[comp.windows.x] XPM2 - minor fix and translator script xpm1to2.

lehors@modja.inria.fr (Arnaud Le Hors) (08/28/90)

Here is a fix to a little bug reported by "Gilligan" <thoth@reef.cis.ufl.edu> 
in the previously posted package (shar file) which you should apply as

patch create.c < fix1 

with fix1:
--- cut here ---
<  *  $Id: xpm.shar,v 2.1 90/08/24 19:07:31 lehors Exp $
>  *  $Id: xpm.shar,v 2.2 90/08/27 11:16:48 lehors Exp $
<   free(dptr);
>   free(bptr);

Note: This has already been applied to the package available on
expo.lcs.mit.edu and avahi.inria.fr

And here is an "ugly perl script" (as he said) from Gilligan to translate xpm
format 1 files to the new format. May be ugly, and may not work with all the
XPM1 files, but is definitly useful and works for me so far. (Thanks for your

---- cut here ---

sub checkname {
if ($_[0] ne $_[1]) { printf STDERR "warning, name inconsitencies in %s
%s!=%s\n", $_[2], $_[0], $_[1]; }

printf "/* XPM2 C */\n";
($name, $format) = (<> =~ /^#define (\w+)_format (\d+)$/);
($name2, $width) = (<> =~ /^#define (\w+)_width (\d+)$/);
&checkname($name, $name2, "width");
($name2, $height) = (<> =~ /^#define (\w+)_height (\d+)$/);
&checkname($name, $name2, "height");
($name2, $ncolors) = (<> =~ /^#define (\w+)_ncolors (\d+)$/);
&checkname($name, $name2, "ncolors");
($name2, $chars_per_pixel) = (<> =~ /^#define (\w+)_chars_per_pixel (\d+)$/);
&checkname($name, $name2, "chars per pixel");

($name2) = (<> =~ /^static char \* (\w+)_colors\[] = {$/);
&checkname($name, $name2, "colors");

printf "static char * %s[] = {\n", $name;
printf "/* %s pixmap\n * width height ncolors chars_per_pixel */\n", $name;
printf "\"%s %s %s %s \",\n", $width, $height, $ncolors, $chars_per_pixel;

$idx = 0;
while ( ($_ = <>) =~ m/^\s*"[^"]+"\s*,\s*"[^"]+"(,)?$/ ) {
  ($codes[$idx], $color_name[$idx]) = /^\s*"([^"]+)"\s*,\s*"([^"]+)"(,)?$/;
if ($idx != $ncolors) {
  printf STDERR "Warning, ncolors mismatch reading color %d != %d\n",
$ncolors, $idx;

for ($idx=0; $idx<$ncolors; $idx++) {
  printf "\"%s c %s \t s s_%s \",\n", $codes[$idx], $color_name[$idx],

($name2) = ( <> =~ /^static char \* (\w+)_pixels\[] = {$/);
&checkname($name, $name2, "pixels");

printf "/* pixels */\n";
while ( ! ( ($_ = <>) =~ /^} ;$/) ) {
        printf $_;
printf "} ;\n";

   Arnaud LE HORS
   BULL Research FRANCE -- Koala Project   |    Email : lehors@mirsa.inria.fr
         Inria - Sophia Antipolis          |    Phone : (33) 93 65 77 71
         2004, Route des Lucioles          |    Telex :      97 00 50 F
         06565 Valbonne CEDEX  France      |    Fax   : (33) 93 65 77 66