[comp.windows.x] a few more vtwm patches

stevebe@ncr-fc.ncr.com (Steve.Beaty) (08/28/90)

here's a couple more small bug fixes for vtwm: the first one fixes
moving windows so that the proper one is obscured, the second fixes
an f.lower problem.  hope this helps someone out.

------- menus.c -------
*** /tmp/da8172	Tue Aug 28 09:27:34 1990
--- menus.c	Tue Aug 28 09:26:13 1990
*** 1555,1560 ****
--- 1555,1563 ----
  	if (!moving_icon)
+ 	if (!Scr->NoRaiseMove)
+ 		XRaiseWindow(dpy, tmp_win->VirtualDesktopDisplayWindow);
*** 1633,1640 ****
  	if (w == tmp_win->icon_w)
  	    XLowerWindow(dpy, tmp_win->icon_w);
! 	else
  	    XLowerWindow(dpy, tmp_win->frame);
--- 1636,1646 ----
  	if (w == tmp_win->icon_w)
  	    XLowerWindow(dpy, tmp_win->icon_w);
! 	else {
  	    XLowerWindow(dpy, tmp_win->frame);
+ 	    XLowerWindow(dpy, tmp_win->VirtualDesktopDisplayWindow);
+ 	    XLowerWindow(dpy, Scr->VirtualDesktopDScreen);
+ 	}

Steve Beaty					Steve.Beaty@ftcollins.ncr.com
Advanced CAD			              beaty@longs.lance.colostate.edu
NCR Microelectronics                                     (303) 223-5100 x 622

"What You See Is What You Get, 
	but it sure ain't what we need." - Talking Heads

thoth@reef.cis.ufl.edu (Gilligan) (08/29/90)

  Thanks Steve,

  Here at UF we have fixed the second bug and the raiselower function,
but that first bug got past me (I DO use NoRaiseOnMove, I bet you
don't use f.raiselower much :).  I just incorporated that fix into our
sources and it will make its way onto the bikini tar in a few hours.

  bikini.cis.ufl.edu: the place to go for the latest hacked vtwm until
the author rejoins the living (, or Tom LaStrange makes the whole thing
"a window is a terrible thing to paste" -me
( My name's not really Gilligan, It's Robert Forsman, without an `e' )