[comp.windows.x] Debugging My Widgets..Help!!?

wood@maccs.dcss.mcmaster.ca (T_Rex) (09/12/90)

	Sorry to use up bandwidth if this is as simple as I hope it is :-) ,
but here goes....

	I've written a composite widget to perform display actions for an
application. Of course, it doesn't do what I want it to. This is ok, but I
can't seem to find a way to debug it under all those layers!

	I haven't had much experience programming in a windowing env., and
all the usual tricks don't work. Printing to stio, stderr, creating files with
descriptive names in problem areas, even system calls, don't seem to get me
anywhere when I try to debug.

	I'm working on a Sun 4 running under 4.1, using release 4 of X. I'd
appreciate any help or tips on debugging in such an environment.

Pete Wood			wood@maccs.dcss.mcmaster.ca
Dept. Comp. Sci. & Sys.
McMaster University,
Hamilton, Ont. Can.