[comp.windows.x] xplumb working with Sun C++?

uucigj@swbatl.sbc.com (Greg Jensen - UCI - 5-3531) (08/25/90)

I have pulled down the sources for a program called plumbing, that is
written with C++.  I am trying to compile it on a Sparcstatiion using Suns
C++ 2.0.  It will compile each of the files (although it warns about 
"./plumbing.h", line 196: warning:  int  assigned to  enum Direction), but
when it trys to load it up it complains about some symbols that cant be
resolved ie:

ld: Undefined symbol
*** Error code 2
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `plumbing'

Aren't these basic functions that are found in libc.a (at least the ones I
looked for were there...execpt srandom).  Has anyone got this working?  And
an even bigger question...compiled with g++?  

      Gregg Jensen
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