[comp.windows.x] I need compiled sun3/4 InterViews or help building

datri@convex.com (Anthony A. Datri) (09/04/90)

I ftp'ed the 2.6 Interviews tar file from stanford

After fighting with it for a while, I got the included g++  to build.
Now, fighting with the IntewViews stuff itself, I get to the point of
trying to build the clients, and the best I can get is to ld complaining
that __main isn't defined, amidst lots of stuff about "-lC" and "-lgnulib"
and other confusion about which CC and which foo++ I want to use.

So I'm looking for

o) a pre-built Interviews tree for a Sun 3 and/or 4.


o) instructions on how I can build it for myself.  I've got a gcc, but no
   existing c++ or g++.

This has turned out to be an extraordinary hassle just to check out idraw.
I imagine that I'm probably doing something stupid, but please bear with me.


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