[comp.windows.x] xterm question

allan@sjofn.cs.cornell.edu (James Allan) (11/17/88)

Pardon the rather non-technical nature of this question--I'm an X
beginner and am a little lost in its world.  Perhaps someone can help
with my confusion.

I am running X11R3 on a Sun 3/60.  In my .xinitrc file, I have the
following line:

	xterm -geometry 80x24+0+420 -T svax -n svax -e rsh svax &

which, clearly, starts up an xterm session to a remote host (a vax, if
you didn't guess :-).  Oddly enough, whenever the remote session
starts up, it thinks that it has 65 lines rather than 24.
Specifically, the "stty everything" command says the window has 24
lines, but the "telltc" command in the tcsh says that I have 65.  Some
software seems to check the number-of-lines the same way that telltc
does, so its paging doesn't work very well.

When I was running X10, I found that this problem cropped up if the
window was created with 25 or more lines, but that everything was
dandy if it was created at 24.  In X11R3 (and X11R2), the window size
doesn't seem to make any difference.

Is this problem a result of errors in tcsh and other software, or is
there something I can do when starting up the window that will correct
this problem?

Thanks in advance for any advice.  And, again, apologies for not
referring to widgets and xpixels and other things that are quite
beyond my ken.

drl@VUSE.VANDERBILT.EDU (David R. Linn) (11/17/88)

You are using the wrong termcap entry. "xterm" has 65 lines;
"xterms" has 24.

buckley@royalroads.ca (08/30/90)

We have a simple question about xterm. We would appreciate it if
you could either help, or direct us to someone who could.


    We want to login to a VMS system from an xterm window, and use
    the keypad for EDT functions. We have read the manual, and can
    find nothing that helps, and EDT does not respond to the keypad.
    Is there an easy solution, or something we have missed? We are
    using a SPARCstation1 with type 4 keyboard.

Thanks for your help.

Bert Buckley


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