[comp.windows.x] Styleguide questions

uucigj@swbatl.sbc.com (Greg Jensen - UCI - 5-3531) (08/11/90)

I would like to find out more about style guides and have a few questions.

What is the definition/description of a style guide.

At what phase of programming is it best used? (design phase?)

At the present time is there more than one type of style guide published or
written down (I have seen something on Open Look).

If there is more than one, what are they (or are they to numerous to

Between the different style guides are the differences major of minor.

How do Open Look and Motif differ in the style guide. This may be lengthy
if there has been something written down or published I would like some
pointers to where I might find it.

Has a style guide been written up for Motif?

Thanks for any help.

      Gregg Jensen
    These opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect my companies.
      Southwestern Bell Telephone, but in this case they might.
      Send E-MAIL to the following address...
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vania@osf.ORG (Vania Joloboff) (08/13/90)

> At the present time is there more than one type of style guide published or
> written down ?

Yes. I know at least those:

	Motif Style Guide
	IBM CUA Style Guide, the Style Guide for Presentation Manager.
	DEC-Windows Style Guide
	Apple/MacIntosh Style Guide

> Has a style guide been written up for Motif?

	OSF/Motif Style Guide, ISBN 0-13-640491-X, edited by Prentice-Hall

But at this point, you might want to wait two weeks to get
the new version of the Style Guide, which includes a fairly extended
model for keyboard navigation.

> Between the different style guides are the differences major of minor.
> How do Open Look and Motif differ in the style guide ?

I'll give one, choose if it's major or minor :-)

	OpenLook uses mouse buttons 1 for select, 2 to adjust, 3 for menus

	Motif and CUA use button 1 for select, 2 for move/drag, 3 for menus.

Adjust in Motif+CUA is obtained by Shift+Select.

klee@wsl.dec.com (Ken Lee) (08/13/90)

In article <1990Aug11.161912.8235@swbatl.sbc.com>, uucigj@swbatl.sbc.com (Greg
Jensen - UCI - 5-3531) writes:
|> Has a style guide been written up for Motif?

Open Software Foundation, *OSF/Motif Style Guide*, Prentice-Hall, 1990,
ISBN 0-13-640491-X.  You can order this through any bookstore.  A
PostScript version is included with Motif.

Ken Lee
DEC Western Software Laboratory, Palo Alto, Calif.
Internet: klee@wsl.dec.com
uucp: uunet!decwrl!klee

toml@ninja.Solbourne.COM (Tom LaStrange) (08/14/90)

|> I'll give one, choose if it's major or minor :-)
|> 	OpenLook uses mouse buttons 1 for select, 2 to adjust, 3 for menus
|> 	Motif and CUA use button 1 for select, 2 for move/drag, 3 for menus.

Unless of course if you are in a motif menu bar, in which case button 1 
gives you menus or if you are in the mwm title bar where button 2 gives you

I couldn't resist, this is one of my biggest complaints about motif
consistency, I can never seem to figure out what button is supposed to
do what.

Tom (software nazi) LaStrange

Solbourne Computer Inc.    ARPA: toml@Solbourne.COM
1900 Pike Rd.              UUCP: ...!{boulder,sun}!stan!toml
Longmont, CO  80501

mls@cbnewsm.att.com (mike.siemon) (08/14/90)

In article <9008131339.AA20488@osf.osf.org>, vania@osf.ORG (Vania Joloboff)

> 	OpenLook uses mouse buttons 1 for select, 2 to adjust, 3 for menus

Those are factory default settings, but users may reconfigure from the
workspace manager to suit their own tastes or hardwares (e.g. 1- and 2-
button rodents).   There is, as Vania delicately omitted to mention :-)
also an OPEN LOOK style guide, as well as a functional specification;
these are published by Addison Wesley.
Michael L. Siemon			"The watchwords of creativity are 
m.siemon@ATT.COM			slopiness, poor fit, quirky design
...!att!sfsup!mls			and above all else, redundancy."
standard disclaimer				-- Stephen J. Gould

randy@erik.UUCP (Randy Brown) (08/17/90)

Gregg Jensen (uunet!swbatl!uucigj) writes:
>Between the different style guides are the differences major of minor.
>How do Open Look and Motif differ in the style guide. This may be lengthy
>if there has been something written down or published I would like some
>pointers to where I might find it.

We have used XView (very early), AT&T's Open Look widget set, and Motif.
One of our goals is to produce a set of applications consistent enough
that users need learn only domain-specific differences.  One hope is 
that by using a "commercial standard" UI spec, this same consistency 
could be achieved with others' applications as well, allowing our
users (and support staff) to concentrate on application-domain problems,
not on UI questions.

The Open Look style guide was encouragingly useful.  We could settle 
arguments with it.  We have never settled an argument with the Motif
style guide, and I am not hopeful that applications produced by
different groups using this style guide will be useful in mixed sets
without requiring an effort at mental gear-changing by the users.
We are now experimenting with using the IBM SAA Common User Access
Advanced Interface Design Guide (SC26-4582-0) as a style guide with

Please, no flames from UI experimenters. That's not what we are doing.
We're just simple folks trying to get through the day WITHOUT doing
UI research and without having pointless, uninformed arguments about
details of UI design.

toml@solbourne.COM (08/17/90)

> > Unless of course if you are in a motif menu bar, in which case button 1 
> > gives you menus

> Note that this is probably true for any consistent GUI, by semantics
> of cascade buttons.  When you select a cascade parent (with select
> button), its semantics are to display the cascade, namely the pull
> down.

> This is different of calling a menu about an object.  The semantics of
> pressing the menu button on a menu bar would be to call a menu on the
> menubar, for example a menu to change the colors/fonts in the menu bar.

I understand the select semantics, but from a novice user's point of view,
menus come up on different mouse buttons depending on the context.  They
won't care about semantics, they want to be able to find their menus.

> > or if you are in the mwm title bar where button 2 gives you menus.

> This is not mwm default behavior. You or someone else has "customized"
> the button bindings to implement this behavior...

I'm not familiar with how to customize mwm but I would guess that the
following lines in my /usr/lib/X11/system.mwmrc file are causing the

> Buttons PointerButtonBindings
> {
>     <Btn1Down>          frame|icon      f.raise
>     <Btn2Down>          frame|icon      f.post_wmenu
>     <Btn3Down>          frame|icon      f.lower

I did not get Motif/mwm from OSF.  I got binaries from ICS, perhaps
they changed the default bindings.  Can anyone send me a system.mwmrc
file they got from OSF?  I would like to run mwm in its default

Tom LaStrange

Solbourne Computer Inc.    ARPA: toml@Solbourne.COM
1900 Pike Rd.              UUCP: ...!{boulder,sun}!stan!toml
Longmont, CO  80501

vania@osf.ORG (Vania Joloboff) (08/17/90)

> Unless of course if you are in a motif menu bar, in which case button 1 
> gives you menus

Note that this is probably true for any consistent GUI, by semantics
of cascade buttons.  When you select a cascade parent (with select
button), its semantics are to display the cascade, namely the pull

This is different of calling a menu about an object.  The semantics of
pressing the menu button on a menu bar would be to call a menu on the
menubar, for example a menu to change the colors/fonts in the menu bar.

> or if you are in the mwm title bar where button 2 gives you menus.

This is not mwm default behavior. You or someone else has "customized"
the button bindings to implement this behavior...

> I couldn't resist

I couldn't resist