[net.news] Thank you, Mr Reid.

karl@osu-eddie.UUCP (Karl Kleinpaste) (03/12/85)

Thank you for the apology, Mr Reid;  I appreciate it.  I was quite surprised
that  my comments would lead to such a response, and it dismayed me quite  a
bit as I pondered sending another response last weekend.

In order to set a few points  in  order,  I would merely like to offer these
few comments about myself.  This is not a flame, but only correction.

I am not a newcomer.  I  have  been  on the  Usenet  itself for 2 years now.
That's not a truly long time, but neither is it as though I had only  gained
access last month.  Further,  although I  drew on examples from only the two
mailing lists in which I am currently involved, they are by far not the only
two I have ever used.   I  have  participated  in  others over a substantial
period  of  time, some of them quite large in  readership/contributions.   I
think my experience with these  is  therefore  adequate  to allow me to make
comments about them in general.  If you do not (perhaps your own  experience
is considerably longer and more detailed than my own; certainly a reasonable
possibility),  then that is your privilege, and I welcome any  comments  you
have in return.

Lastly, I know you don't like the  fact  that I right-justify my paragraphs,
but to date you are the sole person to object, and I have had several people
comment to me privately  (usually  as  an  aside  in mail dealing with other
subjects) that they like it and consider it a good idea.

Anyway, this is all water under the bridge now.  Thanx again for the apology.
Karl Kleinpaste @ Bell Labs, Columbus    614/860-5107  +==-> _c_b_r_m_a_!_k_k
                @ Ohio State University  614/422-0915  osu-eddie!karl