user interfaces.  Although several toolkits
are mentioned and briefly compared, including Motif and XView, the
course concentrates on the X Intrinsics and the Athena Widget set.

Topics include: some background on X; terminology from object-oriented
programming; the resource manager and user preferences; the X
Intrinsics; using widgets; the Athena Widget set; building widgets;
and other available widgets and toolkits.

This course is offered on-site as well as at public tutorials.

John T. Korb, jtk@cs.purdue.edu
Department of Computer Science
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN 47907

From: wrd@cs.purdue.edu

Professor Wayne R. Dyksen
Department of Computer Science
Purdue University
West Lafayette, Indiana   47907


I teach a two-day, in-depth course covering the fundamental concepts,
terminology, and capabilities underlying the X Window System.  In
particular, I give a complete tour of the C interface, Xlib.  Students
gain an understanding of the many important issues faced when
designing and writing X applications.  The course is well organized
with a proven track record; it includes lectures notes consisting of
over 500 slides.  A detailed syllabus of the course is given below.

The course is offered both privately, at your site, or publicly.

"Introduction to the X Window System"
          Wayne R. Dyksen

Course Syllabus
Overview (philosphy, design goals, history, capabilities); X Concepts
(architecture, using X, client/server communication, resources,
properties); Windows (hierarchy, configuration, attributes, visual and
depth, class, shaped windows); Graphics Contexts (graphics pipeline,
pixel selection, clipping, patterning, pixel output, graphics exposure
events, GC defaults); Graphics (drawing and filling curves, drawing
text, regions, images, cursors); Color (color concepts, visuals,
virtual colormaps, colorcells); Events (event types, selecting events,
processing events, controlling event delivery, event compression,
exposure event strategies); The Keyboard and Pointer (keycodes,
keysyms, logical modifiers, keymaps, button mapping, keyboard and
pointer preferences); Window Management (window manager tasks,
grabbing, reparenting, substructure redirection, save sets, hints);
User Preferences (determining preferences, the resource manager, using
the resource manager); Inter-Client Communication (selections, cut
buffers, window management, session management, resources).

From: mhess@eng.sun.com

Name:	Marty Hess
Email: mhess@eng.sun.com

Sun Microsystems, Inc.
2550 Garcia Avenue
Mountain View, CA  94043-1100

X topic(s) that I talk about: PEX

Claudette Hayle
Information Systems Group, Ltd.
885 Third Ave.
29th Floor
New York, NY 10022
(212) 303-5512
FAX: (212) 230-3299

Provides training on Advanced Technologies that includes Motif, OPEN LOOK,
and the X Window System.

Name:    Oliver Jones
Email:   oj@saber.com or oj%saber@harvard.harvard.edu
Address: 185 Alewife Brook Parkway, 3rd floor
         Cambridge, MA 02138
Phone:   (617) 876-7636
Fax:     (617) 547-9011
Talk topics:  Introduction to X, Xlib, X graphics, X events, debugging
Track record: tutorials at USENIX, SIGgraph, X Conferences
Availability: subject to my workload (we work hard at Saber)
Printed tutorial materials:  On request; please contact me.