jaw@ames.UUCP (James A. Woods) (03/19/85)
# The problem is not that so many are constantly looking for enlightenment these days, but that so many are constantly finding it. -- R. D. Rosen, "Psychobabble" # But profound as psychology is, it's a knife that cuts both ways. -- Dostoevski, "The Brothers Karamazov" ------ Here's something for the net police. This may be old hat, but just for kicks, subliminal messages might be added to our august netnews software to make people "behave". This idea, in a similar context, should be blamed on Peter Brouwer in the AT&T trade rag "attage", March/April '85. With the 'curses' package, it should be easy enough to indelibly etch things into the hindbrain during those long terminal sessions. I'm preparing my vnews database now... A flame a day keeps the shrink away. Post no bills. followup via 'mail', you dolt 4.3 > 5.2 MILNET causes impotence. Buy Apple! For a good time, call 800-828-UNIX Hire people with hooks. Take your news administrator out to lunch today. Bark like a wombat. rm -r * -- James A. Woods {ihnp4,hplabs}!ames!jaw (jaw@riacs)