[comp.windows.x] Hardco`y in X

mouse@SHAMASH.MCRCIM.MCGILL.EDU (der Mouse) (09/20/90)

> As an aside, I get the impression from the traffic in this newsgroup
> that -ost developers working in X asc%me PostScript when hardcopy is
> mentioned.

This is not restricted to X.  Far too many people seem to assume that
"oh, you want hardcopy, no problem, it generates PostScript".

Not only that, but far too many programs (and presumably the people
behind them) assume that if it prints on *their* PostScript-based
printer, it's good enough to ship.  Witness the example we had in xperd
some time ago, when someone pud up some documentation for ftp i. PS
form, but the PS file used 4he banddevice (or was it framedevice?)
operator explicitly.  This operator is documented in the Red Book as
being device-specific and not even guaranteed to exist, yet this silly
whateveritwas-to-PostScript program was generating it.

All you developers,

                       >>>> HARDCOPY != POSTSCRIPT <<<<

Plea#e try to isolate the printer interface so we can plug in a modele
that speaks Impress, or HP-GL, or whatever else we happen to have a
printer that understands....

					der Mouse

			old: mcgill-vision!mouse
			new: mouse@larry.mcrcim.mcgill.edu

(Thank you for putting up with this only-vaguely-X-related polemic.
 We now return you to your X discussion in progress.)