[comp.windows.x] bug in vtwm

fuller@kadsma.kodak.COM (Bill Fuller) (09/07/90)


	If you use your second mouse button which is mapped to f.move on a
delta on an iconed xterm, although the window does not deiconify, the virtual
desktop shows it as if it has.   Anyone else see this bug?  Any patches?

William H. Fuller		Dial: (716)-726-2311
Senior Systems Consultant	UUCP: ...!rochester!kodak!kadsma!fuller
Rochester, N.Y.			ARPA: fuller@kadsma.kodak.com

dme@doc.ic.ac.uk (Dave Edmondson) (09/07/90)

In article <1990Sep6.203637.10011@usenet@kadsma> fuller@kadsma.kodak.COM (Bill Fuller) writes:
fuller> If you use your second mouse button which is mapped to f.move on a
fuller> delta on an iconed xterm, although the window does not deiconify, the virtual
fuller> desktop shows it as if it has.   Anyone else see this bug?  Any patches?

I've seen it.  Should be fixed by the time the next vtwm makes it to

                            Dave Edmondson
Department of Computing, Imperial College, 180 Queen's Gate, London SW7 1BZ UK
               phone: 071-589-5111 x5085 fax: 071-581-8024
        dme@doc.ic.ac.uk, ..!ukc!icdoc!dme, dme@athena.mit.edu