[comp.windows.x] name and trademark status of various X and related entities

quasar@krazykat.ctt.bellcore.com (Laurence R. Brothers) (09/14/90)

What are the (current) official names and trademark states (ie, tm,
circle-r, etc.)
for (in no special order):

Motif (the style guide) [OSF, circle-r]
Motif (the toolkit) [OSF, circle-r]
X, X Window System [MIT, tm]
Xt Intrinsics [MIT, not a trademark?]
UIL [OSF, circle-r]
Xt+ (or is it OLIT?) [AT&T, circle-r]
NeWS [Sun, circle-r]
NDE [Sun, circle-r]
SunView [Sun, circle-r]
XView [Sun, circle-r]
OPEN LOOK [Unix Int'l, circle-r]
Open Windows [Sun, circle-r]
XNeWS [Sun, circle-r]
DECwindows [DEC, circle-r]
Presentation Manager [IBM, circle-r]

In brackets are what my current belief is. Please correct me on either
name, or the bracketed info.

I'd look at some random books, but I know some of the above have changed
in the 
last couple of years, and I'd rather get it from the horse's mouth, as it were.

	         Laurence R. Brothers (quasar@bellcore.com)
      Bellcore -- Computer Technology Transfer -- Knowledge-Based Systems